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<TRS-80> I also found nothing about outbound links
<TRS-80> at least at my permission levels, maybe you guys see more
<IgorPec> no idea, one good resource might be peer to peer section at forum software forum
<IgorPec> this must be some generic way to penetrate with spam
<IgorPec> luckily its rear
<TRS-80> I was even looking at "Automatic Moderation" stuff but found options very limited
<IgorPec> you mean to fight this stuff?
<TRS-80> yeah
<TRS-80> maybe not possible
<IgorPec> yeah, this is for something else i guess
<TRS-80> based on tools and options I see, it's going to have to be manual
<TRS-80> for now; unless I find something interesting as you say at their forums or elsewhere
<IgorPec> yes ... i never went this deep
<lanefu> so we can setup keywords that semd straight to moderation
<lanefu> i did that for the one the other day
<lanefu> the auto moderation seems to be actions based on X number of users reporting posts
<TRS-80> lanefu: Yes, but somehow I don't see this. Which makes me wonder what else I am missing in Admin CP? I looked and looked, so I don't think I missed it, but...
<TRS-80> I am not sure how useful that is anyway, because if they are first time posters they are in moderation anyway.
<IgorPec> and you can't be sure now they are spammers at
<IgorPec> that time
<TRS-80> well we can if they post "SwitchOnShop" ;)
<IgorPec> ok, we can add some puzzles or something at the register
<TRS-80> but these are 2 different issues we are discussing now, so let's not confuse them
* TRS-80 objects to training the Google AI that will kill us all one day
<TRS-80> :)
<TRS-80> I think they are human anyway
<IgorPec> we will fight back with our AI :)
<IgorPec> yes, this is possible
<TRS-80> so I don't know if that stops spam, or just annoys actual people
<TRS-80> to clarify, SwitchOnShop was a keyword issue, but these ones today are much more sneaky and I think even human
<TRS-80> they come back days / weeks later and edit their posts, inserting links
<lanefu> TRS-80: system -> settings -> posting -> word filters
<IgorPec> i would propose not to do any panic atm. its cleaned for now. Let's be aware of this and perhaps ask around at forum software if others have the same problems
<IgorPec> i have to hibernate ... talk to you soon
<lanefu> cya igor
<TRS-80> gn IgorPec
<IgorPec> cya
<lanefu> TRS-80: hiding from grandma?
<TRS-80> lanefu: I think I don't have all the options in Admin CP that you do. At left I have 3 icons only (under the top one which is the Invision logo and not part of the menu): 1. a chat bubble logo (forums) 2. a little guy (members) and 3. a graph icon (stats / registrationstats)
<TRS-80> no she been feeding me good! :)
<lanefu> ha good
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<TRS-80> Am I the only one who remembers this guy, selling "tiny little ads"? :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mubCkCAEiDQ
<lanefu> Omg i remember
<lanefu> Always at like 2am
<lanefu> WTF were in his tiny classified ads
<TRS-80> I will be making a post... :D
<TRS-80> pretty sure I came across some of his students today XD
<TRS-80> I think this is appropriate for Announcements forum? https://forum.armbian.com/topic/13023-help-flagging-spam-offtopic-etc/
<lanefu> yeah
<lanefu> also how'd you get the dark theme
<TRS-80> lanefu: I have tried a couple different ones, but keep coming back to "Dark Background and Light Text" Plug-in for Firefox. It gives you just enough options (3-4) if something doesn't look right, but mostly the default works. It also remembers per-site what you set. Super handy.
<lanefu> cool
<TRS-80> I also run a dark desktop theme, backlit mechanical keyboard, etc. (I do a lot of work at night)
<lanefu> nice
<lanefu> yeah i've got a backlit mechanical keyboard i keep at work... its nice
<TRS-80> wife hates it though XD
<lanefu> uhh yeah im sure
<lanefu> das keyboard sells earplugs on tehir website
<TRS-80> XD
<TRS-80> that's funny
<TRS-80> OK, corresponding Mod post to Announcement post is up
* TRS-80 is going to bed
<TRS-80> gn
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<TRS-80> So, if something says "no" there in last column, something is probably wrong / going on with it I guess?
<Werner__> Good morning
<TRS-80> hey Werner__ ! :)
<TRS-80> shift change, eh? :D
<Werner__> Maybe. Have to ask my first cup of coffee :P
<lanefu> beta flag, yes == build nightly
<TRS-80> so what would a "no" signify, not to build, right?
<TRS-80> I infer some reason for that? or am I extrapolating too much?
<lanefu> yeah dont build a nightly
<TRS-80> are stable built less often than nightly?
<Tonymac32> stable is built on demand IIRC
<Tonymac32> (The day job had me stuck until literally just now)
<Tonymac32> enjoying a freshy and filling out some forms, hopefully Mouser starts shipping my product by end of the week
<TRS-80> cheers Tonymac32! I'd join you but I'm already horizontal. :D
<Tonymac32> haha
<Tonymac32> I work for German company, I should tell them good morning before I go to bed. :/
<TRS-80> (the t60 keys don't make near the noise, nor the light from 20 30 20 PLP setup) otoh, this fan tho... :/
<TRS-80> Tonymac32: yes it's like running joke Werner__ and I have about shift change at Armbian, see above :)
<Tonymac32> Yes, well, normally I should be off of the work systems for about 7-8 hours before they are awake, haha
<Tonymac32> Likewise they show up at times and ask questions when they should be asleep. I think it is a sign our group needs a few more people at the higher technical levels. :)
<Werner__> Oops, cup empty. Need a refill
<TRS-80> Werner making me want cup of coffee, but it's bedtime. :D
<TRS-80> brb
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* TRS-80 can't sleep
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* TRS-80 grabs cold one
* TRS-80 joins Tonymac32 anyway
<Tonymac32> hahaha
* TRS-80 fires up the big machine
<TRS-80> (so I don't have to drink horizontally)
<TRS-80> Cheers
<Tonymac32> cheers
<Tonymac32> (3) Describe whether the products incorporate or use “non-standard cryptography” defined as incorporating or using proprietary, unpublished cryptographic functionality, including encryption algorithms or protocols that have not been adopted or approved by a duly recognized international standards body. Provide a textual description and the source code of the algorithm.
<Tonymac32> uuuuugggghhhhhhhh
<Tonymac32> the translation of this is: "Oh, you made a toy more powerful than a ball of yarn. We need to regulate that"
<Tonymac32> lol
<archetech> this gonna work ok?
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<lanefu> archetec it should work
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<ashthespy> Good evening all! :-)
<ashthespy> Got off work a bit early - so that I could dive into the u-boot hole..
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<lanefu> ashthespy: happy hacking
<ashthespy> lanefu Thanks!
<ashthespy> I am trying to get my head around ATF - and rockchip..
<ashthespy> Not sure I understand the whole "board families" build system..
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<lanefu> Family mostly translates to SoC
<lanefu> And then sometimes similar SoC if compatible
<lanefu> Ex H2,h3 allwinner same family
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<ashthespy> Hmm - ah, no I meant more specifically the setup of rockchip64 - I was getting confused as the rockpis.conf was using rockchip64 (https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/7a2b35f2d56ee2c55b3aa1d216f5d02e26dcb6d6/config/sources/families/rockpis.conf#L1) that seemed to be building ATF..
<ashthespy> But didn't see ATF support for RK3308 anywhere..
<ashthespy> Then found atf-rockchip64/board_rockpi-s/add-trust-ini.patch :-)
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<ashthespy> Meh - `** No partition table - mmc 0 **` Great.
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<ashthespy> Can I overwrite only the u-boot from an existing image without building the whole image?
<lanefu> In theory you could just build the packages then install the u-boot .deb package
<ashthespy> into the root of the sd card? -> `dpkg -i xxx` ?
<ashthespy> sorry -x
<lanefu> Yeah
<ashthespy> Will give that a shot! Thanks..
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<TRS-80> Good afternoon, gang! :)
<lanefu> That would work on a running system. If doing it in a image mounted to a loopback there's probably some other factors that have to be considered
<lanefu> Hey TRS-80
<ashthespy> lanefu Yeah, will just make new images for now :P
<ashthespy> I thought I could just use dd directly and replace the u-boot.img..
<ashthespy> hey TRS-80!
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<c0rnelius> ashthespy: you can flash uboot to the sdcard with dd, you just need to know the correct locations and all that jazz.
<c0rnelius> well there you go
<c0rnelius> rockchip is such a pain
<c0rnelius> took me forever to figure out how to build my own rk3328 imgs
<ashthespy> Ah - I dunno why I even trying...
<ashthespy> It works okay with bsp u-boot, but I am trying to get my board to boot with mainline uboot..
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<ashthespy> But it doesn't seem to want to find the right partition..
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<c0rnelius> you using armbian? i don't understand armbian rockchip magic.
<ashthespy> Yep - armbian..
<TRS-80> I was trying to follow some thread about Rockchip booting, I was just like ButWhyTho.jpg
<c0rnelius> in my case I couldn't even get uboot to work if /boot was on an ext4 fs. i had to put it on fat. never did figure that out.
<ashthespy> Ooh I found `CLEAN_LEVEL` and now can build new images faster. :-D
<ashthespy> oh wait, that doesn't then recompile u-boot.
<lanefu> ashthespy: CLEANLEVEL=debs
<lanefu> then it should recompile cuz the debs will be missing
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<ashthespy> that is the default - but then it goes and does all the image customisation all over again after mounting the rootfs..
<ashthespy> any pointers with how to debug the "no partition table" stuff?
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<mrigendra> Anyone tried buildroot image for nanopi m4 v2?
<mrigendra> does it boot, because mine doesn't.
<mrigendra> Any alive person here?
<ashthespy> Yes^ but no, don't have the device..
<mrigendra> ohh. ok.
<ashthespy> Do the prebuilt images work?
<mrigendra> Nope
<mrigendra> prebuilt as well as build from here http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/Buildroot_for_RK3399
<mrigendra> none works and same issue
<mrigendra> posted in friendlyelec forum, but the moderation sucks
<mrigendra> my question is not there.
<ashthespy> https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-m4-v2/ was what I was talking about..
<mrigendra> armbian image works
<mrigendra> I built, and tested that.
<ashthespy> Ah - then good luck ;-)
<mrigendra> I have more luck with girls than with these chinese boards
<mrigendra> anyway thanks.
<mrigendra> this IRC works, I know atleast that now.
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<steev> how do i convince my nanopineo4 to use the 5.4 kernel? i know newer images use it, but for whatever reason, current for me gives me a 5.3 kernel
<TRS-80> steev: I would guess, that they are still working on it, and beyond that you would be on your own ?
<steev> i'm just trying to figure out why new images get 5.4 from -current- but mine still gets 5.3 from -current-
<steev> yes, that's what i'm saying
<ashthespy> probably your git is outdated?
<steev> i'm talking on an image that is installed
<steev> not building myself
<ashthespy> ahh nvm then.
<steev> Hit:4 https://apt.armbian.com buster InRelease
<steev> Linux 5.3.11-rockchip64
<TRS-80> steev: you wait a while, you may get an answer ;)
<TRS-80> because I am not sure either
<steev> not going anywhere, i've been idling/occasionally asking/answering questions for a few months
<steev> it's not a big deal or a huge rush
<IgorPec> repository will get updated kernels with a 20.02 release, by the end of the month
<steev> i'm just curious if an issue i have with 5.3 is fixed in 5.4 but i can't seem to get the 5.4 kernels in the repos
<TRS-80> steev: yes I see that - unlike other guy above - after 2 minutes "any alive person here" /smh
<steev> ah, it's not in the repo :)
<steev> TRS-80: i'm a kali dev, i see that *all* the time
<steev> gentoo dev too, same thing
<TRS-80> steev: I like you, you can stay :)
<IgorPec> its not in the repo with a reson - its not tested good enoug ... but we do have beta.armbian.com repo with trunk builds
<steev> i can move it to beta to give more testing :)
<TRS-80> I knew I liked this guy :)
<steev> specifically, https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/5.5inch_HDMI_AMOLED works correctly with the 4.4 kernel, but 5.3 it shows static on half, and kinda sorta display on the other half
<steev> likely because it's technically 1080x1920 instead of 1920x1080
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* TRS-80 sits down with a couple nice egg salad sandwiches on lightly toasted bread
<lanefu> thats a _nice_ spin on egg salad sandwiches
<lanefu> also sounds like a Libre Computer product
<TRS-80> we will have to ask Tonymac32 when it will be supported in Armbian
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