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maccraft: i think it would be mostly dependent on the usb gadgets drivers in the kernel
ok thats good
does armbian run on arm chromebooks like asus c100p?
port it
no idea how
maccraft: short answer no
so PC's have had bios's since like the IBM xt right
basic input output system
it all comes down to the kernel. if you can make a functional kernel for it it would run.
all pcs have the same taget
lanefu: you are talking to coreboot developer...
so then the OS just does OS.. bios brings hardware online
is there some thing that it fails when being launched from depthcharge?
TLDR no coreboot, unified system for most of these SoCs
UEFI on arm is just not coming out
all chromebooks run coreboot
so everything we supportis effectively a snowflake
with depthcharge payload(at least on arm)
maccraft: have you tried installing an off-the-shelf debian arm image?
lanefu: it won't work because depthcharge has to have it's kernel packaged in *special* way
yeah same with all these other SoCs with bastardied forks of u-boot etc
so why doesn't armbian support packaging kernls in a special way for depthcharge for coreboot? that your question :)
yeah the 96boards complaint stuff is a major step in normalizng stuff
i can "picture" armbian being distro supporting most of chromebooks with some easy installer
similar to what prawnos does, but with more devices supported
I've never understood why arm ecosystem is so fragmented here; like, I can understand why they wouldn't want to run headfirst into BIOS or even UEFI but having *some* common way to bring up systems feels like something that would benefit everybody..
sarnold: there is common way to bring up systems. load some stuff from spi/emmc/sd card and execute it ;)
mostly uboot is loaded or corebot
yeah maybe one day
right now we're struggling to support what we're supposed to support
sarnold: you haven't seen what is going on with intel atom and txt ;)
maccraft: heh, what's going on there? :)
sarnold: tbh i have no idea apart from "management engine leaking into bios"
you will have better luck on #coreboot
I didn't realize atom had ME..
everything intel post-2010 had it
and it is closed source, has direct access to internets, can look at your keystrokes, screen and much more. you also can't remove it
it also runs even when computer is off, is not replaceable by open source firmware and currently there is no way to debug it
sleep well tonight ;)
oh all *those* things I already knew :)
oh, and you can't escape to amd
#talos-workstation has educated me well :)
they have similar thing
and it is even more non-replaceable
arm is for now safe from this
Tonymac32: if i can asssist with le potato at all let me know.. since i have 2 now lol.. you can treat me like an internet
i havent used it.. what are you uusing it for?
we were working on setting it up at work for streaming meetups
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lanefu look up u-boot changes since 2019.01, internet
ah, fun news, all but 1 of my backer boards has finally shipped. I am going to ask why the last one did not, if they say "30 day hold on shipments of crypto devices to that country" I will kindly remind them of the 90 day lateness of the shipment in the first place
congrats on shipping your boards!
would you do it again?
Tonymac32: what boards do you refer to?
Tonymac32: funny you mention u-boto mailing list.. i was asking about the new libre boards.. lvrp16 | lanefu: if you check the kernel/u-boot mailing list, you can find out the spec
maccraft I made an ESP32 board shaped like an RPi for the hell of it
MikeMake gave him props
in fact I think it triggered his ensuing burnout
01:41:22 lvrp16 | lanefu: no, check instagram
01:41:31 lanefu | lol
no fair.. instragram is my automotive and cat photo persona
twitter is my tech
lanefu: haha
anyway i'm following you now
most of Shenzhen is offline until March.
man i'm sure
also don't want to rely on quality when worker just get back from a 2 month vacation haha
new staff, new training, mistakes are more prone
yeah it'd be a like Monday car
okay so from the best I can tell.. -IT is a new form factor in the libre.computer offering
cuz it didnt look frite-shapd
and no dipping sauce
Well, given the naming convention, I'm certain it's a form factor
I just don't know what form that factor takes. :)
it's slightly bigger than a Pi 0
and its round
oh nice
not you lanefu
couldn't fit the 5GHz radio module
but realtek is being a pain about upstream driver support
rtw88 only supports pci-e...
a funny observation by whitequark was how many of their (realtek) chips only "half exist", like, you're holding it in your hand, and their website says "nope!"
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* Tonymac32
looks at USB codec on Tinker Board
Tonymac32: so my directive earlier.. was go le potato patch hunting?
haha I was joking
I am taking a look at what is/isn't already patched in, the trouble with how we do it is, sometimes our patches aren't the final version that gets accepted, then BOTH get applied
this isn't common, but I've seen it 2-3 times so far
yeah i wonder if thats what was up with that patch i pulled out yesterday
it was my hung
My guess is yes
multiple patches with the clk in them
BayLibre finished the 5.4 branch for LC about a month ago but I haven't had the time to upload it to github
i'm a sleuth
I thought we had already cut that patch, but the commit history is all jacked from that big merge/rebase a few months ago
* Tonymac32
lost time traveller license
my internet is kind of crap here, ski season haha, haven't been getting much work done
lvrp16: sounds like you might have life figured out
lanefu: i twisted both of my ankles yesterday haha, hence getting work done right now if internet willing to cooperate
lvrp16: that's terrible, but we stand to benefit from your agony
lanefu: yeah, it's a real shame, jackson hole ski lifts are 100ft away XD
its just taunting you
is that also why your ankles are twisted?
twisted from temptation
lvrp16: are you the faceless man that Charbax interviewed in china a year or two ago?
sarnold: yep haha, had the binding DIN at 12 and hit some hard snow
my ankles hurt just thinking about it
lanefu: you actually watched that interview? wow
it was good.. i got excited for you guys
mind you I don't know ski bindings, but I remember getting pretty exhausted riding on ice when snowboarding..
lanefu: yes, I am the closet open source supporter
lanefu: we sponsor a bunch of stuff related to upstream linux and u-boot and userspace projects
slowly but surely all the pieces are falling into place
anonymous benefactor... and i just buy some stuff with white solder mask to say thanks
so the whole SBC market fascinates me that so many are actually solid... like some guy on the forum said they were using 1500 OPIs for label printers or somethign in retail
have you been able to do high volume stuff like that... not trying to dig
*actually sold
aka are all these things easily sold by the thousands?
lanefu: the hardware makes no money and sold in the mid five digits in 3 years, we just want to make an alternative to the rpi guys with upstream stuff so we can build cooler stuff instead of re-inventing the wheel with embedded system
okay so thats still pretty good volume IMHO... but yeah thanks for expanding on your MO.. its super cool
so far on a per board basis, we lost about $30 a board counting software investment
man thats a hit... but you guys have made a _ton_ of headway in the mainling department
the consultancies do a great job too. worth every penny.
honestly i bet they really enjoy the work
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Hi... Can anybody please tell me .xinitrc file work in armbian or not?
depends whats in it
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did you try just "exec xterm" in it see if that works
okay I'll try. Thanks
Another one thing which file is responsible to start xfce4 environment.
called startxfce
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How can I stop xfce4 and want a script to run? In the scrip there is a condition if that condition is true then a particulate application will open otherwise startxfce4 command will executed.
Please help me guys
you can stop desktop with service lightdm stop ... but the rest no idea
In this armbian image there was no .xinitrc file in it. So I create a new .xinitrc file but the file is not being executing. I have S905 board.
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ratandeep: we use more or less clean XFCE desktop with lightdm display manager. there must be something on the internet how to do this
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have some updates on PCIe and DKMS/SPL/ZFS issues on rk3399 -
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instructions there for DKMS also -- There's a problem with arch/arm/include/ files being excluded from arm64 kernel header deb-pkg builds.
The arch/arm/include from the source needs to be copied to the arch/arm/include of the installed headers in /usr/src/linux-headers-. The required arch/arm64/include/asm/opcodes.h (and likely others) include the arch/arm/include/asm/opcodes.h files, but those are not being packaged with the arm64 kernel builds.