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<_florent_> sb0: that could be worth giving a try to the full design with serwb on your boards, but i think there is still something i need to figure out
<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#106 (icmp_socket_passthru - 827f962 : Egor Karavaev): The build passed.
<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#107 (icmp_socket_passthru - 6d55140 : Egor Karavaev): The build has errored.
<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#108 (icmp_socket_passthru - 2cfa089 : Egor Karavaev): The build passed.
<GitHub0> [smoltcp] batonius opened pull request #78: Don't end ICMP packet processing with ICMP sockets. (master...icmp_socket_passthru)
<cr1901_modern> "and in a *lot* of cases, the tool is just monumentally stupid for what you’re trying to do: because *there’s no way to tell it* what you’re trying to do."
<cr1901_modern> I wonder how true this is, having not actually really used the GUI
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<GitHub110> [smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on pull request #78 2cfa089: Might be more readable to just write this out
<GitHub188> [smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on pull request #78 2cfa089: This IP is used multiple times. Might be worthwhile to make this a variable that is used.
<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#109 (ignored_arps - 3f7c347 : Egor Karavaev): The build passed.
<GitHub196> [smoltcp] batonius opened pull request #79: Make socket errors in `socket_egress` non-critical. (master...ignored_arps)
<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#110 (ignored_arps - e5b8a05 : Egor Karavaev): The build passed.
<GitHub130> [smoltcp] batonius commented on pull request #78 844641f: Agree.
<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#111 (icmp_socket_passthru - 844641f : Egor Karavaev): The build passed.
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<GitHub196> [smoltcp] batonius commented on issue #79: False alarm, the issue is with ICMP sockets not setting `device_result` in `socket_egress`, `Error::Unaddressable` in `device_result` is already being ignored. Will add the fix to #78.
<GitHub159> [smoltcp] batonius closed pull request #79: Make socket errors in `socket_egress` non-critical. (master...ignored_arps)
dlrobertson has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1]
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<travis-ci> batonius/smoltcp#112 (icmp_socket_passthru - df1c204 : Egor Karavaev): The build passed.
<GitHub118> [smoltcp] batonius commented on issue #78: **Problem 2**: ICMP sockets don't update `device_result` in `socket_egress`, so their `Error::Unaddressable` isn't ignored, resulting in early returns from `socket_egress` and `poll`, preventing the second from processing ARP responses, which results in ARP flood until the socket is open....
<GitHub61> [smoltcp] batonius commented on issue #78: **Problem 2**: ICMP sockets don't update `device_result` in `socket_egress`, so their `Error::Unaddressable` isn't ignored, resulting in early returns from `socket_egress` and `poll`, preventing the second from processing ARP responses, which results in ARP flood while the socket is open....
<GitHub38> [smoltcp] batonius commented on issue #78: @whitequark By the way, why do we break from the loop in `socket_egress` on `Error::Unaddressable`? There could be other sockets left with endpoints resolved, and by breaking here we prevent them from sending packets until all the sockets before them have their destinations resolved.