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archetech: well technically your audio doesnt work
worked on libreelc
everything worked on that
i have bionic from ayufan running just need a guide to compile the kernel source I have
spent hrs on google
so what'd you end up doing... just rolling your own bionic image and not using the armbian buildtools?
i guess we could diff hte patched kernels and see
no I burned a stable version of ayufans build
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all this effort ill fix the missing config items above and sit will stop just like armbian does
I should geta pie4 and park my butt at raspbian
stop making noise here
i mean that's an option
just depends on whats fun for you
fun is good docs and peeps with same board
doing fun stuff like LFS or big de's like gnome/kde
for me
I know you like the dev/ops
but as a old tech I see an issue like this and it hooks me into solving it
and this solution needs better docs and goole aint cutting it
rock64 really never took off in last 2 yrs
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hello all
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* Tonymac32
likes talking to himself
hmmm no usb3 ports on opi3
well i plugged and unplugged enough stuff and switch enough kernels that i dont know what the fix was but its workign
alright i sent our buddy trs a message to check in
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