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Tonymac32: so in theory making patches against our patched kernel with tehse commits... http://ix.io/2cbF
im sure there's a smarter way to do this
basically i did a git diff on files changed.. foudn their commit hashes, and de-duped
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ROFL okay i did find a smarter way
wow I'm a knucklehead
lanefu: didi you boot the new potato kernel yet?
c0rnelius: yeah man didn't you see all my fanfare
fixed the sound
i didn't look up ;)
well that's good.
testing it as an armbian kernel patch now
maybe i'll pull the eMMC off mine and give it go.
yeah totally
i can give you debs if you want as well
nah it's kool. I like to build. thank you though.
totally understand.. i build cuz what else would i do with all this iron
i like to use my own rootfs. not that I don't dig amrbian and all, but I'm picky.
especially when it comes to testing.
peps keep logging in saying the latest release is broken.
might wanna look at the one before it.
maybe they fixed it. i see two updates this month for the img
shit. wrong place :)
lanefu that looks like it, of course some are unnecessary (like the Bose companion quirk)
Tonymac32: yeah i'm doing it smarter now
took single patch diff of patched armbian vs libre
now splitting those patches per file and pruning
I was working through the new audio patches last night, looks like their kernel is using them already.
I think i still might have an extra patch in there for usb_snd
I wouldn't worry too much
building lets see if i'm badass
i've been obsessing over this since like monday
havent been able to get any work done
i forgot to eat dinner
are we still on 5.4.y on master? it looked like martin was moving some things to 5.5
it should be, I don't understand the rush if Dev hasn't even been made bootable yet
Man.. i'm back to that bug frmo the other day
Bad Linux ARM64 Image magic!
SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...
did you break the packaging script?
i thought i pulled the patch that clobberd it
but i see somethign tahts probably teh culprit now
damn he's going to 5.6
v20.02 is officially the stable branch now lol
xec is now known as xecuter
we shouldn't be touching 5.6 yet
I still haven't gotten up to speed with the post #1586 build script
like wtf is there a GXL and a GXBB configuration instead of meson64? I get there was some mess there because of the amlogic blobtastrophe, but the fragmentation, I don't know
So now I have to keep a meson64 include file, and these 2 family files straight when I go to check a change... hmm....
* Tonymac32
will see how well this works if he has to add a GXM
lanefu, I think the dtb idea from Piotr was a good idea, but I think we should possibly just define it for all boards rather than have it inconsistently sprinkled around...
Meson64 got kind of jacked because I've been otherwise occupied. I'll probably start cranking on 5.5 Dev so we can get ahead of this before the next release. When is that? (I have not been reading the forum)
ah, that makes sense
put your euro hat on
I work for a German company, The hat is stuck
I wish the A53 wasn't such a disappointing core, performance wise
it is meant to be low power, I know
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what uses A53
okay.. i pruned my patch in half and it applied.. compiling again
H5, S905/X, rk3328
H6, but it at least had a decent clock speed behind it
the RK3399 and S922X use A72 and A73 cores, which are a lot heavier duty
the RK3399 unfortunately only has a pair of fast cores, while the S922x has 4
S922 is that whats iyeah the S922x is freaking dope dude
i'm still on the 4.x kernel with mine tho
I haven't looked at mine in too long, I have outstanding responsibilities with the other boards
haha so I have sound after killing the extra kwiboo patch that I don't know the origin of, I'm sure it was for 4.20 or something
hmmm, nevermind maybe, it's still a bit crunchy
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...or was that track just crunchy?
lanefu help, what did the potato sound like before
super overdriven and distored
so, I had some crunch on a video I watched, but it might have just been that track
it was obviously terrible
on naything
did you try building without the multichannel patch before you took the long road?
and are we talking TRS jack or HDMI
I think we lack the DAC driver
(it's in the libre update though)\
this sounds 90% fine on my side, but if you are "doing it right", I'll leave it be and wait for that. the current patchset will be in 5.6 or 7 or something without our intervention, then it will be a cleaner transition
(downloading release for comparison)
k borked my patch with video stuff
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...okay progress
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There is no .xinitrc file in it then I created file but the file is not executing in armbian Ubuntu xenial image.
you shuold probably be making changes iwthin /etc/X11
rather than .xinitrc
i dont think that gets dealth with
because lightdm manages the session
you don't run 'startx' as a user or anything
X doesnt launch the way it used to
that's about all I know
she boots!
waiting on Fs resize
so I can confirm the "patch of uncertain origin" relating to multichannel hacks is the culprit
soi if yours isn't ready we can nuke that one for the short term
will know if i'm cool or not in a few minutes
hahaha if it built and booted you're in the 80th percentile at least, so
lanefu did you kill trs-80?
man i was wondering if we pushed him over the edge
got my 3 led's
i forgot it had 3
for some reason i thoguht it would be faser to install nfs-common adn mount a share vs start chomre
wait, that's part that got yanked in commit 2, my bad
I'll have to try this in the morning, I got some warnings that I assume are my not git-ing properly
* Tonymac32
mean "tomorrow", not morning
Yeah time to crash. Later
later on
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Hello! I have an orange pi zero +2 H5 and downloaded Buster. After flashing the sd card I'm wondering how I can set the WiFi config without keyboard and screen. Is there some kind of config file or option?
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Isn't there a wpa_supplicant.conf somewhere?
Hmm... I'll have a look.
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HerculeP: would you be up for testing another C2 image with a different kernel
sure, np
okay lemme kick off a build
debian desktop okay?
any DT
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so thats the patched 5.4 kernel.. loosk really healthy.. dmesg is quiet.. all the hardware accel stuff seems loaded..... but FYI X11 still isn't configurd with any acceleration stuff
k, downloading ...
woohooo 40mbit not bad i gess
my haproxy is actually a huge bottleneck right now
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hmm, I had to reboot my router,starting download again ..
pretty unstable connection, dunno on which side, dwnl resumed several times now
25 sec chunks 100Mbit/s, then 20+ sec nothing etc
Inever had such issues b4
let me change a portforward hang on
75% ready, better dont touch it
grrr 95% , failed "File moved or missing" :(
i think i know what it is hang one sec
lanefu, could you provide a 7zip, gz, xz or whatever?
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Herc_: yeah i'll zip it, but do me a fav and try oen more time while i zip
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looks better now
down again
my empire is crumbling
back after 2 sec but larger chunks now
after 25 s*
my load balancer setup is a little insane
and apparently you're actually able to download from me quickly
and its highlighting some flaws
I get 50 seconds @ 100Mbit/s now, 25s nada, 60s 100, 25s nada etc
my max dwn speed is 200Mbit/s btw
yeah i dunno if its my application router puking, or if my ISP ratelimiting me
hook a laptop to the fat pipe for speedtest
actaully i see the real problem
i have HAProxy on my little router (which bogs down) doing tcp sticky forwarding to do fabiolb application routers, which then proxy to nginx sharing a folder on nfs
simple right?
anyway.. sometimes one of the faibo nodes gets itermittent
and wonky
and when i decide o take haproxy out of the equation
i sent it to the unhappy one
the unhappy one is me ;)
haha yeah
is it still going or is it dead
it stopped @99% "file moved..." again
maybe the .img is ok tho
do you happen to have the headers that have that file moved message
look at logs okay soo this is a bit weird
nope, I just used firefox, now using wget, same issue
this is/was the problem ... you can try to implement it manually
ok, work as expected in 5.4.20
cant c&p in this shitty weechat, will try your fix later
Herc_: great!
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Herc_: so wifi images with teh one i gave you, but not the other
*wifi issues
5.4.20 is ok, 5.4.21 "wlan not found" inspite of wlan list / auth
also sucks
will try igors fix tomorrow (almost 11pm here)
yeah see if you see something like [60504.138277] wlx74da387d6e48: aborting authentication with fe:9f:db:1c:2e:15 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING) in dmesg