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I'm trying to add rbd kernel module to armbian by building custom armbian image
in the utility I select to modify kernel modules before building the image, but I can't find the rbd module - were in the menu should I look?
Hi eziukas
Hang around a bit and I'm sure you will get an answer (I don't know the answer).
s/I'm sure you will/you might
dont see a link for rock64 for rc image The download site is already configured for the RC1 images as the default download.
TRS-80 thanks, hanging :)
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* TRS-80
continues studying at the scrolls of ancient wisdom (re: qemu)
is it posible to get somehow latest ernel build, like a nightly or something?
eziukas: have you setup the vbox build system per docs?
so I guesst I just need a pretty fresh build of the kernel
archetech yes and it works fine
just don't know to to find the module I need in the module selection dialog
start the build and have it stop at the menuconfig screen?
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yes I have, tried looking under filesystems
but only found ceph, could not find rbd
btw make menuconfig should have a search feature, try hitting /
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sarnold - thank you so much! so saved the night! :)
yay :)
2:30 AM where I live :D
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hmm, so now that the custom kernel has been built, should I just install all the debs produced by the tool?
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hey, my NanoPC running Armbian is very noisy in syslog with cfg80211 info messages .. is there a way I can stop debug info being generated? I can't see anything o the kernel commandline, so I guess it'll be an override
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veremitz: dmesg -n can probably do that; you may lose other messages as a side effect
mm ok ty
trying to trap an OOM building gcc :/
(you can probably also do it via the 'debug' kernel command line parameter, take a look at 'debug' in bootparam(7))
eziukas: yaeh you'll want to dpkg -i all the debs
skip source unless you _really_ want it
speaking of kernal build sources, can anyone speak as to health of torrent swarm?
whats torrent swarm
TRS-80 my torrents are down, I need to revive
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i need a clearner way to get the list so i can use my native torrnt stuf on my synology
I use a NEO Station. Since I only have 20 Mb up it doesn't matter much
...I think it's 20 up. I should double check, they keep poking at it
yep 20
should review available plans. Last time I did I got over twice as fast for $5 less per month...
I have 500/500 FTTP connection now, gigabit switch, and router arriving soon that can handle that, so yeah, so soon I want to help with torrents.
Tonymac32: We only pay like $50/mo
for that
I think Frontier doing deal now.
(maybe not in your area of course)
I have dual-link DSL with dedicated line to the gateway, so mine is always 100/20 and the ping is really low. But the cable ones are starting to look better
looks like they have a 300 Mbps one now
Too far to get fiber
so no Gbps
i got the gigabits
pop.density is waaayyyyy too low here for that
they would never pay off the initial investment
bull shit, telcos were given millions in subsidies, grants, etc. to build out high speed internet and simply never did it
that 3mbps dsl is "high speed broadband"
since 1996 Tellecommunications Act
...except it would cost billions
probably billions
sarnold I had 28.8 kbps when I was younger... 3mbps was sweet. Now it's 100 Mbps, but they offer more for the same money so I usually upgrade due to that
Tonymac32: hehe, yeah; crazy how things change, right? I started with a 2400 bps modem; when my university had a T1 line it felt *crazy* *fast*.. today I've got gigabit and still want more...
> when 54K US Robotics modems were hot shit
those were so cool.
"I was on the Armbian IRC, but it was nothing but old people talking about ancient artifact technology"
I ran a BBS
I don't even know what modem was in the machine I used to dial into my uncle's BBS
Tandy 1000
All I know is that I have major nostalgia for orange phosphor and text based games
Legend of the Red Dragon was a lot of fun
yep loved lord
woohooo pr tester works again
there were servers for it until a couple years ago, unfortunately a lot of people had reduced it to an equation due to state of the art random number generation... :P
"you had better turn on some light or you are likely to be eaten by a grue"
lanefu: hah, last time I played tw2002 I had fun for a few days, and then managed to send a probe into a sector with someone who knew wtf they were doing .. *boom* destroyed six seconds later
Tonymac32: Yeah but what fun is that? Boo! :/
yeah i hate players that do that to newbs
when i ran a tw2002 server i put in a few planets loaded with treasures
TRS-80 exactly. My brother is up for that kind of thing (think rain man), but I prefer casual enjoyment
We had the game Planets: TEOS from Seth as well
Also still not getting any answers out of crowd supply concerning the export controls number for my board
Tonymac32: forreal? they're just ghosting you?
it's been 20 days
not cool.
Wasn't it just Chinese New Year when Coronavirus hit?
right before, I mean?
yeah something like that
worst holiday ever
im torn about whether or not to setup irc on my phone
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lanefumobiles: There is a way to associate your mobile to your main nick so it auths with same priveleges
Been a while since I did it though. Something with registering at Freenode IIRC.
maybe nickserv
Thats cool. This is temporary. Im gonna rig up that weechat repeater since there's an android client
for weechat?
* TRS-80
goes off searching F-Droid
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Good morning people
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Good morning! :)
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man lots of netsplits
what BRANCH= do I use to get the rc image for rock64?
archetech: v20.02-rc1
BRANCH is misleading
because thast actually in the scope of kernel
is what you want
if you want to build from v20.02-rc1 you'd need to check that out branch, then add FORCE_CHECKOUT=no.... otherwise armbian builder will default to force checking out master of armbian builder
will that clear/clean my prev build or I need another option?
FYI in the armbian-config tool... there's a setting under "system" (I think) called "freeze kernel" you'll probably want to do that so apt-get upgrade doesn't accidently clobber your kenrel build
it should clean up the source code checkouts appropriately
"should" lol
heh why I asked is there a way to kee some of ehats built
so the doc will preserve the prev kernel build?
don't understand your last question
to save time or do I manuall y save it
or I should not save anything and let it build another kernel
right but your doc dont take that option into consideration why I ask
usaully i build clean since often its newer kernel checkouts, or patches
but if i was just experimenting with the same kernel, but differnet kernel configs, i'd probably use a different CLEAN_LEVEL that doesn't wipe out sources
ok let me ask it this way what will happen to the last build output if I use the .configure line in the doc?
default is to clean our kernel adn u-boot, and produced .debs
so your old build will be gone
roger that
after this pass
off I go
if you want to just experiment iwth kernel configs fasetr.. then you could do CLEAN_LEVEL=debs
i just wouldnt this time since we're building from a different branch of armbian