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irssi made my short list as well, but can't say I actually ever tried it
When I saw https://weechat.org/scripts I quit looking around. They also have very good Docs. And you can script in Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Guile, Javascript, or PHP. :D
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the configuration doodad in weechat that lets you interactively change configuration options looks amazing
sarnold: Yeah that's new (to me, but I'm on Debian Stable)
I set up a BitlBee bridge and now I get my XMPP messages in here, too. :)
(but that's not particular to weechat)
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Noooooo! 504 on the forums :(
its alive
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hi there. I have a running armbian here and i would like to add a splashscreen (image) for hiding the kernel messages on the display. is there an "easy" way to achieve this?
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hi! Sorry, looks like I broke my Armbian again :( I keep Zabbix and PostgreSQL on it, and Zabbix was complaining that I/O is overloaded -- no surprise since the database is on the SD card. So I moved the contents of /var onto a USB SSD, and added a line to /etc/fstab. However, now that I look at the output of `mount`, I see that USB-SSD is mounted *twice*: once under /var (as I specified via /etc/fstab),
another time into /var/log.hdd (via systemd unit var-log.hdd.mount, which I can't find on the FS or in the output of `systemctl list-units`)
mounting the same filesystem twice can't be good
did I screw up somewhere, or is there an explanation for this?
I'm considering undoing my changes to see if it worked like this in the first place, but that's a chunk of work since I already tucked the board away
ok, I see in /var/log/armbian-hardware-monitor.log that even before my changes, there was double-mounting: my SD card was mounted as root, then mounted as /var/log.hdd. Still don't get how this is supposed to work :( Won't the second mount wreck the filesystem?
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wysiwtf: raspbian is debian derived and if software is debian special, you need to start with a debian version of armbian ... not with a crap called raspbian for banaan
raspian doesnt even boot
but ok i used the bionic version of armbian before, so i better use the debian one
we keep ubunutu and debian right because of such troubles
some applications are suited (better) for Debian, some for Ubuntu. For us, its irrelevant
raspbian is Debian Jessie / Stretch / Buster ... depending of the version
i dont need hardware gfx or desktop stuff, i just want to use the banana for server purpose
i know, yet another reason to go for proper hardware support
raspbian on not raspbery pi is just to make you fool that it will be the same. Its not
beside raspbian on bananapi are quipted with a 6+ years old kernel
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ill try armbian buster server
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my banana pi power is flapping, it doesnt stay on for more than a couple of minutes all of a sudden
the power supply i found reads 5V/2.5A, that should be enough?
or are "modern" phone chargers "too smart" and regulate it down for some reason?
(its a nokia charger)
other option: the usb jack on the pi is wonky by now
but it also happens if i dont touch it
does it happen with a different power supply?
are you sure the board doesn't overheat?
i'm not surprised it is happening. it is a phone charger afterall
btw, anyone have any insights into double-mounting of /var/log.hdd that I described above? It still worries me
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i have multiple chargers at home, will try others
using the power supply at home i got for the banana stops it from shutting down without being touched
however, touching the cable will reboot/cut off power
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wysiwtf: power at power mUSB connector and it will work properly
well a problem with hardware ;)
im using the connector labeled DC-IN of course
but im mostly decided on the fact this board has seen better days
which bananan is this exactly?
pi pro
ok. those mUSB connectors are rubish
for powering a battery they are ok
but here if you loose some contact, board will crash
i bought it for the sata interface back in the day
but my plans on building a home NAS wasnt that great after all
sure. its still quite ok. SATA speed greatly improved
if i want to get a new SBC, which one would you prefer atm?
but its a hobby board, one drive, overall slow ...
no, bananapi
for what purpose?đ
nah, ive got a "real" linux server for that now
NAS with one slow 2.5" drive isnt exactly fun
i got 10GB network ... so :)
i want to use it as a server, maybe put a pihole on it, play with ntopng, these kind of things
for pihole stuff, any h3 board is just fine
as long as the conectors dont fail... onboard wifi is a plus
are there actual new banana boards or is the latest still the m2+?
there are newers but not supported due to weird Soc
one would think you can get newer boards with better specs for about the same kind of money by now
(i think i payed like 50 euros?)
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i ordered a Oddroid Go Advance for the time being
i know its quite not what i was looking for in the first place but damn this thing looks sweet =)
also these rockchip socs seem to be quite capable
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i saw the ODroid Advance this time last night, and i was like whoa gimme! .. and it is not coming over here for at least one maybe three weeks ..