ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
TD-Linux: okay so, it doesn't use the registers because the clock input is always low
so i *think* i can read it like a ROM
i just need some comparators
whitequark, cool, that's not surprising as it sounds like it's an address decoder
btw i just added a glasgow applet for reading 27x/28x
very nice
can you test it on smth?
i bet you have some of those
yeah I do, let me look in my parts bin
I expect the pal inputs to be the high address lines and there to be an output for the OE of various chips
you might be able to just reconstruct it based on the memory map in the board's documentation
TD-Linux: hrm
okei i can try that
(there's a chance it handles IO space too which would make it a bit harder, but you can check just by seeing if it's attached to the enable of the gpio chip)
found some 2732's
interesting, I wrote a jpg to one of these a long time ago and it's no longer decodeable
are you sure it's the ROM?
it could be glasgow!
like, that's why i asked you to test it :)
this isn't even related to the applet
yeah I probably should have used my laptop
whitequark, cool it works. (sorry for the brief glasgow troubleshooting)
TD-Linux: thanks! gonna take the preview mark off it then
whitequark, I might suggest cranking up the default read latency
with the eeprom I have here, 250ns is marginal
huh really?
what's the p/n
NEC D2732D. I don't have a datasheet for it but a similar one says 200ns access time
but another says 450ns
wtf ok
(these are really old, I have them for a dot matrix printer...)
TD-Linux: done
lol and i thought 250 ns is conservative
I'm not sure if you'd consider this in scope but an applet that read 1 bit at a time and prompted you to move the wire, then assembled the bits together would be handy
TD-Linux: i feel like this should be solved by one of "revD", "revC GPIO expander", or "manually move the jumpers for high bits"
esp the last one seems much less error prone as you can easily verify that you are getting *some* valid data
yeah I think those are the best solution. (though setting high bits needs lots more reads then reading 1 data bit at a time)
another thing i was actually considering is having the memory-27x applet have a *step output*
so you'd hook up like a 74xx counter to it
i guess that sorta breaks the addressing logic
I think more people would have 74xx shift registers on hand
the problem with 74xx shift registers is that dumping a 16 bit EEPROM with that can't be done
as you need clock+data
i guess you could dump it twice as 8bit
TD-Linux: okei
i will add a shift register capability i think
seems easy enough
i have a metric fuckton of ROMs i can't easily dump, too
worst case you could use a shift register for data too
i guess
TD-Linux: wait, are there 16 bit ROMs?
yes definitely. though it's far more common to use 2 8 bit ROMs
any link?
whitequark, 27c160
a lot of them support reading in byte mode though
TD-Linux: so i'm planning to make an adapter with a ZIF socket
it seems like D0..7, CE, OE are in standard locations
there are some mask roms with that pinout that I don't think support the BYTE line
oh yeah talking about just the 8 bit ones for now
what worries me is ~WE
but it seems like if i tie ~OE low, then i don't need to care about ~WE?
which chip's WE are you concerned about