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<acomodi> litghost, mithro: when you have some time, could you look at this https://github.com/SymbiFlow/vtr-verilog-to-routing/pull/36 on tile equivalence? Before proceeding with the other placer changes it would be good to check whether I am going into the right direction
<mkurc> @litghost I created a tool to traverse rr graph which allows to verify if a connection between two nodes is possible. And I verified that there is a possibility of connection between the SOURCE in the BLK_SY-GND and a CLB tile despite that the VPR throws an error. I checked using node indices as included in the error message.
<mkurc> The tool only cares only about node indices and edge to node indices. It does not check channel location and directions nor IPIN and OPIN directions.
<mkurc> BTW the graph traversal tool is still a WIP. I will be able to push it tomorrow.
mkurc: Okay, that matches what happened when I first connected the constant network
Title: Routing failure on global channel structure · Issue #520 · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)
mkurc: kem_ did submit a fix for the constant routing that was require, but unclear if that is what is going on
mkurc: All you did was shift the entire grid, yes?
Weird :|
<mkurc> @litghost Yes what i did was shfit the grid 2 tiles to the right.
mkurc: It's very confusing why that would break things, we must be missing something
mkurc: The details routing output might provide a hint
mkurc: I might finish up the FF CE/SR changes today, so I can dig into what is going on with your PR. Any new commits on the PR that haven't been pushed?
<mkurc> Though I am not 100% sure whether the grid shift implementation is correct. Lets say I am 99.9% sure that it is correct.
<mkurc> I will try with the kem's suggestion
<mkurc> Actually what is weird is when i shift the grid to the east I got an error but when I shift to the north I got no error...
<mkurc> @litghost I didn't push anything new
mkurc: Definitely take a look at the detailed routing output, something must be different :(
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hackerfoo: And if you are correct that there isn't a reason to use it, then there is no need to add back RAM32X1D synthesis to Yosys
hackerfoo: However there is not reason not to support the primative, in case someone used one in their design
I'm guessing that it makes routing easier by not connecting those two address pins.
hackerfoo: Another option to consider is to tech map the RAM32X1D to the RAM64X1D and let yosys further techmap down to the our VPR primatives
hackerfoo: Sure, but yosys would've tied the pins to VCC anyways, and VCC ties on those lines are "free" and the default state of the hardware
That must be interpreted incorrectly, or BI is being enabled implicitly?
Hold on a minute
That FASM output only has 2 RAM instances
Is the RAM32X1D located in just one LUT?
With O5 as DPO/SPO and O6 as the other?
That is a significant different
And not what I modelled
That seems to contradict the datasheet.
But there's not much information on 32X1D. It just says it takes 2 LUTs.
hackerfoo: Okay. Check the routing resources display on the Vivado output and see what is the actually placement
hackerfoo: E.g. Where is the SPO and DPO lines?
mithro: I discovered those tests when I started looking reorganizing the code. Currently I think CI only runs on top level utils/
elms: Yeah
hackerfoo: So I started thinking about the idea of having a "library" of flipflop objects in symbiflow-arch-defs which we map the Xilinx primitives to
Both RAM32X1Ds seem to map to those same two LUTs.
hackerfoo: Which lines are the SPO and DPO?
hackerfoo: I think what is happening is that RAM + SMALL makes two RAM32 instances per LUT
hackerfoo: You were asking why RAM32X1D, well you can pack 2 RAM32X1D per LUT pair
hackerfoo: Assuming I'm reading what is happening correctly
hackerfoo: The key is thinking about a LUT6 as really just two LUT5's with a mux at the output
Ah, so 1 takes 2 LUTs, but you can fit a second one in for free?
hackerfoo: That's the theory
hackerfoo: If that is correct, then the two outputs on the top LUT should be inst1.SPO and inst2.SPO
hackerfoo: Checkout LUT6_2 in the 7-series library
hackerfoo: It has diagram that is pretty useful
hackerfoo: If I5 is tied high, then the two LUT5 instances can be considered indepedent
SPOs are O5/6 from DLUT, and DPOs are from CLUT.
hackerfoo: Yep, that matches the theory
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None of this explains why 32X1D doesn't work in VPR, right? I think I need to look at the routing.
hackerfoo: True, VPR should be able to pack 1 of them (instead of both)
hackerfoo: Check which address lines were being used
hackerfoo: The high bit should be unused
mkurc: I've got top_bram_n2 in Vivado simulating, and I'm starting to debug it. I can see that the fsm_pulse_cnt isn't incrementing, but debugging is going pretty slow