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I'd like to meet all'yall open source hardware hackers at FOSDEM. Is there a particularly popular place to stay for this crowd i.e. hotel recommendation?
(I'm meanwhile setting up my dev env... learning to solder, going to make a power supply board, then going to try and put my ECP5 BGA and 10G ethernet PHY BGAs onto a first simple board of some kind...)
I did catch fpgadave's talk about Project Trellis last year but I was mostly hanging out with the software networking crowd beyond that.
definitely not in december ...
er, feb :-
I went last year but felt it was a little too busy to actually attend a lot of the talks I wanted to see
you just can't change room ...
pick one, go in the morning, leave in the evening.
I think if you're going, it's a lot for the social
I know ticketing it would go against the principles but they either need to get a bigger venue or limit the number of people that can go
The Trellis talk last year was great :)
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Software networking room was a bit of a disaster last year. Small room with bad A/V. Most of the people in the room couldn't hear the talk and were only there to hold their seat for one of the other talks coming later.
but that's part of the charm of FOSDEM I suppose :) created a pretty good hallway track
I suppose also that since nobody has name tags your best bet for finding like-minded people is to loiter around outside relevant devrooms and chat to other people who are interested in the topic but couldn't get a seat :)
ZirconiumX: so how it works is, operator== compares by identity (or by value for const signals)
Right, I see
but since wires in modules can be assigned to each other (which is represented by module->connections), and you usually want this to be transparent in your passes, the SigMap util is used
you construct a SigMap from a module, and it maps every SigBit to a "canonical" one from the assigned-to-each-other set
then to compare two signals, you do sigmap(a) == sigmap(b)
where sigmap is your pre-constructed SigMap object
and you have to be careful to not invalidate SigMap before you stop using it
(which is not that hard, as long as you don't add/remove connections)
* mwk
feels the whole thing to be a mess, but eh
* mwk
would really love the whole thing to be more SSAish and have a single well-defined instantly-accessible driver for every wire
gimme LLVM :3
Context: I'm writing an ALM packing pass. I realise Yosys is the wrong place to put this, but lacking nextpnr support and Quartus stubbornly refusing Yosys output, I'd like some way of obtaining ALM numbers
Plus this gives me practice for writing Yosys passes, so
I feel like the most realistic numbers would come from representing the cells as layers of a tree and then trying to pack each layer
uh what?
...This is going to need a diagram, isn't it?
Now, LUT3 depends on the output of LUT 1, so you might not be able to fuse LUT 3 into LUT 1
But you could try to pack LUT 1 and LUT 2 together
why not?
I mean, if they are otherwise fusable?
* ZirconiumX
sighs and reaches for the output of `show` because apparently this is not realistic enough
Note the "might not" there
yes, but why does the fact that LUT 3 depends on LUT 1 matter?
I mean, worse case, you'll just have a path straight from ALM output to its own input?
I thought combinational loops were a bad thing
they are, but it's not going to be a real combinational loop
Okay, then clearly I don't know anything here.
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AFAIK, Quartus/Synplify starts the ALM packing by mapping logic using ALM legal constraints (2 4-input luts, 1 6-output luts, 1 5-input lut + 1 3-input lut, etc), then the Quartus fitter place these instances correctly. I have no deep details honestly, but that's the pattern I've seen.
For instance; ALUT usage by number of inputs
I sent this paper to mwk, but it's quite useful here too
I have a rough formula for ALM packing, but I'm looking for generally more realistic numbers.
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hello; I am new to yosys - but read the documentation ~80%
is it possible to synthetize a design using only toffoli gates?
and without any classic gates
(nand, nor, not)
(toffoli gate are universal reverible gates - and they have 3 in/ 3 out)
cznwhale: Probably not very well. You can synthesise to arbitrary gate libraries with abc and liberty files but that only maps single output gates
ie it would only use the final output of the Toffoli gate and not the "route throughs"
can you point me in some documentation what is a "gate library"?
I tried some experiments
if I remove from the liberty file the nor for example (and leave the not and nand)
the output netlist will corectly contain only not and nand
but if I remove the not
an internal error in the abc will pop out
ABC requires a not gate and a buffer in a liberty file
but why this limitation
a NOT is very simple build with a NAND
There's no reason, just ABC expecting a typical gate library
You could always use techmap afterwards to convert the NOT to a NAND
ie a real world ASIC gate library would always have NOT and buffer cells, and I guess ABC didn't consider more obscure applications
so in fact there is no flexibility in the final netlist
I refer that the liberty file does not alow much things to be variable
maybe only the names of the gates
but not the functions
You can go add things beyond the gates
But ABC is fairly limited here because this part of ABC was designed for ASIC synthesis.
cznwhale: you can have a totally variable set of gates
There is only one ABC requirement and that is that the set of gates must include not
The workaround is to use Yosys techmap to convert that not into whatever you want
and use extensions for my exotic gate functions, right?
You don't need to use any extensions
Standard liberty functions should be fine
maybe I didn't understand right the whole flow
I saw in the example of synth script
that the ABC is called almost the last command
Yes, that's usually the case
(actually the last is an "opt")
Yosys is a series of passes. You can call any of these passes in whatever order you want
The previous commands tend to be doing higher level (eg word level) transformations
but if I want to have in the final netlist an exotic gate
ABC will not handle it
Then you will probably want techmap after abc to deal with the NOT case
I must put some other final command for yosys to do the replacement
That is "techmap"
thank you very much!
ABC is limited to single-output gates. Since I worked on targeting 7400-series logic chips, my solution was a post-processing pass that merged single-output gates into a chip
the post-process was your own?
or a yosys command
Well, specifically it was pepijndevos' idea; a Python script that operated on the Yosys netlist.