ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<TD-Linux> the interface I'd expect would be to be to use a PGM pin if specified, otherwise CE
<TD-Linux> I don't know how much you want pin specifications to influence behavior but it's already a pattern in the current interface
<whitequark> that's fine if they do
<whitequark> PGM is the same thing as WE, right?
<whitequark> more or less?
<whitequark> i might have to assign CE as logical OR of OE and WE
<TD-Linux> seems so. looks like for the flash you can assert ce and we in whatever order you want
<whitequark> alrighty
<TD-Linux> also looks like all of these require data to be valid for the entire time that we/pgm/e is low
<whitequark> yeah, that seems like something i should definitely assume
<whitequark> TD-Linux: the best part about your cursed EPROM is that GVpp=Vih doesn't do anything
<whitequark> they could have actually make it work with just E and three levels
<whitequark> TD-Linux: okay, please check if what i'm saying sounds sane
<whitequark> - i should have three pins (all optional), CE, WE, and OE. CE=WE|OE (logical levels used here, as usual)
<whitequark> - i should have an "access" timing, which is the delay between any control or address pin change to data out
<whitequark> actually, not quite
<whitequark> argh
<TD-Linux> "access" (for writes) should probably be the delay between address and data change to change of a control line
<TD-Linux> (including when deasserted, though looks like chips like at29c010a have no hold time so technically you could go faster by specifying that as well)
<whitequark> i feel like my brain needs to operate at 200% to understand this
<whitequark> suddenly, the cost of a tl866 seems much more reasonable
<TD-Linux> me reading any timing diagram ever
<TD-Linux> yeah also just in hardware, the tl866 can put vpp on a variety of pins so there's a lot of discrete parts jammed in
<whitequark> yep, seen that
<TD-Linux> most "classic" eprom programmers align the chip on the bottom, which is I think primarily to reduce the vpp possibilities
<whitequark> if i ever do the glasgow cpld adapter thing, i'll just ask the user to put vpp on the right pin manually
<whitequark> among other things i think this would reduce opportunity for human error
<TD-Linux> I don't know what safety checks commercial programmers do but one might be to raise vpp slowly and make sure that vcc doesn't rise with it
<whitequark> so
<whitequark> i could theoretically do it
<whitequark> but the massive high voltage analog mux is really not one of the parts i want to design or debug or be responsible for in any way
<TD-Linux> I think if you align parts to the bottom it might be only one or very few pins
<whitequark> it's definitely not one
<whitequark> as i think they are usually in upper left corner?
<cr1901_modern> TD-Linux: Re: safety checjs... on TL-866, there's a forward-biased diode on every Vcc line. The Vdd line is open-collector. The Vpp line has nothing special. With this setup, if you enable multiple voltage drivers, the highest voltage wins without damaging the circuit.
<whitequark> the concern here is about damaging the flash, right?
<whitequark> these days i don't care so much about the programmer (which is replaceable) but about the flash (which is often not)
<cr1901_modern> On TL866, there are definitely pins with both Vcc and Vpp drivers. I don't recall any circuitry that can protect against feeding an I/O pin with incorrect voltage.
<cr1901_modern> And Vpp doesn't go low enough to do what TD-Linux described on TL866
<cr1901_modern> Oh right: the output drivers can be disabled at rail granularity.
<TD-Linux> damaging flash during read is definitely bad
<TD-Linux> damaging flash during write isn't quite as bad but best avoided of course
<TD-Linux> as another protection I'd assume the vpp boost converter was under software control and would be off unless writing specifically an eprom
<cr1901_modern> There's 8 voltage levels for the boost converter on tl866. It's software controllable, but I think the rail disable is the only way to disable its output; there's no turning the converter off
<TD-Linux> I'm describing what I'd want, not what the tl866 does
<cr1901_modern> oh sorry
<TD-Linux> (deciding these tradeoffs is a bit far away, I'm just Opinionating)
<cr1901_modern> digshadow, davidc__, and I had discussed using greenpaks as analog muxes plus FPGA to implement an open EPROM programmer- and to avoid the PIC firmware. But we concluded it's not worth it.
<cr1901_modern> ... oh, you're already in #proghq :P
<TD-Linux> do greenpaks go high enough voltage for that?
<cr1901_modern> I _think_ I'm misremembering their role, tbh. It was davidc__'s idea.
<whitequark> TD-Linux: no
<whitequark> TD-Linux: okay, lemme try to make sense of these waveforms again
* whitequark stares more at the datasheet
<whitequark> TD-Linux: maybe three basic timings?
<whitequark> "read setup", which is the time between CE/OE negedge and address change, whichever is greatest, to stable output
<whitequark> "write setup", which is the time between CE/WE negedge and address/data change, whichever is greatest, to WE posedge
<whitequark> and "write hold", which is the time between WE posedge to the next write or, more likely, busy polling
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<Lord_Nightmare> whitequark: the eprom applet should really use the /CE pin since some oddball mask roms at least latch the address on the falling edge of /CE
<Lord_Nightmare> the mask roms on the ibm 5150, 5160, and maybe the MDA and CGA cards are like this
<Lord_Nightmare> so if you don't pulse /ce high-low after updating the address, the ROM dump is just byte 0 repeated over and over
<whitequark> Lord_Nightmare: yes, that's the idea
<whitequark> make /CE=/OE&/WE
<whitequark> just in the case it matters
<TD-Linux> that sounds ok
<TD-Linux> defaulting write hold to read setup looks like it would work in most stuff too
<whitequark> TD-Linux: i got writes!
<whitequark> no polling yet, hmm
<TD-Linux> excellent
<TD-Linux> well for eprom there is no polling :)
<whitequark> oh, really?
<TD-Linux> my tl866 does do a verify after each byte is written but it stops if it detects an error
<TD-Linux> (even on flash I thought the polling was only for erases?)
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> this flash doesn't have separate erase
<whitequark> it works like an i2c eeprom
<whitequark> except instead of start/stop you just have a 150 us timer
<TD-Linux> ah ok I see
<whitequark> i actually have no idea what algorithms look like
<whitequark> can you link me several separate flashes and EEPROMs you think are good?
<whitequark> from different vendors
<TD-Linux> sure (though flash in small dip packages is sort of uncommon)
<TD-Linux> also maybe not "good" but at least "common"
<whitequark> oh i was memeing off "here are some tweets i think are good. do you like this"
<TD-Linux> here's an example of the more common CFI-style flashes I come across (tsop48 so maybe not directly relevant)
<whitequark> oh yeah i know about CFI
<whitequark> CFI is easy, i'm interested in pre-CFI
<TD-Linux> so apparently a bunch of the eeproms I have on hand *do* actually have "express programming", which requires "polling" of a sort (more like retrying the program a bunch)
<whitequark> huh
<whitequark> wait, that's a eprom, no?
<TD-Linux> *eproms
<TD-Linux> yes
<TD-Linux> sorry I'm bouncing around a bit, looking through my stuff
<whitequark> right ok thats fine
<TD-Linux> ok I guess my 2732 stash was really the odd ones out. every single eprom I've found other than that has had some variety of the write-10-times algorithm
<TD-Linux> with a different name every time
<whitequark> hm
<TD-Linux> personally I like amd's "flashrite"
<TD-Linux> especially because it's not flash
<TD-Linux> also I have yet to find any flashes without cfi-style writes
<TD-Linux> (although some of them are pre cfi technically)
<TD-Linux> yeah I saw that and have been looking for similar flashes, but haven't found any
<whitequark> right ok
<TD-Linux> in particular all the ones I found have separate erase commands and byte/word granularity write
<whitequark> oh
<TD-Linux> aha I found one. well it's still separate but it uses non-CFI commands. a CSI CAT28F020P
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<whitequark> oh
<whitequark> oh that one is hvp only
<whitequark> oh god damn it this is horrible
<cr1901_modern> HVP? Like 18-21V?
<whitequark> no, >5V
<whitequark> anything >5V is HVP to me lol
<cr1901_modern> That's perfectly fair.
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<whitequark> hey!!!!
<whitequark> i found the BIOS image of the chip i was reading
<whitequark> with `health sweep` yesterday
<whitequark> it matches bit for bit
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<Lofty> Congrats
<whitequark> thanks :)
<cr1901_modern> Excellent work :D
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<whitequark> hmmm
<whitequark> Lord_Nightmare: i don't think the oscillations contribute to the way bits are recognizd
<whitequark> or at least
<whitequark> hmmmmmm
<whitequark> so the thing is
<whitequark> i figured out under which conditions it oscillates
<whitequark> and those are *super weird*
<whitequark> what you have to do is to excite the output buffers by using the shift registers i have at the right frequency (!)
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<whitequark> wait, no
<whitequark> that's wrong
<whitequark> i just got confused by a slightly different reading algorithm that didn't read bytes in the same order
<whitequark> frequency doesn't matter much
<whitequark> okay, i found out something fascinating
<whitequark> the likelihood of getting unstable words when reading is increased by two things
<whitequark> - keeping OE low between bytes
<whitequark> - reading bytes in random order, not just some stable
<whitequark> *stable one
<whitequark> however, no matter whether i get 1000 unstable words or 100, the voltage at which they stop oscillating is basically the same
<whitequark> to me, this implies that the unstable words i get is the number of intrinsically unstable words * the probability of metastability turning into oscillation
<andlabs> "health swee"?
<andlabs> *sweep
<whitequark> andlabs: "keep undervolting by 50 mV until all words read stable"
<andlabs> oh I thought you meant you found an image that someone else made on the internet
<andlabs> heh
<andlabs> to verify yours
<whitequark> andlabs: i did that first
<whitequark> it was a BIOS flash
<andlabs> ok
<whitequark> after i sweep, what i read matches what ASUS distributes bit for bit
<whitequark> but i have to sweep first
<andlabs> ah
<andlabs> heh
<andlabs> anyway I might as well post this here given the nature of recent discussions
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [26.07.20 14:11] I need to investigate retro PC compatibles of some sort
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [26.07.20 14:11] I would like a NuXT but they had something ugly on their site that made not want to do business with the maker
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [26.07.20 14:12] and of course they changed everyhting so it' snot there anymore
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [26.07.20 14:12] there has to be some alternative
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [26.07.20 14:12] and yes, specifically to run Windows 3.x, because I have several old Win16 music programs to run
<whitequark> regarding my earlier statement that there are "bitrotten EPROMs", that was incorrect
<whitequark> it was just a signal integrity issue i did not investigate well enough
<whitequark> so i only have "bitrotten Flash"
<whitequark> at the moment anyhow
<cr1901_modern> The hell is a Z8018008? ._.
<fseidel> well, when a Z80 and an 8008 love each other very much...
<whitequark> yes, it's really written on the chip
<cr1901_modern> Huh...
<whitequark> histograms!
<cr1901_modern> Why does it stop at 151683?
<whitequark> that's the true data
<cr1901_modern> Ahhh so once 151683 is reached the whole EPROM was read correctly?
<whitequark> basically yes
<whitequark> for this specific flash i do not have the gold image
<whitequark> but that's generally how `health sweep` works
<Lord_Nightmare> whitequark so read the bytes in an NLFSR order
<Lord_Nightmare> so you can get 2^n bytes
<Lord_Nightmare> you'll need to store a little table of the taps for various length NLFSRs and the 'extra sticky state'
<Lord_Nightmare> since an lfsr hits (2^n)-1 states
<Lord_Nightmare> an nlfsr hits all 2^n
<Lord_Nightmare> by explicitly checking for the 'almost all zeroes' state and forcing an all zero in, then detecing the all zero state and forcing a 1 in
<Lord_Nightmare> the tms1000 uses this for its program counter so it hits all 64 bytes on a page
<whitequark> Lord_Nightmare: wait what
<Lord_Nightmare> instead of 63 like the sharp mcus do
<whitequark> i'm confused
<Lord_Nightmare> an optimal length linear feedback shift register produces a pseudorandom series of values proportional to its length using shifts, XORs and inverts only
<Lord_Nightmare> but because of math reasons, it can never actually hold a value of all zeroes or it gets stuck at that state
<whitequark> right, sure
<whitequark> i don't understand how it's related to this issue
<Lord_Nightmare> oh, you said reading addresses in order can make bad bytes more common
<Lord_Nightmare> so read them in a pseudorandom order instead
<whitequark> oh, nlfsr won't work for that
<Lord_Nightmare> i guess you can just explicitly read address 0 first, then start the lfsr at 1
<whitequark> i need to randomize *transitions* from reading byte x to reading byte y
<Lord_Nightmare> so, maximal number of addres bit flips?
<whitequark> no
<Lord_Nightmare> like a sort of grey code?
<whitequark> i'm kinda going for maximal number of *data* bit flip
<whitequark> since that seems to excite the oscillators and make metastability clear
<whitequark> except i don't actually know what the data is
<whitequark> so i just randomize the entire order in a few different ways
<Lord_Nightmare> i know for roms with dirty legs, sometimes when you pass the 0x7ff->0x800 transition on address, the first byte or two after that reads bad due to sharp voltage swing because of all the pins suddenly being pulled low
<whitequark> ahh
<Lord_Nightmare> usually this happens if VCC is making a poor connection
<whitequark> that seems separate
<andlabs> cr1901_modern: fart stock