Werner__ changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | This channel is logged -> http://irc.armbian.com
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TRS-80: i just setup weechat websocket connection.. using android. So awesome
Yeah I had always read that irssi (or others) were the ones to use for bouncers, but I'm pretty sure you can do similar things on weechat (I noticed more recently).
Was able to just make it a url off my reverse proxy with ssl. So no extra port forwarding
Yeah you have all that stuff set up already.
I would probably go through my Wiregard VPN to set something like that up.
True. Basically i wrote a health check and then magic happens
Great thing about F/LOSS, there are usually several ways to do it.
Yep. Except RIP usenet
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its the other way around imo
you wouldnt use a text client with a bouncer - just run the text client in a screen or tmux session
but if you have a gui client on your phone and one on your desktop, its probably not the same gui - thats a valid case for a bouncer (proxy) based connection, but... yuck.
irssi in a screen session is the way I roll
Ya i use screen session... using the proxy for phone
i ssh into the screen from my phone
where my irssi is always running
lanefu: Usenet is still around. It was just big ISPs that stopped carrying it. But there is more (mostly binary) traffic than ever. It's actually considered a good place to get media, amongst those in the know. Allaedgedly. ;)
Yeah i ise
I was an easynews user for a long time
I just wish i could use a nntp client on the armbian forum
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I thought about it, but torrents work well enough for our (very limited) needs.
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latest build boots on Rock64 v1 and v3
the old sound bindings don't work, moving it to match the Renegade setup (which is kernel 5.5 or 5.6 queued)
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lanefu: Whenever you need op for a reason you can ask Chanserv to give it to you at any time.
Chanserv give me op
Werner__: doesnt work
Well, not exactly like this :D. Try /msg chanserv op #armbian
May i never need to kickban someone for talking about kubernetes
You did right now but thankfully you do not have op at this very moment =)
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Its true
Give the command above a try to see if it works properly
Werner__ was kicked from #armbian by lanefu [Werner__]
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Seems to work :P
Thorough testing is important
You did a decent job :P
If you do not want to touch yourself (well, that sounds kind a wrong) you can ask chanserv to deop you similar to the op command. It understands op, deop, voice and devoice and some other
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well, PG-13 established
OK, Rock64 - Current also lacked audio. Repaired, at least from kernel side
I think PA is still acting goofy
* Tony_mac32
needs to remember to look for unexpected things
Whats PA
Oh roger
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once committed my patch makes both boards use the pending audio pipeline coming in 5.5 or 5.6, so the patches will be deprecated and no functional change should be seen. the USB3 patches are also the current working version
and wow, #armbian-commits is fast
alright, off to bed. Day job in the morning
(If anyone wants to hire me to do fun things let me know, I'm bored/tired of my current gig) :P
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* lanefu
gives Tony_mac32 an attaboy
I too choose slumber. Hold down the fort Werner__
OK, so if you merge #armbian-commits into #armbian, you lose pretty coloration on the former; if you do other way around, you keep it but then are in -commits instead of #armbian and cannot say anything in there.
Maybe I just continue with keeping them separate until I can figure out if there is way around this.
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TRS-80: maybe its colorized but just all the same user posting
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lanefu: I don't follow you. Or maybe we are seeing different results.
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Good evening!
Quick question - is there a way to sort a device tree file alphabetically by nodes? `dtc -s` doesn't seem to do what I need, as it also compiles the symbols and everything..
ashthespy: are you on the forums.. I feel like that's a question Martin would answer best
lanefu yes, will look over there as well!
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forum is down ?
looks like it
When you guys are working with a new board - what is your normal workflow? For example, say working on getting an mac driver working. Does one make small changes, then recompile the entire kernel, only to find errors and repeat? Or is there way to only compile/check a single driver (say `drivers/net/wireless//blah`)
if the driver is modular already, no need to recompile the whole kernel
imo, if you were doing work on it and it wasnt a modular driver, you would only rm the compiled files that are impacted by the changes for iterative runs, most likely.
depends on the system though
some folks have everything in a full CI/CD workflow, so it might rip everything down and build it back up again
its up to you to control robot fires? idk.
Lol, I am the CL/CI here :-(
xecuter has joined #armbian
johnwho has joined #armbian
hi there...
i have started with armbian development and modification just now.
and i am wondering if it would be relativley easy to get the build of my images done by jenkins?
and how such a process could be in theory? cause actually i do start ./compile with CREATE_PATCHES and then do the modifications... how could i do the modifications afterwards?
thanks for the links... looks quite complex to me right now
ashthespy: its only anout 50% accurate i was trying to rewrite the logic over the weekend
but all the CI does right now is try to build the right kernel
ok.. so what does it and what does it not?
ok so only the kernel at the moment?
i would like to build full images
yes only kernel
for full kernel would need to run as privileged user or root because of loopback mounts for image etc
ok basically i think i only need to execute ./compile.sh from jenkins together with the appropriate switches right?
yes, you are right...
does jenkins not run the commands as root?
not the way my runner is setup
ok i see
but how is the process of modifying files with your runner?
cause armbian is relaying mainly on patches
and always checksout the latest git repo
can you clarify what you mean by modifying files?
My process looks the following:
I would like to download the armbian build framework. Now i would like to change some .c Files from u-boot for example and then get a fresh image for testing...
actually i do this by execute ./compile.sh CREATE_PATCHES="yes"
which asks me for edit my desired files
then it will create a patch for further use
so far so good... but i thought things could be more easy if i could start the build process with jenkins
usually jenkins checks for some changes inside a git repo, then pulls them and starts some "make..." process
but this is not possible for armbian, since it relies heavily on patches for changes.
what do you think?
taking jenkins out of the equation.. there's a few other flags you can use with ./compile.sh that might make your life easier
ok i see. so FORCE_CHECKOUT="no" will probably left the source code under cache as it is?
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How long does it take you guys to build a minimal image (cold start, clean caches?) Think its time to upgrade my system (15+ mins!)
I suppose that depends a lot on platform. But from the little I know, that doesn't sound too bad. I think I recall in some NicoD video it can take 2 hours if you are doing it on the target (in a VM(.
Of course, Igor does official builds on some 48 core monster or something with some crazy RAM... doing several in parallel... so you have quite a range there from one to the other...
ashthespy: ^
yeah the slowest part is the qemu stage where things raent threaded
kernel qcompliation is the biggest variable
15 minuts is good
I just realised I was cleaning my cache each build, so was unnecessary wasting time build the rootfs again and again. :duh:
yeah thats what I hit with my 40 thread xeon fully cached too
well clean kernel obviously
Ah, this is off warm caches, just building the one module I have been trying to debug for the last hour :-S
* TRS-80
only has 32 threads to play with, although they are operating in Freedom
probably faster than my setup
single threaded performance isnt the best
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>"It is easy to keep tabs on Purism’s work by downloading its images for the Librem 5 and running them on your PC in Qemu to check its progress in the software."
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Hi Igor!
im cleaning up the readme a bit. I really like it
tnx, noticed :) have been working a few hours on it and I am done for today
i don't know if I have exposed the biggest / most important advantages?
well, if you got some ideas, just add a remark or change
not sure how to phrase this in the table but.. an advantage is a consistent user experience accross hundreds of SBCs
hence retrorangepi's ability to support so many SBCs
keeping standard system accross different platforms ... i see. its difficult to compare this to Yocto/buildroot
good topic, but I have to run :) bbl
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all add it to "what this project does"
yes, perhaps better this way. that comparisson is for those familiar with yocto/buildroot
to have a quick understanding how things are here
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Were you guys discussing home page of armbian.com or GitHub readme a little while ago?
Because I found typo on home page just now: "Images are made fully automatised"
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Stupid question to ask here in Armbian (so don't shoot me) i know, but I'm looking for some volunteers. I make my own RPi aarch64 imgs for my Pis, but I don't yet own a RPi4. Anyone with a RPi4 interested in giving them a whirl?
I already know the wifi, bluetooth and usb2/3 work. i'm mostly interested in the hdmi, audio, csi and dsi junk.
automatise - make automatic or control or operate automaticallyautomatise - make automatic or control or operate automatically; "automatize the production"; "automate the movement of the robot"