Werner__ changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | This channel is logged -> http://irc.armbian.com
archetech: usually you can do it before hand. Pico is really talking to rhat usb device... so it is powered
And it just has to relay serial traffic
* TRS-80
is only noob on serial himself but thinks yes to "start a picocom session on a laptop then plug board to power"
if you get garbage your settings are wrong
TRS-80: what are your reservations about armbian monitor
Privacy with -u flag?
lanefu: the only documentation I could find were in comments of the code itself :)
but maybe I didn't look enough
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.: impression I got "maybe not ready for prime time" but I could be totally wrong
Its a critical tool
It's very ready
yeah I susspect Dunning-Kreuger which is why I ask :)
So it does a lot of different things some functionality being more than other
(D-K on myself)
Whats Dunning-Kreuger
how well are those templates installing RpiMonitor? this is well supported?
That part.... not so critical or cared for
lanefu: initially low information people vastly under-estimating their own knowledge of a subject (tl;dr)
it is just an adapted monitor. it kind of works.
lanefu: that was my suspiscion
Its the -m and -u are the important parts
yes I did -m on some local device to test and seen -u referenced often
in threads, etc.
so I guess my question was on the other part (templates for RpiMonitor) where you confirm my suspicions, thanks
Ha ya i had forgotten about the rpimonitor stuff
Theres -z i think too thats good
yes I was reading in code the options
and first step in playing was doing -h (and -H) in another terminal on odroid on lan
i wish they didnt use a different heatsink for the renegade...
how far can you wrecklessly overclock a potato
you can't
so from a idealogical perspective.. higher purity with the tritium right
so the dvfs is handled by the closed-source blob, that's also why you never really know how fast it's clocked unless you do some sort of known execution time loop
in order of TRS-80
another tritium h5 it is
maybe i cant word correctly
OMG i am not typign what i'm thinking
at all
I have some RISC-V microcontrollers I am playing with, but can't find a source for the chips themselves, so less and less likely to put any time into them
lanefu: You remember old movie Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield?
i have no idea how you do all the thingsyou do
TRS-80: indeed i do
at some point Kurt Vonnegut knocks on the door?
when he needs to study for English or something
ha that i dont remember
in my mind, I pictured rms appearing in exactly such a way when you ping me like that
If you want your brain turned into pudding
lanefu: but back to "from a idealogical perspective"... it almost always has real world consequences, as I am sure you realize (and seems so in this case) which, again, usually is the case... ;)
also RISC-V is the future! (I hope) :)
* TRS-80
goes back to forums
* TRS-80
still did not reach the top of "All Activity" stream for today :/
OMG freakin tv stuff clogs the screen
man i watched a series of vides were a dude restored a teletype console w/ punch tape writer/reader
just amazing stuff
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brittman914 has joined #armbian
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quick question -- I'd like to disable zram swap, where is the place that actually persists the zram configuration? /etc/default has the actual enable, but something actually init's the devices
and to think, of all companies to acquire linksys, it had to be cisco.
Kamilion: Allwinner situation is weird. Yes you are correct of course, yet somehow the community turned those arch into some of the best supported, in spite of all that.
mostly thanks to icynowy's tireless efforts over years
does he work there?
or independent guy?
i believe she worked for allwinner; unsure if currently employed by them or just contracted
* TRS-80
assuming gender count 1 -> 2 now
Icenowy is amazing
I think she got contracted to so something for like the allwinner v3 for lichee pi
but that was a long time ago
* Tonymac32
looks over at v3s's on desk
and had an interest / well familar with internals ever since (speculation) I suppose
i hope she's getting some work from them.. definitely deserves it
* archetech
goes through tonys trash for pogo
> 21:19:35 Tonymac32 | I think both Amlogic and Libre computer funded the mainline effort simultaneously
why do I think of Aml as having more blobs than anyone else?
they have 1 big one
* TRS-80
probably doesn't know what he's talking about
for graphics I am guessing? or boot?
the system supervisor/power domain controller is a Cortex M4 inside the beastie that is undocumented
(If I recall correctly
my eo2 still runs latest stuff
so to boot it needs a blob
* Kamilion
looks over at his Lichee Pi NanoFW(16M) F1C100s boards
stuff like that running power management seems somewhat common (or maybe I just happen to read that on some other hardware just today)
arm5te speedster
armv4t ftw
* Tonymac32
remembers a simpler time
was my first arm 4 yrs ago
yeah, MC68000. I remember that simpler time too.
lol I learned assembly the first time on an 8080
still have a 520ST behind me with the VT100 cartridge
VT100 like a TTY?
"safest" machine I own thanks to it's MASK roms
then learned the horror show that is the 80486 (which, dig deep enough, smeels strangely like an 8080)
Kamilion: did that like turn it into a terminal?
1992 x86 assembly forget what boxes the collage had
man thats cool.. i've never touched GEM in my life
I had a 1040ST growing up -- picked up this 520 off ebay
one of the few models that was "almost" +5V only
two things in this unit: +12v to the RGB -> Composite -> RF modulator, and +/- 12V to the RS232 drivers.
OpenGEM was tinkered with until 2008 apparently
everything else runs off 5V 1.4A.
So the amazing thing to me, this thing's power brick is like five times the volume of my cellphone
and yet one of the tinest apple chargers could probably run it today.
Kamilion: another one of first computers I remember playing on, my friend older brother had one (1040ST)
one of my personal favorites because of it's *lack* of custom stuff
Mail Order Monsters, Archon, and some dungeon game where the copy protection was an FBI man in game encounter
unlike you guys (from sounds of it) I knew nothing of computers back then, except that I liked them a lot
* archetech
was a salesman for the VIC20
amiga had all the fancy extra chips, mac classics had all kinds of neat stuff made specifically for them, but the atari ST line... pretty much the only custom chunk of it is the SHIFTER video chip. Rest of it could be implimented in discrete logic.
ya want a cassette drive w/ that
archetech: Serious? I thought you were some whipper-snapper for some reason. XD
im almost 60
no idea where I got that from
these arm things keep me young
nothing to rejuvinate you like memory mapped peripheral I/O
in al, 20h
* TRS-80
had somewhat of an "aha" moment seeing some similarities between some description of how qemu works as basically a giant memory map he read, with a dtb file he was reading for the first time
ok news on my rock64 ... it's giving a KP on boot per serial
with rc img
am I supposed to get a little red light when ftdi is connected?
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archetech: not sure
depends on what the light means
i've got a collection of USB to TTL adapters. Some have power lights. Some have status lights. Some have TX/RX indicators. Some have all. One has none.
what is the state of the LED?
solid, slowly blinking at a pace, quickly blinking at a pace, irrgularly blinking slowly, or irregularly blinking quickly?
TRS-80 has joined #armbian
* TRS-80
just now finally reached top of "All Activity" stream on forums
you've got three pins connected, GND, TX, RX? At least one board of mine has a bunch of fault LEDs and a set of very weak voltage references to set the I/O voltage on the shifters, but only exposes the 5V from the USB and 3.3v from a LDO, despite being jumperable for 2.5v or 1.8v too.
whew, now I can get on with the rest of my day... :/
no the light is on the rock sbc constant and dim
not bright like a boot
seems to do it when I have 2 connectors touching
so Ill call it a warning light heh
wiki says red led is "Standby" on pine64
make sure you don't have any of the power pins from the ftdi connected
board's getting power from the same grounded circuit the computer is, or is an isolated floating (battery / laptop) supply ?
3 wires all in paraalell
I think if it fails to boot it lights all three LEDs solid, red green and white
xec has joined #armbian
i get white and red solid when it kp's
im in putty it wont let me cp the output from terminal on linux?
depends on which de
shift-insert/middle-button does what?
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kde need to get a log then
I forget if putty generates a selection into the clipboard automatically on linux or not
last line in kp is not sybcing that means its not find the right partitons
hm, putty/linux doesn't seem to be putting selections into the clipboard for me either
np I set tit log
set it
its under logging options
now im armed with the specific info do I create a post in forum if so what catagory
funny pic, in college we took field trip to Frank Lloyd Wright place, one of his things (unlike most other architects) was making sidewalk like on left
but I take your point
this Frank is a creative fella
you never heard of? He is very famous architect
Europe has its own history :)
joke. No, not exactly my field of interest
not mine either but I am full of random info because I read all the time
"The Orange Pi Prime has a Raspberry Pi model B+ compatible 40-pin, 0.1" connector" maybe the device I am looking for additional snapclient node... overkill, but price maybe right given Igor handing them out :D
* TRS-80
interest intensifies
I wish there were more of the current staff and contributors here on IRC. Barely noticing someone...
yes, that's it. teres is/was anyway broken,
IgorPec: okay i'll work on getting that merged into RC1 branch
TRS-80: if you need some boards, we can put you on the list when we go out shopping :)
Werner__: +1, many more people than me deserve handouts (been here longer, contributed more), so perhaps make forum post about this IgorPec
IgorPec: TRS-80: -- any other RC1 issues on the forum that we shoul follow-up on?
IgorPec: nah, don't spend money
lanefu: You know, I have not necessarily been parsing that as a separate category, I probably need to pay closer attention (still getting up to speed) sorry :(
we get free samples - the biggest cost is organising distribution
sometimes we got more then we need, sometimes not
IgorPec: I sort of figured that. I would be willing to pay shipping I suppose (depending).
TRS-80: I arrange samples from China to "US office", Tony or Martin. They will forward you a board ... if / when we will get some extra
I usually cover EU shipping
Sweet! Thanks.
currently been looking for RPi replacement, HAT compatible, to use as streaming music node (snapclient / DIY "Sonos" like) so don't need anything powerful but hey, beggars can't be choosers ;)
I will restate that I feel others probably deserve more than me, but maybe they are drowning in boards already :)
lanefu: branch it to v20.02 and ./build-all ?
then a meeting what we had done wrong
IgorPec: hang on a sec
yes yes
i was cherry picking and testing :)
i also plan to do several small things
but we can start in real perhaps in sunday?
this time is ok?
its' 7pm here
1PM here
i'm pretty flexible
no big plans this weekend
..and I'm off work monday
me neither, except tomorrow i am out for some dinner
cool.. well we can chip away at it and chat throug the weekend, and if we need to buckle down and concentration sunday is fine
ok, perhaps a notice to the forum that other interested to speak up regarding release problems
we can do small ad hoc changes, but the rest is for the future
yeah good idea i'll make a post
anyway just merged that fix if yuo wanna push out new RC1 images for A64
I merged things to master. anyway we could just use it as is
ahaa, for A64 ... no need for new RC1 images. I made several tests with Lime, Opi Win, M64 ...
this week
so A64 was fine this whole time on rc1?
no no
after DVFS changes, which were not part of RC1 AFAIK
no sure, but anyway its ok now :)
so have you published any newer RC1 images since our initial branch? just wondering if the patches I've added are available
no, i only remake teres and pinebook, but right from master
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hey guys
what do i need to run the firewalla program on my nano pi neo
i downloaded the firewalla software for free and imaged it to an sd card
i have it booted up on a nanopi neo (512mb ram) 4 core 1.2ghz
sorry maccraft we don't really focus on that here