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it creatws partition and uboot is where it needs to be
sorry didnt mean to double
debian dev is giving me a brand new image to try
the location of uboot also varies from soc to soc. i find rockchip to be the biggest pain to get right.
armbian works some kind of voodoo magic with uboot. i don't even get it :D
TRS-80, ooh... so weechat is just like irssi for the most part.
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hmmm maybe thats why im not so helpful for this situation. i dont have any rockchip boards
sok the 7 partitions should drive you away by itself
surprised you didnt know about that seems an ayufan creation
now im curious
theres a ayufan uboot how thread...it died a quick death
so im seeing what im up against at least
basically it says move these files into these mem spots then create matching partitions
you should live dangerously and pipe it straight to dd from curl
so you got a rented vps ?
fios gigabit
put that $10 towrds ur cable/dsl bill
I had fixed ip from att
its nice no bs
and i have a build server with 40 threads of fury
yes u do lol
ur bad self
ok burning
NeuroScr has joined #armbian
hi NeuroScr
same as my build red/white lights fixed no flicker
hdmi too nuttin
somebody needs to compare notes on 4.4 vs 5.x kernel-uboots
do you have ttl serial console hooked up?
no dont have one
do you have another sbc and dupont cables?
I burn images they boot or they dont
serial console output would really help troubleshoot
got arch manajro armbian all booting just this new stuff sint right yet
archetech - im fairly certain the kernel has nothing to do with the uboot
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c0rnelius: w/e it is ya got some testing feedback at least
let see if i can build a different uboot branch while archetech orders a ftdi friend from amazon
I know I know how to burn and boot correctly so lets be real
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I do have a breadboard multi psu and a oscope if that helps ;)
archetech: everythinng but the 1 thing that would help
but no dam serial out I know im a lame lazy cheap tech lol
like you dont have an rpi laying around
most SBCs have a few uarts
so you can use them to get TTL serial
on the gpio
no im new to arm actually my last toybefore this rock was a pogoplug v2
haha okay
that was my first foray few yrs ago
so ya if I was serious id get a serial out cable
fig id leave that to the devs and just test images sry
I honestly beleived arm was further along than it is
def a shortage of dev level peeps
I feel for ya's doin what I can
ya no worries
trying to figure out what changed
in a better world the cheap azzz board makers would throw gobs of cash at you guys
its using ayuafan's u-boot, which has been the same since august
sellin boards w/o good test software is a crime!
cheapass board makers could just use UEFI and then armbian's work would be cut in half or less
right and that uboot is not ready for todays kernels I suspect
everybody has their own bastardized fork
but then gain ists just a kernel
yeah 5 variations of rk3328 aint easy
prolly 10 for 3399
but I bought in so it is what it is no biggy
not like nothing works like some boards
paper weights
testing feedback? I was just saying writing uboot properly is not kernel related. setting up a extlinux.conf file or boot.scr is though... if you want to boot that said kernel.
thanks for trying lane maybe a 3328 guru will drop a nice image on the world soon
not sure whyur giving me a hard time about the obvious
whos given you hard time ?
we burned an image it didnt boot all there is to it
tonymac has a 3328 that works but he's awol alot
not sure what board it is
whats needed is a dev with the board whos spending time onit idk who that might be
2 yrs ago it was ayufan
i have an rk3328 running as web server in my house right now and not using armbian.
so whats it using for OS?
let me do a shot-in-the-dark build with ayuafans dev kernel branch
an img of my own making... but whatever, enjoy
yeah I have an img of my own making too that works lol
we are foucued on the new armbian image rc
we being lane and I
cuz he's a trooper
we're all friends here..even people that use buildroot
I used buildroot for my LFS image heh
works great
get at it boys
so my least favorite thing about armbian is having to touch the SBCs
forgot to mention that I usualyy brag once a day
because that means i cant hack on crap from my couch
whats LFS
Linux from Scratch
yeah thats hardcore
it boots with arch's kernel
gentoo back in the day was about s nutty as i ever went
it sure is hard core dont get harder
but this uboot crap takes the cake
gotta get onto uefi or grub even
so the like ARM server spec that Redhat etc support for arm servers expets UEFI
theres no uboot nonsense
hmm really they solved it?
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wow what am I doing here lol
like i setup qemu/kvm on my one of my OPIs and used a debian installer, and it just did like a noral install
there's even like a UEFI port to u-boot
right thats the ticket
but that imples u-boot stillbooted
I was reading about that today a bit
they got a netinstall thats does a debootstrap
yeah the librecomputer are goign that route to try to make a universal image for their stuffs
so the crazy thing that I wanna do is figure out how to make an armbian AMI for AWS A1. instances
ok you onto something now
same here
like it would serve much purpose other than being able to test some of the userspace add-ons armbian has
and bragging rights of coursee
the _real_ reason to do anything
for some maybe
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I see the dev shortage being a big issue cant focus on homogeneous stuff too much variety chaos
yeah so thats teh difference between a BSP kernel and a mainline kernel
whats bsp mean
"Board Support Package"
what armbian is saying is in effect when we had ayufan we had a supported rock64
2020 not so much heh
so the SoC manufacturer builds like a basatrdizd kernel with unclean mods and blobs and chucks it over the wall
yup I get that
the situation is getting better because gooogle is requiring systems to run new kernels and keep them patched to be compliant for newer versions of android
what armbian is saying is in effect when we had ayufan we had a supported rock64 this is truth
yes thats a fair assememnt
dont meran its forever gonna work
which is ok
part of the journay
yeah so if we dont get much traction, might have to demote the board to CSC
yeah thats armbians call
glad we had this time to iron it out
Happy Friday lanefu! :D
archetech: yeah i think we ironed a hole in it
* TRS-80
is very pleased with XMPP -> BitlBee -> weechat -> desktop notification he set up today
one notification system to rule them all
sorry, you guys continue :)
just rm -rf *.img
and keep on trucking
na TRS-80 we just gabbin
did some heavy testing on rock64 is all
TRS-80: desktop? i figured you just had some fullscreen emacs
seriously if you get mqtt goin with hass lemme know cuz thatd be dope
MQTT is quite easy actually, esp with HASS
yeah i meant with wechat
well, I shouldn't say the latter, no direct exp, but I would imagine
i've got uhhh a few things on hass
well XMPP itself is pretty easy
XMPP thats jabber right?
I been browsing scripts lately, noticed there is (at least) one for MQTT
sorry I keep writing one for the other
I meant MQTT
but yes, XMPP = Jabber
script for weechat for MQTT, check it out (I have not played yet but don't imagine it would be difficult)
sweet now I can turn the light on whenever Igor logs in
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didn't realize lipo controller, no wonder the Swiss guy so keen on them :)
lanefu: You do any arm on arm kvm emulation?
Or I guess the supported build environment is Ubuntu? Only x86/64?
$10 for easy button?! I only gave $2-3 each /shipped/ for 1-3 button 433mhz units!
TRS-80: but do your easy buttons say facil?
They are nice and plain, exactly as I prefer. :)
so yeeah 64bit arm has VT instructions.. i've done an arm VM on arm
yeah build is x86/64 only... partly because the linaro toolchain is really only for x86 i think
my understanding is begginning with armv7, ie like Cubietruck for virt stuff
yeah that may be right
i wish i had taken notes
lemme double check
I just looked up like last night, so pretty sure
no need, I'm not quoting you ;)
anyway I was more interested in what you use your ARM Docker swarm for then, if not Armbian build farm?
or are you VM x86 on ARM?!
because qemu supports that (I learned recently)
it's quite amazing platform, actually
yeah armbian builder uses the qemu arm emulation for the debootstrap stage of the image
oh neat
TRS-80: i run a scheduler called nomad
so arm farm has stuff like load balacner /ssl termination, codimd, a tool for converting youtube to podcasts, nginx servers to expose file shares, a job for maintainting my own debian and ubuntu mirror.. letsencryt renewalls
and a few other litle odds and ends
my favorite are the cpu agnostic jobs, they'll launc on arm32, arm64,or x86 depending on what resources are available
I had to look up codimd. Wow you really are in to MArkdown
yeah i love it
I kept all my notes in a TiddlyWiki (self contained editable wiki) before I moved to Orgmode
it was the tables that got me
but that was Markdown, basically
lanefu: you are on Linux desktop, right?
sometimes....pretty much ubuntu mate everywhere.... ssh'd into my orangepi prime from my mac right now
lanefu: Just as a for instance, install Emacs and paste this in there: https://termbin.com/fvyo Then move rows/columns around by putting cursor in them and Alt+arrow keys
GUI is recommended over terminal version, but you are already in console...
Oh yeah put it in org mode by Alt-M org-mode (auto complete supported)
sorry Alt-X
Need to get 75.2 MB of archives.
After this operation, 289 MB of additional disk space will be used.
just a few depdendencies
it's an OS
is this console version?
yeah apt install emacs
plain "emacs" I think brings in GUI (At least in Debian)
in its defense im running it from an ubuntu continer
there is non gui package
at least on Debian
but GUI is "easier" and actually recommmended for lots of reasons (and is what I even use)
oh yeah its def adding gui stuff i saw imagemagik and fonts
todo.txt (which I have nice appropriate client on Android) better for shopping lists and simple things
lanefu: Not at all. Let me explain. I began on paper also. Then I found GTD which is actually a technology agnostic, more of "philosophy" or system (i.e., you can do it on paper, or computer, whatever).
yep "trust the system"
But to me the editing and moving around of information is better suited to computers/devices/phones. But a key caveat to that is you must have a device available at all times to capture ideas, thoughts, random grocery list items, etc..
i read it
well half of it
half is enough to get the idea
I don't follow it all religiously, but there are some good concepts in there
lanefu: You play with that table yet? :)
i made a scratch buffer
and paste that url
did that work?
probably need to go to url, just copy text of table
paste in Emacs is C-y (Yank)
i thought this was instaling a plugin or something
you will need to also switch "mode" as I mentioned above to get the Org functionality in that buffer
table stuff is part of Org
how do i org mode
i have zero emacs skills im a vim person
In Emacs (which is old school) "Meta" means Alt
so M-x means Alt-x
which opens general command
then org-mode
(there is also auto complete there)
so like or <tab> - mo <tab> should do it
or somehting; then you should se "Org" in the mode line at bottom
rather "(Org)"
you with me so far?
failing i may be in keepmap purgatory
its time for me to dabble in slumber
C-g to back out
or ESC 3x
wait we are almost there! :D
you are in scratch buffer?
im not getting Alt-x to work
thats weird
should get prompt at bottom
i have a feeling it has to do with my terminal sesion
ill try again tomrrow ish
yeah if term is intercepting it
alright man, gn :)
try on GUI desktop, easier
Good morning people
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Evening, Werner__! :)
Guess now I am the one with the nice cup of coffee :P
Passing each other again at shift change, I see. :)
Working out decent ;)
Yes, I just finished some delicious cold tasty adult beverages! :D
I think I will be up for a few yet, but maybe off reading.
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hey folks - I have Armbian (Stretch) installed on a Rock64, with an external USB hard disk connected. lsusb -D shows that the device is connected as usb "3.10", but I'm only getting USB 2 speeds.
If I run "dd if=/dev/zero of=./test1.img bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync" I get 26.6MB/S
I've tried the same with the disk connected to my laptop and get 83.7MB/s
Does anybody have any suggestions for how I might improve this? It is a bit of a shame as it is my NAS, I wasn't expecting this bottleneck
try plugging it into the usb3 portnot usb2?
archetech: on the assumption that they've not put the wrong coloured socket on the usb connections, it is already connected to the blue one and, like I said, lsusb is saying that it is a USB 3 connection
but good point :)
gotta chk the basics
yeah, same reason I tested the disk on another machine - check it wasn't just the disk being really useless
are you full updated?
I've run apt update and apt upgrade
(and rebooted)
phipli_lurk - what kernel you running?
I have same board not sure if my speed is right I can boot it after my pogo is updated
I run 197 kern on mine seems ok
i've personally never seen the rk3328's get true usb3 speeds. but some peps say it does. i myself gave up on that long ago, but the 4.4.x kernel is supposed to be to get you close,
be able*
its been a really good board - as a homemade NAS (rock64 actually velcro'd to the side of a RAID 2.5" USB3 drive) it has way more CPU power than I have needed
i found it to unstable. i ended up getting an atomicpi to replace it. works great.
but I have to admit that I thougth the speed bottleneck was something I'd done wrong in the network, untill I tested it from the commandline
I have an atomicpi that I have hardly used
other than to test the power adapters I was selling :)
i use mine as a NAS and for deluge
works great. download the debian-non-free iso and off to the races
they were quite a steal, although the price has slowly crept up including delivery etc
the rk3328 is now a web server for my home security cams
really? i saw a good deal on amazon the other day
emOne has joined #armbian
even came with a cam. only thing not included was the power supply.
does armbian boot on any amlogic s905x3 cpu yet?
was like $35
what is that c0rnelius? rpi?
emOne - talking about the AtomicPi
it's an x86 SBC
oh wow
cheap too
Getting them shipped + taxes ends with a price more like $55
yeah.. i have 2 atomic pis
like.. they're weird
it was prime delivery i recall
yeah - they're missing some common interfaces emOne
like a power jack :)
they shouldn't have used the name Pi though imho.. it makes it sound like it is a pi like SBC, i.e. arm powered
i agree
i like it non-the-less. does what it is supposed too in the headless department
I was using one for a desktp for a while.. but 2G ram was just not cutting it as much as i tried
really good deal on it
just need a power supply
the chinese have started producing their own x86 cpu
has anyone read about it?
don't think so
any good?
I heard it was actually a license from an AMD design
phipli_lurk: it only came out on my news feed a day ago or so
c0rnelius: oh yeah thats a much better deal with the power board and camera bundle..
lanefu: ah right, yeah, I knew there was a first gen ryzen based chip that was china only
apparently it has the performance equivalent to an i5 from 2 years ago
built under licence
lanefu - yeah. it's hard resist getting another one looking at that :)
just to have
I was under the impression that it was impossible for anyone other than intel, amd and some other company to actually manufacture x86 designs because of the inter traded license deals
i'm planing on making one of mine just run makemkv with a blueray drive
that heat sink on the atomic pi is huge
no wonder it is atomic
emOne: the atomic pi's are surplus robot hearts
wish they made a case or something for it. i just have mine on standoffs
lanefu: hehe!#
sitting in a cab with a bunch of drives and usb hub
c0rnelius: yeah, mine is on standoffs
I meant to make a board to plug into the "webcam" port to get another USB
forgot about that
c0rnelius: the atomic pi + camera deal - they wont deliver it to Europe
$35 is quite the bargain
that is one thing about it. you need powered usb hub to take advantage of the usb3 port
yeah - you could buy them using amazon.com at first (instead of your local amazon) but they seem to have stopped delivering to europe now
I created a new channel #armbian-rss just for the heck of it. Working basically the same as #armbian-github but pushes new forum posts to the channel. Only the topic with link though.
phipli_lurk: so does armbian work fine with the s905x3?
Werner__: cool
Werner__: you gotta add twitter mentions too
"phipli_lurk: yeah - they're missing some common interfaces emOne "
I am not sure what you were referring to
lanefu, Yeah but they probably do not need an extra channel =)
Werner__: i meant add twitter mentions to rss
Ah, yeah. Let me check if this is possible real quick
emOne: no idea - I have some older s905 somewhere, but wouldn't know
I am checking the wiki
emOne: I meant that they don't have a barrel jack or USB. Powering through a IDC connector is unusual
emOne: at the time we were talking about they were a little different to most SBCs
oh okay I thought you were referring to the s905x3
never mind
I wonder if the atomic pi will run csgo
mini gaming box :)
I think I put steam on my UDOO (same processor I think)
but I didn't install csgo
try hehe
the source engine is quite old already
I wouldn't be surprised if it work
emOne : I stole the SSD from it for my firefly aio3399 if I remember...
* emOne
goes back to his pi zero
I should get more cheap SSDs so that I can run machines without stealing disks...
they are coming down in price too
I put retropi on my zero and have hardly used it other than that
spent ages playing GT on the playstation emulator with a friend
I have the same issues.. I myself need to get more SD cards for the arm boards
SD cards are /amazingly/ cheap these days
what is it, £6 for 32GB?
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did the playstation emulator actually work on the pi zero?
really? that is amazing!
£9 for 64GB
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emOne : the playstation seems to emulate easier than the Nintendo stuff
I believe the pi zero actually has a good gpu
it is just the cpu that is a bit underpowered
the n64 is interesting because it isn't fully emulated but rather the gpu instructions are translated into openGL instructions
it is only the cpu logic that is emulated
pentium 2 machines could emulate the n64
phipli_lurk: are you actually from the uk=
happy brexit
Please come back for us continental mainlanders once you guys sort everything out
I'm only half british - need to sort out a passport to maintain my freedom
entitled to an irish passport
european "freedom"
the EU freedom that we once knew is history I am afraid
there is no freedom here
I was thinking of the ability to go places without needing a visa
I understand
I am sure the UK will make visa arrangments
but Ireland is actually quite a good citizenship to get
ireland is a thousand times better than continental europe regarding freedom
it is an interesting (and complciated) halfway, because we have pre-existing agreements for freedom of movement
which means we're still free to work in a EU country without any effort
is that in the 11 month transition period?
with ireland, forever
I honestly think the UK will be fine
and I am sure it will get reciprocal visa agreements very soon
we'll manage, but the thing that bugs me is that I feel like national policy is being set based on racism and years of governments blaming the EU for their own cockups
... and that isn't healthy
no it isn't healthy at all
but it came out of nowhere
I remember it was only ukip and nigel farage who used to compare the EU to communist socialism
and everyone else used to have a different political stance
he wasn't wrong about the EU being socialist I don't think
but when did that become a bad thing?
but he was wrong about the the type of socialist flavour they have in the EU
we used to be even more left than most of europe
well national socialism didn't end up well for the german nazi party for instance
yeah, but you get arseholes under every label
I honestly don't know any country where socialism has actually worked
its shades of grey though
*it isn't black and white though
lol I understand
* phipli_lurk
substitutes the phrases in his go too list of stock phrases
heheh nahh leave that phrase in
that is a funny one to have and a grat convrsation starter perhaps
phipli_lurk: where did cornelius and lanefu go?
to be honest, it might explain why our government dropped the ball
why is that?
they were distracted by shades of grey
irc's oldest weakness
phipli_lurk: how is the mood back in Britain?
are people relieved, anxious, happy or scared?
In my circles, depressed, resigned and tired of it all. mostly taking care not to cause arguments because there is a lot of strong feelings
there is such a devide with very little overlap that it is difficult to see much of the other side of the argument
my facebook feed is full of yellow stars on blue backgrounds
Logically speaking at least every second person voted for a brexit in the referendum. I am surprised that a lot of people do show their support for the EU
at least in "educated circles"
stastically speaking though,, even in educated circles people must have also voted for a brexit
of course not as many
our buisnesses are very intertwined + most of our sales are in europe
but I just think they are not admitting it publicly
we have much to rebuild if we want to be prosperous - we don't have the internal market that the states does
or china for that matter
phipli_lurk: europe is going to crash out
Could be a bit more complicated as this Twitter thing may need a api key and stuff but I'll stay tuned for that.
emOne: the divide was mainly young people voted to stay and old to leave
ahh yes I remember
the second most prominent divide was university educated to stay, and school only to leave
I have an economy teacher on my facebook who was strongly against a Brexit
Werner__: cool
and he is a great teacher too so I think he knows what he is speaking about
phipli_lurk: have you seen the movie Bexit?
whats it about? action adventure? romance?
phipli_lurk: im ready for usb test
Sorry typo .. Brexit
it came out in 2019
are you in a p2p scenes?
archetech: I just ran "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=./test1.img bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync" in a directory on the USB3 drive
emOne: what do you mean?
the movie is quite good at explaining how the Brexit campaign actually convinced people to vote for the Brexit
yes - there was much of the "detail is bad, feeling is good" and "make up a number and then laugh at anyone who tries to prove that you made it up"
it is easy to be slick when you're talking shit, because it always sounds good
* phipli_lurk
quietens down before he upsets someone with a different opinion
or before you are going to be accused of being a russian troll
russian trolls - the biggest scam of the century
assume you are the governemtn
assume you have unhappy citizens
assume you have unhappy citizens who share their own negative thoughts online on different platforms
in russia, we use single sentences and sharable memes to quickly cause people to start their own fights
no but really
what if these so called russian bots are not bots
but in reality are just your own unhappy citizens sharing their frustrations online
what if they're from Litchenstein?
good point
Never trusted anyone who calls their capital city the same thing as their country
I heard that putin can hack your brain and make you vote for whomever he tells you to vote for
who makes that stuff up???
emOne: people from Litchenstein?
btw the brexit movie features Benedict Cumberbatch
it really is quite a good movie
apart from making you angry perhaps at imes
I have work for that :)
although first week back after Christmas I got to play with debian on a beaglebone all week (that is not my job. at all)
playing around with any SBC is very relaxing
apart from when you get frustrated that nothing ever works quite as planned
like ever
yeah, thankfully we got it sorted by the Thursday, in good time for their flight on Saturday
emOne : especially when you're (they were) the type of person who pulls out the power instead of shutting down, and doesn't change default passwords
(I changed the password to one telling them off for not changing the password)
we can solve the brexit issue after getting this usb3 to work right
archetech: excellent, two birds with one stone
they must have been russian or north korean agents obviously
its a uboot/kernel patch thats missing I beleive
emOne: how can I trust you to follow that link - it might hack my brain?
LOL ;)
archetech: thanks for checking that it wasn't just me - that helps with my piece of mind as a starter
mercury fillings turn your head into a radio
too late phipli_lurk.. it is enough that you just look at the link address ;) your brain has a parser that has been hacked :(
archetech: I've googled around a bit, but nobody seems to be mentioning low transfer speeds - the arch lot seemed to be having USB3 not working at all issues on the rock64
emOne: ahha! jokes on you, I can't even spell my parser is so broken!
phi yes its a known issue with this board
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phipli_lurk: that is what the internet is for in my honest opinion
anyone has the right to information and freedom of speech and expression
I thought it was for sharing pictures of cats
me too
archetech : the speed or not working at all?
seems volker over at OMV jst banned all sbc's heh
im starting to understand that logic with this board
what has he done?
his poor forum is prolly inubdated with sbc flaw talk
it wouldn't probably be so bad if so many of them weren't built to a price, while trying to have all the headline features
who wants a nas at usb2 speeds
"Now with 10GB ethernet and thunderbolt! (PCB made from cardboard)
archetech: it reads at a little better speeds
but it would be nice if it worked... properly :)
* archetech
stares at that amazon $36 atomic pi deal
archetech: /me stares at atomic pi sat in other room
but... I like /small/ computers
my vpn runs on an orange pi zero
ill have to research IT'S flaws seems every dang sbc has something broke on it no matter what
and it makes me laugh that the USB disk on the NAS is about 3x the size of the computer
archetech: there is a lot to be said for running your headless server / NAS on an old laptop with a broken screen that someone gave you for free
archetech: there _are_ some good SBCs out there.. whats your requirement
built in UPS for a start
lanefu: just want a good KDE desktop
that runs wayland plasma
so I'm using an odroid n2 as a desktop without any like gpu acceleration or anything and its stupid fast
we havent even spoke about that yet and its a mess mesa-lima/panfrost wise
gotta have gpu accel
nvidia jetson is king of working gpu on arm
but you're not getting performance per dollar on that
yeah id go x86 at that point
if you're willing to stick with vendor images... then you'll haev better lick with it being fully optimized
hardkernel does a good job on that front
yeah - I've found hardkernel stuff to be good out the box
their stuff is more expensive, but there's a lot of engineering quality all over
plus their shipping from korea is fast
so i just order direct from them
otherwise i've liked most of hte orangepi stuff as far as using with armbian
its just a screwy ecosystem
yeah I like the opi 4b specs
lanefu What about a decent board to do some routing/QoS that doesn't break the bank?
QoS is the cpu intensive part
what are you performance expectations there
Have a gigabit fibre uplink..
with real QoS?
Would like to give it a shot - from what I have been reading though, that is x86 territory..
i mean some of the newer SoCs are probably okay at that, but i dunno
and like.. nothing has more than 1 port thats real
always wanted a 3 port mikrotec router board
Just picked up the RB3011UiAS, need to find the time to set it up..
I use ipfire on spare x86 box when the urge hits instead
3 nics done
has anyone used one of the pinebooks or pinebook pros?
costs about $60 to run per yr though
Hmm, I was just trying to connect to a wifi network using `nmtui-connect` but didn't get authenticated. However, `nmcli` didn't have any issues connecting. Any ideas where to look?
Hey IgorPec
hej ... about VERSION for master. when and where to move it?
in the moment we make v20.02-rc1 shell we move master to v20.02-rc2 ...? or leave the same?
shall :)
oh right
you ahead a great idea the other day lemem look in irc ogs
hmmm thats not working as well as i'd like
we were gonna call master the v of the next release.. so master would be like v20.05.0-tree or something like that
aha, we have it in the docs already. i missed it, great!
yeas, i have two versions of it
v2 and v3
so archetech has been testing the rc1 image. adn some i built last night. using the -current and -dev kernels and its dead... need serial console logs
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if you can just capture the console logs and share them and do nothing else with it, i might be able to debug
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i can do that l8r
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sure no rush
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good evening... muhahhaha
* phipli_lurk
quietly goes back to making popcorn
* c0rnelius
guesses he isn't a Dracula fan.
anyone here played around with mycroft.ai?