ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> meanwhile I'm starting to be annoyed by this K-25m thing — the shop I got it from won't look at it until after I contact Roland (they think I'm asking for instructions, not repairs) and my brother says to give up on it and just buy a battery-powered portable MIDI keyboard; and I still have no idea how to take the cable out (I see some stuff with numbers on the obbtom of th ecase, though...)
<andlabs> Lord_Nightmare: where did you get the ifnormation that the cable might be in backwards anyway?
<andlabs> meanwhile, today in Style and/or Aesthetic
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<andlabs> [13:43:36] <+andlabs>fucking roland can't make a USB MIDI cable that doesn't require a proprietary driver
<andlabs> [13:43:51] <+andlabs>I wonder if I should go ahead and install the driver or buy another one of those cheap M-AUDIO ones that IIRC don't need a driver
<andlabs> [13:48:00] <+andlabs>option 3: spend another $80-$120 on a yamaha CBX-K1 and wait for it to arrive, but I'm not sur ehow much more I can spend
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<ej5> $4300!
<superctr_> a steal
* cr1901_modern wishes he coulkd help w/ andlabs woes... I feel your pain :(
<cr1901_modern> And yes indeed
<cr1901_modern> Sound card prices approach MFM hard drive prices
<cr1901_modern> Think I saw a Priam going for about that much money in 2011
<cr1901_modern> Btw, the tweet you link to is gone: Do you know what it said? I seem to recall Barret Brown... not being a nice dude
<cr1901_modern> (who has been through some bad stuff)
<whitequark> his account is suspended
<superctr_> someone talks shit on their personal twitter account, so what
<whitequark> predictably, twitter keeps defending fash
<superctr_> wait, you are defending him
<cr1901_modern> Oh fuck I can't believe I posted that in here
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Sorry that was meant to be a privmsg
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<cr1901_modern> Anyways, yep Twitter having no idea how to run itself. In other news, grass is green
<superctr_> well, it is a little funny considering the right wingers tend to complain about twitter not being on "their side" when it comes to enforcement, anyway
<superctr_> when they manage to piss off all sides, i guess the moderation works :P
<cr1901_modern> They want the ability to spew their bile without anyone calling them out on it w/ righteous anger. More so than the ability to spew their bile w/o consequences (which they already have)
<cr1901_modern> The right's interest in free speech is a diversion; they'll happily take it away in order to enforce their morality on others the first change they get ._.
<superctr_> they already have an echo chamber, not everyone wants that, that's why they use twitter
<cr1901_modern> superctr_: Btw, have you seen ValleyBell recently?
<superctr_> he's on vacation
<cr1901_modern> ahhh cool
<superctr_> <ValleyBell> (I'll be coming back on the 24th.)
<superctr_> so tomorrow then
<cr1901_modern> Oh whoops
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<cr1901_modern1> There's a few ppl (not naming names in here- ask if you want to know) who I would actually want in here for their technical views feedback, but their politics are right wing enough (Shapiro/Peterson/Trump lovers) that I haven't invited them. Not worth any technical contributions they could give.
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<superctr_> well, i think that is sad
<superctr_> politics have nothing to do with yamaha synths
<cr1901_modern1> I know, but in practice politics always finds a way to seep in
<superctr_> well, there you can draw a line
<superctr_> it is not uncommon to have a rule against discussing politics
<cr1901_modern1> superctr_: FWIW, I have a contingency. All I said was I haven't invited them. If they ended up finding this room anyway, that's not grounds for telling them to get out.
<cr1901_modern1> But the moment they start spewing bile like transphobia/homophobia, discussing whether swaths of people deserve rights because of factors they can't control, they're gone
<cr1901_modern1> I would like to avoid fighting tho, so I personally haven't invited said ppl :/
<superctr_> fair enough
<cr1901_modern1> Btw, I don't ban politics in this room lol. If you look at my disaster of a Twitter acct, 80% of my tweets are RTs about how shit everything is. But that msg to wq was indeed meant to be private
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