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On paper BT should work with mainline.. I need to test and enable the right Kconfig options..
TBH I got sidetracked playing with u-boot mainline for rk3308...
ok. this can be done later. its not expected that everything works
Btw - we should soon be able to squeeze RK3308 into rockchip64...
aha, this is still a rocpis-dev family. i haven't noticed
what is the main difference between your 5.5 and mainline + patches?
No networking/Audio stuff yet
and tsadc
mainline just boots :p
let's wait for piter if he had some complains. our first priority is sorting our bugs for release next week
after we release stuff, things will become less complicatged
Sure, no hurries, I don't believe there are a lot of people waiting with this board ;-)
yeah, agree. I also don't have it
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hi, I want to fix issue #1798 on gh (I created a couple of days ago)
making a patch to make the pcm5102a selectable is easy
but I'm not sure how to make is selected (as module) bu default for sunxi boards
to make it selected by default (sorry)
should I modify config files in config/kernel ?
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douardda: yes.
if you start compilation with KERNEL_CONFIGURE="yes" or make menuconfig ... do you get a prompt? I mean can you select it?
I do use menuconfig yes
and I can select it (according it has a description in the Kconfig file)
ok,then its ok. If you use our build tool to get into kernel menu changes it also creates a config after you exit ... and save inot output/config/
or .config .. copy that over config/kernel/linux-xxx-yyy.config
ok let's give it a try then
IgorPec: is there a reason not to build other pcmxxx modules in armbian by default? or it is just because it come like that from upstream?
(like try to keep the linux-image-current-sunxi package not too fat)
no reason, you can enable others if you like
we don't need to keep kernel small in size
ok thanks
at least the pcm5102 and pcm51xx since they are very common in cheap "dacs"
> we don't need to keep kernel small in size
Yes, it is not (Mach?) or GNU Hurd, etc.; Linus and Co. gave up on that long ago XD
yeah, but on the embedded side of the world ... size do matters. still
Of course true. Just making bit of a joke. :)
gheez I had not cloned a (vanilla) kernel for ages, damn it has grown quite a bit
i know :)
see though ^ lol
I read a little about concepts of micro kernels, which I found very interesting, but apparently monolithic are much faster in practice, so here we are
Another interesting tid-bit: Intel Management Engine uses Minix, making it by far the most widely deployed micro-kernel in use today. :D
i ran AMD :)
then you go the unikernels (there's even one in OCaml: MirageOS :p
I should give a try running mpd on such a unikernel...
AMD followed suit pretty soon after, unfortunately. I always forget wthat theirs is called though. Aah there it is Platform Security Processor (PSP) https://libreboot.org/faq.html#amd
"It is extremely unlikely that any post-2013 AMD hardware will ever be supported in libreboot, due to severe security and freedom issues; so severe, that the libreboot project recommends avoiding all modern AMD hardware."
yeah I saw a talk at fosdem more/less on this
I guess open hardware is the only way to go
douardda: it is *slowly* moving that way, but we have a long way to go
yeah. very slow
but this is real reason I throw all my weight behind Armbian. I feel strongly we have a rare strategic opportity to shape the future market of computer hardware, which is shaping up right before our very eyes
Intel and other dinosaur business models are already dead. they just have a lot of momentum and resources, so it will take a long time still :D
IgorPec: I thought that link was going to be about F/LOSS movement or something XD
its about similar hard strouggle
not really sure if we its a right match, but wording is
certainly, would make great book title for what I was thinking, but guess not since it's taken already XD
yeah. btw. i am delivering a speech in two weeks in the local hackers club. international version will follow later in the year
it's kind of update of where we are, mainly on the technical aspects of the project
IgorPec: the proper way for a patch is a gh PR or a git send-email is ok?
PR is preffered way
IgorPec: That is awesome, man. I only (somewhat) recently stumbled across your presentaiton at BalCCon2K17 and thought it was great. It connected a lot of dots for someone even like me who has been following the project for a while. I think it deserves more visibility, that video, somehow on the site.
it looks like it was just stuck on that page for lack of ideas where else to put it :D
that video is from 2017 IIRC. It needs an update.
TRS-80: thanks for cheer up. I have to hibernate to be able to prepare for the presentation :) and to do some daytime jobs
IgorPec: like me you are textbook introvert :) which (maybe you know) actually does not mean we are anti-social, but rather we need alone time to "re-charge our batteries" as opposed to extrovert who receive charge from being around people
Also yes it was a compliment for sure, but also it is a double edged sword being in such position, as I am sure you already found out. Another reason I try to help, I been in such leadership position before, myself.
s/you are/you sound like
am aware of the other edge/s and which is why we are trying to create better formal decision structure.
Yes, looks like it. Sometimes I worry you burn out, then I fear no more Nice Things (tm) for us. :)
to make it right and to save our souls from burning out
lol jinx
hehe :)
IgorPec: if you ever travel to US I would like to buy you some beers
yes, that's a real problem. which is why I am going to sleep right now :) ask @lanefu about those decision making stuff, can't find atm
OK, cheers
i have been close two months ago
in the south pacific
don't forget to let me know when you do
Hawaii? lol
I mean mainland US, even then... it is very big country, so...
no, much more to the south
not in US
oh, maybe you meant "close to burning out" ???
world southern capital city?
I dunno, depend on what metric I suppose :)