Werner__ changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | This channel is logged -> http://irc.armbian.com
I also found nothing about outbound links
at least at my permission levels, maybe you guys see more
no idea, one good resource might be peer to peer section at forum software forum
this must be some generic way to penetrate with spam
luckily its rear
I was even looking at "Automatic Moderation" stuff but found options very limited
you mean to fight this stuff?
maybe not possible
yeah, this is for something else i guess
based on tools and options I see, it's going to have to be manual
for now; unless I find something interesting as you say at their forums or elsewhere
yes ... i never went this deep
so we can setup keywords that semd straight to moderation
i did that for the one the other day
the auto moderation seems to be actions based on X number of users reporting posts
lanefu: Yes, but somehow I don't see this. Which makes me wonder what else I am missing in Admin CP? I looked and looked, so I don't think I missed it, but...
I am not sure how useful that is anyway, because if they are first time posters they are in moderation anyway.
and you can't be sure now they are spammers at
that time
well we can if they post "SwitchOnShop" ;)
ok, we can add some puzzles or something at the register
but these are 2 different issues we are discussing now, so let's not confuse them
* TRS-80
objects to training the Google AI that will kill us all one day
I think they are human anyway
we will fight back with our AI :)
yes, this is possible
so I don't know if that stops spam, or just annoys actual people
to clarify, SwitchOnShop was a keyword issue, but these ones today are much more sneaky and I think even human
they come back days / weeks later and edit their posts, inserting links
TRS-80: system -> settings -> posting -> word filters
i would propose not to do any panic atm. its cleaned for now. Let's be aware of this and perhaps ask around at forum software if others have the same problems
i have to hibernate ... talk to you soon
cya igor
gn IgorPec
TRS-80: hiding from grandma?
lanefu: I think I don't have all the options in Admin CP that you do. At left I have 3 icons only (under the top one which is the Invision logo and not part of the menu): 1. a chat bubble logo (forums) 2. a little guy (members) and 3. a graph icon (stats / registrationstats)
no she been feeding me good! :)
ha good
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lanefu: I have tried a couple different ones, but keep coming back to "Dark Background and Light Text" Plug-in for Firefox. It gives you just enough options (3-4) if something doesn't look right, but mostly the default works. It also remembers per-site what you set. Super handy.
I also run a dark desktop theme, backlit mechanical keyboard, etc. (I do a lot of work at night)
yeah i've got a backlit mechanical keyboard i keep at work... its nice
wife hates it though XD
uhh yeah im sure
das keyboard sells earplugs on tehir website
that's funny
OK, corresponding Mod post to Announcement post is up
So, if something says "no" there in last column, something is probably wrong / going on with it I guess?
Good morning
hey Werner__ ! :)
shift change, eh? :D
Maybe. Have to ask my first cup of coffee :P
beta flag, yes == build nightly
so what would a "no" signify, not to build, right?
I infer some reason for that? or am I extrapolating too much?
yeah dont build a nightly
are stable built less often than nightly?
stable is built on demand IIRC
(The day job had me stuck until literally just now)
enjoying a freshy and filling out some forms, hopefully Mouser starts shipping my product by end of the week
cheers Tonymac32! I'd join you but I'm already horizontal. :D
I work for German company, I should tell them good morning before I go to bed. :/
(the t60 keys don't make near the noise, nor the light from 20 30 20 PLP setup) otoh, this fan tho... :/
Tonymac32: yes it's like running joke Werner__ and I have about shift change at Armbian, see above :)
Yes, well, normally I should be off of the work systems for about 7-8 hours before they are awake, haha
Likewise they show up at times and ask questions when they should be asleep. I think it is a sign our group needs a few more people at the higher technical levels. :)
Oops, cup empty. Need a refill
Werner making me want cup of coffee, but it's bedtime. :D
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* TRS-80
can't sleep
selfbg has joined #armbian
* TRS-80
grabs cold one
* TRS-80
joins Tonymac32 anyway
* TRS-80
fires up the big machine
(so I don't have to drink horizontally)
(3) Describe whether the products incorporate or use “non-standard cryptography” defined as incorporating or using proprietary, unpublished cryptographic functionality, including encryption algorithms or protocols that have not been adopted or approved by a duly recognized international standards body. Provide a textual description and the source code of the algorithm.
the translation of this is: "Oh, you made a toy more powerful than a ball of yarn. We need to regulate that"
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Can I overwrite only the u-boot from an existing image without building the whole image?
In theory you could just build the packages then install the u-boot .deb package
into the root of the sd card? -> `dpkg -i xxx` ?
sorry -x
Will give that a shot! Thanks..
TRS-80 has joined #armbian
Good afternoon, gang! :)
That would work on a running system. If doing it in a image mounted to a loopback there's probably some other factors that have to be considered
Hey TRS-80
lanefu Yeah, will just make new images for now :P
I thought I could just use dd directly and replace the u-boot.img..
hey TRS-80!
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ashthespy: you can flash uboot to the sdcard with dd, you just need to know the correct locations and all that jazz.
I have more luck with girls than with these chinese boards
anyway thanks.
this IRC works, I know atleast that now.
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how do i convince my nanopineo4 to use the 5.4 kernel? i know newer images use it, but for whatever reason, current for me gives me a 5.3 kernel
steev: I would guess, that they are still working on it, and beyond that you would be on your own ?
i'm just trying to figure out why new images get 5.4 from -current- but mine still gets 5.3 from -current-