FelixVi2: The llvm targer for lm32 doesn't work, so yes both llvm/gcc compilers are compatible w/ misoc
default is 0xa000. Do you think this will work or is this a problem as memory blocks in flash start overlapping?
I don't have the mental bandwidth tonight for the other q's :(
no worries, I'm making some progress
looks like everything is working under cygwin
I just don't have a good feel for whether I'm breaking stuff as I'm trying to get it to work :)
Will try to run it on a papilio tomorrow - unfortunately that's the only board from the target list that I currently have
plan will be to migrate to a LX45 with 512Mb SDRAM, so a lot of these issues should go away
To get things to work, I applied the python3.6 patch and changed the flash size setting for the bios block - hopefully that doesn't break things
will be back tomorrow morning... thanks for the help!
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #850: The log level is in ``expid["log_level"]``. It expects an integer with the same conventions as the Python logging module, e.g. ``logging.WARNING``. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/850#issuecomment-345161806
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Does anybody have insight into the rom issue with papilio? Any hint will be appreciated :)
what are the two numbers in --integrated-rom-size arguments?
there should be only the size
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the other one appears to be cpu_reset_address
I'm writing up an issue with more details
When gateware is compiled and one uploads the bitfile, there should be a bios prompt that can be seen via serial, correct?
then something must have gotten broken on the way here
is it easiest to get help in here or is submitting a new issue on this the preferred way?
let me start writing up exactly how I got here, that needs to happen anyways
but I think I'm pretty close - it's probably something minor somewhere
wait a second - does one need to upload top.bit and a rom image to different memory locations?
please add the full code. otherwise this is tedious to reproduce.
the spi flash should not be your issue if you are using the integrated rom.
yes. bios/rom needs to be after the bitstream in the flash at the correct address.
i bet that is the problem
should there be an uploader generated based on xc3sprog?
yes, or openocd.
I can't seem to find it - it's not generated by build_top.bat
does it not show up when you use the --no-compile-gateware flag?
how do you tell if target uses BIOS execute-in-place?
the bios is in misoc*/software/bios/
if you don't specify an integrated-rom-size, it expects the bios in the flash and does xip.
that bin file need to go to some flash address, right?
the spi flash is mapped to 0x0000, i.e. you need to put it at the reset address. the defaults should all be ok. there should not be any code writing you need to do.
so, flash boot address is where that goes
sorry, this is confusing - default for papilio is registering rom
so is this using flash and xip or integrated rom?
does integrated rom mean it's using bram? So in this case there'd only be one programming file?
flash xip (it says "spiflash")
yes. integrated rom is rom integrated into the bitstream (bram). yes
so the easiest test would then be to allocate sufficient rom and upload
let me try that
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rjo, that worked - there's a bios prompt
but it says sL5DdSMmkekro Timeout No Boot medium found
maybe that's normal - is there any documentation on where to go next?
the serialboot command returns timeout
the sL5... is the magic to upload your runtime over serial (use flterm.py). otherwise it'll try the flash and there is nothing there.
i.e. you are done. could you check whether your issues are still applicable?
rjo, both issues are still applicable
I'll see if I can fix the Cygwin problem myself
the papilio rom size is a minor things that one of you might be able to fix when you push next
it's just one character that needs to be changed - if rom size doesn't interact with anything else... I just wasn't too sure
rjo, is there some tutorial that allows you to print to console or switch I/O pins on and off?
apart from that, I have opened issue for everything I had trouble with and commented on the Python 3.6 support issue for migen. Let me know if anything else I did is useful to know
FelixVi2: What's the cygwin issue again?
so these things are really migen related and not misoc
So yes, I could add them, but why don't you try using my article as a guide and try yourself?
good to know, I'm learning as we go... :)
I'll give it a shot
is there any testing involved? I think syntax should be straightforward, but I'm not sure what I should do beyond trying to boot bios
or do you consider a port successful at that point and call it good?
We just added platform tests a few days ago; your target should be picked up automatically. Right now a successful Build(run=False) is considered success
ah, cool - let me see what I can do. I might ask you once I'm ready for testing
"but I'm not sure what I should do beyond trying to boot bios" create a couple of dummy migen files that exercise I/O functionality
in the case of saturn, which doesn't really have LEDs or fun stuff, hook up an LA to various pins as see if they toggle from a counter
that's the part I haven't done
I just got my first bios booted and am now a bit lost
Forget about misoc before you're comfortable w/ migen IMO
It's not difficult to learn if you're familiar w/ verilog or another HDL
yeah, I think I'm good on that end
So create some Migen-only designs that have GenericPlatform.request("my_io") in it, build those files and run them to test your platform
so that's just direct I/O access without a CPU, right?
cr1901_modern: I cloned that and am still getting the same error
Need to put them under ~/.migen
wait a second..
Okay _after_ that, you need to set flash_proxy_basename to the name of the bitstream which corresponds to your FPGA
i.e. plat.create_programmer(flash_proxy_basename="bscan_spi_xc3s200a.bit")
if that doesn't work, wait for rjo to come back b/c the bitstreams are kinda in flux (and quite personally I would rather just see more platform-specific command line programmers)
This works just fine on my machine...
i think it's my installation
ok, that isn't it
I have no provisions for installing cygwin and it would be extremely inconvenient to do so. I'm not sure why that file is failing, but it's
failing in a part of Migen that relies on Python black magic: backtraces
(well not black magic, but arguably the most evil Python feature)
cr1901_modern: oh, this is python 3.6
How did you get it to work earlier?
but after using setup.py it reverted to leave_out
The hell?
Do you have multiple conflicting copies of misoc?
no, and even if I did none of them would have this bug
the other copy I have works fine
I have no idea without being physically at your computer. Just delete my copy of migen and copy/paste the lines into your installed version.
I need to move on to other things tonight
_florent_, whitequark, ping
How does your copy of migen "magically" revert to an old version w/ leave_out?! ._.
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'cygpath -wf -': 'cygpath -wf -'
this is what I get after copy and paste
i.e. split the command into a list of input args
ERROR:HDLCompiler:281 - "D:\cygwin64\lib\python3.6\site-packages\misoc-0.6.dev0-py3.6.egg\misoc\cores\lm32\verilog\submodule\rtl\/lm32_include.v" Line 61: Cannot open include file "lm32_config.v".
The cascade never ends
just one exrta forward slash, otherwise it's good
the last line didn't seem to get the right path
FelixVi2: Look in ise.py and change to "xst_contents += "-vlgincdir " + sanitize(path) + "\n""
but that's not what ise complained about
FelixVi2: Actually I'm pretty sure it was
ISE tried parsing that include path, as a Windows path and complained
when it couldn't find lm32_config.v
yeah, that's right
running fine now
So the bug is fixed then?
cr1901_modern: yeah, looks like it
Alright I'll submit the fix as a PR then
cr1901_modern: awesome, thanks so much for the help
FelixVi2: I would _strongly_ suggest for the time being to checkout migen/misoc as git repos and do setup.py develop for the time being
hopefully I can figure out the proxy bitstream stuff and target generation
yeah, that's probably how my version got downgraded
And keep them both up to date
Also don't track my copy either :). I'm about to break it w/ a force push
ah, cool
i'll try to keep track of all the changes I got going on and make my own fork