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is pcie known to not work properly on the 5.4 kernel? 5.4.20 nanopc t4, the nvme drive doesn't always show up but i don't really know what causes it to... not
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steev: i have flakey nvme on desktops too.
Any idea how to enable SPI on the Orangepi Lite2 (H6) ? I've turned the overlays on in armbian-config, but I don't see /dev/spi*
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I have some some stupid stuff but also had some nice findings. First of all I continued paying with my olimex a10 board : I was able to just download prebuilt maline kernel from kernelci and boot my device, userland was a "normal" debian debootstrap
is this much different from armbian?
secondly (because that kernel did not have enough features enabled) I started modifyig the kernel config but it turns out it is a lot of work(I would, if possible like lxc and docker support) but also for some other trivial stuff things required and options (from adding IPV6 because a python package I used used that opion to adding usb serial drivers).
Now I am back here.. I know maline kernel boots and wonder .... how armbian managed the kernel configs/builds . would it be hard to add the olimex-a10 board if I can point to at .. 5.6 kernel version?
Everything is open soure, just check github.com/armbian and you will get an idea how everything is done ;)
I did already play with the system (and also ended up in the menuconfig of armbian) the think is that the board is makred deprecated and to me it sounds like I will have to spend time .. undeprecating
that might be harder , compared to adding a new targer I am guessing
Not necessarily. Deprecated would mean that somebody else did some stuff for the board in the past
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Hey IgorPec how are ya
question about the kernel config... - if i install linux-source-5.4.20-rockchip64 there's a .config in there (also the .git directory has stuck around) but it also throws in a config.xz file - but the .config and config.xz differ - which one is actually used?
steev: should have a /proc/config.gz for the running kernel, which might help
it would, if i was running it :)
i grabbed it out of /boot - and it looks like it matches the config file that is installed as the .xz