sinara/master c6d0bec Paweł: Kasli - small improvements in routing for PI...
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grumble, even the example project using axi in vivado just hangs :( must be linux doing something dumb
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also tried exporting all fclk to userspace and enabling them at 50mhz...still hangs :(
[smoltcp] pothos commented on pull request #65 700ddd0: Ah, yes. Then by just looking at the two numbers there is no way to distinguish between the case of normal operation with local_seq_no just wrapped before the max statement and the retransmission case. There is also a wrapped case for retransmission where the minimum would have to be taken. So first a way to find out if the value of remote_last_seq was coming from a retransmission is need
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[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #687: Zotino done including monitoring. For Novo there now is a generic driver for shift registers that can be used for the PGIA. Talking to the main ADC chip still needs to be done. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/687#issuecomment-341312399
[artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #687: Zotino done including monitoring. For Novo there is now is a generic driver for shift registers that can be used for the PGIA. Talking to the main ADC chip still needs to be done. https://github.com/m-labs/artiq/issues/687#issuecomment-341312399
_florent_, does your media converter find the ethernet carrier from sayma? this is borked here for some reason
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ordering new cables and media converters...sigh
hm, so...axi works totally as expected...when not using linux :(
added some debug stuff and using xilinx' xmd thing. works fine D:<
is there a better thing to do than just dumping lots of config mmio space and comparing against linux? ugh
[smoltcp] pothos commented on issue #65: This is roughly how I would solve it now. Instead of the casts it could use PartialOrd::partial_cmp.... https://git.io/vFsEg
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Is there any particular reason why there is no "DifferentialIO" (which would instantiate IOBUFDS) in genlib.io?
My guess is that AsyncResetSynchronizer is less common than MultiReg, so one can afford a tight constraint like that
cr1901_modern: they are both common.
cr1901_modern: may very well also benefit from that constraint. do you want to educate yourself on that topic and crosscheck the available info with what we do in migen?
rjo: Sure... let me finish my current patch for migen and I'll spend some time reading
finally! https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/58615.html axi from linux works :D (i had seen this before, but in the context i saw it, the people said it had already been fixed in xdevcfg driver...)
sb0: haven't really try ethernet with the media converter, i'll try while working on amc/rtm
lol...now re-writing the bitstream is broken, though. even if i undo those level shifter changes.
also, vivado axi sample works, while simple csr test w/migen does not :(
(reads return 0, writes cause bus error)
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_florent_, sb0: that `dw` parameter in the liteeth phy/mac interface does not work for any dw > 8, right? the eop.eq(sink.last_be) won't work correctly AFAICT.
ok actually read and writes do work on migen CSRs. it's just that each 32bit arm access only maps to 1 axi slave byte. bus error happens on writes if top 24bits are nonzero
which is kind of expected i guess?
I think so yes
shuffle2: "it's just that each 32bit arm access only maps to 1 axi slave byte" That is expected- well Idk if the bus error part is. But it's how the CSR bus is designed.
A more "dense" decoding scheme is more annoying to impl and you have 256MB of addr space for CSR
on altera the axi bridge only has 2M
oh hah. the bus error was just because __attribute__((packed)) was causing gcc to emit weird non-32bit accesses (even though the struct members were word-aligned and marked volatile...)
this is a common issue with packed and bitfields
sure, no bitfields tho, just u32s
does the compiler assume that packed is not aligned?
yea seems so (adding aligned(4) on the struct fixes it)
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I had a quick question about the FSM module
In the generated verilog code, the always @(*) block begins with assigning a <= 1'd0
so unless I explicitly have a `self.a.eq(...)` for each state in the FSM, i'll get that default assignment
maybe i'm missing something (or that is just good coding practice anyways), but i naively assumed that `reg a` would hold it's value unless getting another explicit assignment
(feels a bit silly to include `self.a.eq(self.a)` in the other states
always @(*) blocks are effectively combinatorial. the only register you can affect with a FSM directly (within act()) is the FSM state. for other things use .ingoing() or {after,before}_{leaving,entering}()
(hi npisenti_)
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i see... alternatively to latch a value into reg a, I could use NextValue? or is taht really intended for, eg, running a counter within a particular FSM state?
yes. that's correct. although i suspect NextValue() may change or move or disappear in the future.
well it could be generalized to all comb blocks. or suppress the notion of sync/comb block and use nextvalue (or equivalent) for registers.