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<lanefu> archetech: well technically your audio doesnt work
<archetech> worked on libreelc
<archetech> everything worked on that
<archetech> ls
<archetech> i have bionic from ayufan running just need a guide to compile the kernel source I have
<archetech> spent hrs on google
<lanefu> great!
<lanefu> so what'd you end up doing... just rolling your own bionic image and not using the armbian buildtools?
<lanefu> i guess we could diff hte patched kernels and see
<archetech> no I burned a stable version of ayufans build
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<archetech> all this effort ill fix the missing config items above and sit will stop just like armbian does
<archetech> I should geta pie4 and park my butt at raspbian
<archetech> stop making noise here
<lanefu> i mean that's an option
<lanefu> just depends on whats fun for you
<archetech> fun is good docs and peeps with same board
<archetech> doing fun stuff like LFS or big de's like gnome/kde
<archetech> for me
<archetech> I know you like the dev/ops
<archetech> but as a old tech I see an issue like this and it hooks me into solving it
<archetech> and this solution needs better docs and goole aint cutting it
<archetech> rock64 really never took off in last 2 yrs
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<Tonymac32> hello all
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* Tonymac32 likes talking to himself
<Tonymac32> :)
<lanefu> hiiii
<lanefu> hmmm no usb3 ports on opi3
<lanefu> well i plugged and unplugged enough stuff and switch enough kernels that i dont know what the fix was but its workign
<lanefu> alright i sent our buddy trs a message to check in
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<HerculeP> hi, FYI: docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog still "20.02.2", apt upgrade: 20.02.3, dl../odroidc2 "20.02.1"
<HerculeP> both recent odroidc2 test images from lanefu: no sound over HDMI :(
<IgorPec> he tested on La potato, not sure if we test on C2
<IgorPec> at least the driver is fixed, since it works on one board ...
<HerculeP> odroidc2/nightly is from 2020-02-07 btw (no DeskTop)
* HerculeP is willing to test latest .img on an odroidc2 ...
<IgorPec> not nightly
<IgorPec> checkl regular images, only they have been updated
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<lanefu> HerculeP: yeah test the latest image.. I was gonna send a build to you, but hte Igor had already updated the official one
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<HerculeP> where? dl.a..../odroidcs/archive is still 20.02.1
<HerculeP> that's why I mentioned "nightly" ;)
<buZz> HerculeP: did you check alsamixer?
<buZz> you might need to alter the mixer configs to output to HDMI
<buZz> also, it might be fully muted by default
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<HerculeP> hmm, thx buZz, will check ..
<HerculeP> alsamixer says Card: meson-gx-audio ... does not have any controls (also on armbian 20.02.1 stable btw)
<buZz> HerculeP: press F6 to show all the cards it can see
<buZz> possibly the HDMI output is a seperate 'card'
<buZz> on my desktop : https://i.imgur.com/rrFFag9.png
<buZz> only that 'HDA NVidia' one is the HDMI output here
<HerculeP> only meson-gx... in that list
<buZz> aw ok
<buZz> sounds like audio support for that board isnt in armbian
<buZz> maybe try normal debian ;)
<HerculeP> same radio station I'm testing works out of the box on a raspberrypi /w raspbian btw
<buZz> cool
<buZz> dno why you would mention that ;)
<buZz> 'it works on a different distro and different board!'
<buZz> :D
<HerculeP> hehe
<HerculeP> just a noob expecting the same on armbian ;)
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<HerculeP> select a radio in browser, hit play live stream ...
<buZz> well, without working audio, that wont ever work no
<HerculeP> I just wanted to help lanefu to test it, thats all
<buZz> :) well, open a issue in the tracker?
* buZz assumes armbian uses normal project management with issue trackers etc
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<lanefu> HerculeP: should be v20.02.3. Let me check
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<lanefu> Yeah you just want the new current images. Not archive or nighyly. https://dl.armbian.com/odroidc2/
<IgorPec> lanefu: it looks like odroidc2 images fell out
<IgorPec> yes, REBUILD_IMAGES="lepotato,kvim1,lafrite,nanopik2-s905,odroidn2"
<IgorPec> :)
<IgorPec> human errorr
<lanefu> Lol
<lanefu> Oops. Well i guess that explains everything
<IgorPec> yes
<lanefu> Im glad we incremented the version now
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<HerculeP> OK, any ETA on odroidc2 20.02.3 .img(.7z)?
<IgorPec> 5min
<HerculeP> ah, cool
<IgorPec> done
<HerculeP> downloading ... (/w DT, torrent)
<IgorPec> torrents might not be very fast atm, since it needs few hours to get populated over the notwork
<IgorPec> btw. what kind of speed do you get?
<HerculeP> avg 20Mbit/s
<HerculeP> peak 40
<HerculeP> 100% ready
<IgorPec> That's good
<HerculeP> concurrent upload /w 20Mbit/s as well
<HerculeP> from time to time at least
<HerculeP> odroidc2 is a bit dated, not many ppl are interrested I think
<IgorPec> its well supported with mainline kernel by now
<IgorPec> and speedy enough, while new faster boards lack support. its always a trade ;)
<HerculeP> exactly
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<lanefu> woohoo. i've cutover to my new "headless workstation" Opi3. with UASP SSD
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<HerculeP> lanefu, odroidc2 Armbian 20.02.3 /w Desktop a) ssh install via eth FAILED "connection refused"
<HerculeP> b) no sound via HDMI
<lanefu> ssh install?
<HerculeP> output device just "Dummy"
<HerculeP> ssh install: put in SD, ethernet cable, try to ssh .. FAIL
<HerculeP> "headless"
<lanefu> but it picked up an IP?
<HerculeP> nope
<lanefu> then how did you try to ssh to it, if it didnt get an IP? :)
<HerculeP> only after connecting a monitor, kbd, login root 1234,...
<HerculeP> other distributions worked that way ;)
<HerculeP> but nvm, just reporting
<lanefu> so is SSH broken, or is the NIC not working?
<HerculeP> I cant say, sorry
<HerculeP> at least you need a monitor&kbd
<HerculeP> still no sound via HDMI :(
<HerculeP> wifi works
<lanefu> IgorPec: if you get a chance can you test the C2 image?
<HerculeP> I'll try the buster version "headless" next, will check eth / ssh then
<HerculeP> (no desktop)
<lanefu> HerculeP: can you try this build real quick too? https://armbian.lane-fu.com/Armbian_20.02.0_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.4.21_desktop.7z
<IgorPec> ok, will test it
<lanefu> that will let me know if there's something different that happened after the merge
<HerculeP> sure, not even midnite yet ;)
<lanefu> haha
<lanefu> yeah thanks again for helping with all this testing
<HerculeP> my pleasure, downloading ..
<HerculeP> today flawless download 100Mbit/s :) , unzipping ...
<IgorPec> from lane or from our torrents? :)
<HerculeP> from lane
<lanefu> https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/2060d63ba92c8ae43b686978baa59b776438ba43#diff-8f81722eef1618e3d42214742aa5f7daL5368 i wonder if its beecause i enabled snd_meson_axg and not snd_soc_gx... or if just modules need to be loaded
<IgorPec> OOB no sound http://ix.io/2crb
<HerculeP> dd-ing ...
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<IgorPec> lanefu: this latest commit breaks cpu speed readings
* HerculeP wonders why partition resizing takes 6 minutes
<IgorPec> herculep: slow sd card
<IgorPec> 5.4.13 works properly
<lanefu> hmmm i guess the c2 SoC is more differen than the s905x than i expected
<IgorPec> dunno, will need to inspect the commits closely
<HerculeP> nah, emmc currently (it always says wait 6 minutes, regardless of SD brand or emmc)
<IgorPec> that's fixed timeout
<IgorPec> if it goes over that limit, throw the SD card away ... rule of thumb ;)
* HerculeP shrugs
<lanefu> that step has always been oddly slow for me on the le potato
<lanefu> as well
<lanefu> even on prior kernels
<HerculeP> its waiting for 1st login now
<lanefu> bummer no great deals on C2 on ebay...
<HerculeP> now i see the IP on my router; lanefu forget the ssh issue from my the last attempt, I forgot to wait that 6 minutes apparently
<HerculeP> ssh now worked
<lanefu> yay
<HerculeP> desktop started, still no audio output device (no HDMI)
<HerculeP> receiving radio works, I just cant hear it on that TV
<HerculeP> (my normal monitor has no speakers)
<IgorPec> yes, it looks we have some problems here
<HerculeP> so no sound "out of the box" :(
<lanefu> HerculeP: can you do a `sudo armbianmonitor -u`
<IgorPec> and I don't see anything suspicious in the patch
<IgorPec> i guess, need to get some sleep and then check again
<lanefu> IgorPec: yeah sleep is a great technique
<lanefu> thanks igor
<IgorPec> :) yeah
<HerculeP> lanefu, ixio/2cre
<lanefu> the good newws is it seems the same as igors
<lanefu> the bad news is it seems the same as igors
<HerculeP> hehe
<HerculeP> bedtime here too, cu tomorrow
<lanefu> have a good night thanks
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<HerculeP> np
<HerculeP> and have a nice day