ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<Lord_Nightmare> whitequark: wow, i had thought the package got lost
<Lord_Nightmare> since it vanished from the registered mail registry
<Lord_Nightmare> i guess it got found
<whitequark> i would hope so
<andlabs> what's the package? o.o
<whitequark> i don't remember anymore
<andlabs> excellent
<Lord_Nightmare> its a flat package containing an original dip ym2413 from the first year or so of production, and a SDIP64 hd6301Y0
<Lord_Nightmare> the 6301y0 may have visible ROM on decap, not clear. the ym2413 may or may not; we don't have any decaps of a VERIFIED real ym2413 chip yet
<Lord_Nightmare> the later ym2413 derivatives use implant ROM (fhb013/ymf281, and vrc7)
<andlabs> ok
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<cr1901> ej5: Curse meaning: packages negotiated to be sent/recv'd from this room tend to not make it to their destinations
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<Lord_Nightmare> whitequark: the hd6301y0 is from a PSS-170 or PSS-270, i believe the same MCU is used on both keyboards, with one of the pins tied high or low to select which 'mode' the button/key scan thing runs in
<Lord_Nightmare> i believe there is some way to extract the contents digitally, but it hasn't been figured out yet
<Lord_Nightmare> i'd love to get it emulated
<Lord_Nightmare> ej5: in your clean room rewrite of the ct-dsp are you going to fix the buggy command 0x5* stuff?
<andlabs> hey that synth tutorial cr1901 linked the other day maps remarkably closely to the Roland SH-101 (or in my case the Roland Boutique SH-01A)
<andlabs> he's not here right now but I might as well say
<andlabs> it even uses MIDI CC messages for each parameter so I could theoretically recreate it as not a browser page
<ej5> Lord_Nightmare, that's up to cr1901.
<andlabs> also now I understnad a bit more how MIDI devices work so I might not need a fully custom MIDI sequencer DAW program... but it appears both GarageBand and Logic Pro X make serious assumptions about what MIDI CCs do what and that won't b ecompatible with that...
<andlabs> okay the Ardour manual talks about bank MSB and LSB values being CC #0 and #32, which is the same as the Roland D-05, but is NOT in the non-General MIDI spec???
<andlabs> it also talks about MIDNAM files, which are apparently an XML-based description with a DTD that is both part of the MIDI standard and also available from Ardour's source code, but I can't find any instructions on how to correctly make them, and the ones for the other D series keyboards work differently
<andlabs> [16:53:03] <+andlabs>oh cool the latest version of zynaddsubfx finally dropped "gpl2 only" and is now "gpl2 or newer" (though it also adopted the "you must pay for a precompiled binary" model, so :/ )
<andlabs> [16:53:11] <+andlabs>now we just need alsamodularsynth to do the same
<andlabs> [16:53:17] <+andlabs>(the "gpl2 or newer" part)
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