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Evening Guise
lol guess I'll be rebuilding my odroid n2 desktop tonight..... tried to switch kernels on a old install
I need to finsih converting to new dotfile storage method and install script for my base system for just such occasions
yeah I've got an ansible base role that sets up a lot of stuff... but haven't done any desktop oriented things
If I am not mistaken, I think XFCE keeps all settings in text files. So I hope for that to be my universal desktop across systems. Have not yet started trying to keep those settings under git yet though.
I am comparing my attempt at sound with Oleg's, and... I don't know why mine is not working.
* Tony_mac32
contemplates taking up art
* TRS-80
points out that art comes in many forms
* Tony_mac32
notes that some art is better than others
* lanefu
ponders... what _is_ art?
* count-doku
thinks art is in the eye of the beholder.
* Tony_mac32
knows it is not a banana taped to a wall
TRS-80 hahaha
* lanefu
knows eating said banana from wall is not performance art
* Tony_mac32
tonymac thinks it might count via comedy
* TRS-80
knows that most of expensive "modern art" going for ridiculous prices is actually just money laundering / tax evasion
* lanefu
is not a tax attorney
count-doku: Tony_mac32: +1
phipli_lurk has joined #armbian
Tony_mac32 (or anyone, but I know Tony_mac32 has more experience with them) Can anyone recommend good ESP 32 / 8266 device(s) to get started with? So far I only used Arduino (Nano, Pro Mini) so I am not complete noob but now I look at a project that recommends ESP over Arduino and I'm not even sure where to look / what to search for.
I could send you a prototype of mine, that way if you have any HAT' slying around you could just pop them on and play
get some dev board with flash memory on it. I think just the ESP32 chip does not contain any flash.
The typical boards have between 4 and 16 MB on them via SPI, then some have spi RAM as well
I am proud owner of (Actually fairly decent, IMO) Chinese Hakko clone (Yihua 939) with proper tips and solder. And all these years I thought it was a matter of skill. It's really not. It's easy with right equipment.
Crowd Supply finally replied to me saying they'd check, but 2 business days later they hadn't replied about the export control status, and my dashboard shows no movement.
Tony_mac32: Is that correct link? Beefy relay? I think I might use for somethign else, but not what I am asking about here.
But I would love to check out one of your devices :)
lanefu: Yeah that is one I seem to hear mentioned a lot
wiki.wemos.cc uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on December 22, 2019 /facepalm.jpg
TRS-80 I saw the "list of stuff it can do" and wasn't sure exactly your need. Do you need RF? IR?
first need is RF, then maybe later IR and/or BLE (and maybe never). But I tend to get into things that have lots of upside potential. I figure if I am going to spend time getting familiar with some tool, I don't want to re-do that all again later if I need more functionality.
I have some generic 433Mhx devices I want to start tying in to openHAB (switches, buttons, relays, etc.)
OK, so RF (non wifi/bt) will need a transceiver
yes I have those
got superheterodyne ones, as recommended
link? (I haven't played in ISM RF band in a long time)
just search for that term on Ali (or preferred site) there are lots of them, and only slightly more than the cheap ones
or you mean you want to see like pin out or such?
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phipli_lurk has joined #armbian
Ah ok, it's just a digital gateway, you have to do the protocol all in software?
archetech : the rock64 USB3 works properly if I put a USB3 hub between the Rock64 and the hard disk !?
phipli_lurk which kernel?
Tony_mac32: do you have a Rock64 && are you aware of no-ouput that archetech has been experiencing with mainline-current?
I have been working on mainline current. I added USB3 to the mainline, I did some limited testing so am interested in this
* phipli_lurk
rolls eyes. Nope, back down to slow again. Brief period it worked at >70MB/s write
Tony_mac32: I am not sure, just starting to play with it, so not really familiar in detail. This project is in "learn just enough to order parts from China" phase. Then over the coming weeks I will read and learn more about the protocol or how it works or whatever. ;)
for the 4.4 kernel I have no knowledge, the vendor kernel is... well.
I haven't looked at it in a while
lunch, then I'll be back
* TRS-80
is still having coffee
as my wife says "for 6 hours" XD
she is a slace driving corporate kool-aid drinker, with no appreciation for Slack
in terms of supporting electronics, all you really need is a 3.3v regulator and some capacitors
well, I will probably start out with modules for prototyping, learning, eventually later move to just chips for custom boards and making things smaller
phipli: Thanks for info
TRS-80, if you look through the Arduino examples, one of them is a self updating example (you can upload your code through a browser and it writes it to itself and resets)
that can save a lot of faff, so it might be worth basing your code around that example
(obviously you need the same upload code in the replacement firmware, otherwise you can't do it next time)
I haven't looked that closely, but a lot of self-modifying firmwares skip the part where they overwrite themselves
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Tony_mac32, in this case it is part of the program you're uploading, so you have to make sure it is in the replacement software if you want to use it again. Not an issue really, I just use the example as a template to start my projects
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>ESP32 has ethernet MAC interface
also bluetooth built in
I think I found my gateway base board
will still order some 8266 to play with for other things
nacelle: I had to read down the page a bit to see that's running on ESP32! Wow...
OK, gotta run. bbl
TRS-80 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.3]
I have an Odroid-go, I have learned I need to try an alternative firmware with more game emulators
Tony_mac32: got a link to a bootable rock64 rc-1 image by chance?
last I checked the rc1 booted, hang on, building a renegade with (I hope) sound
good luck
I had only forgotten to enable I2s 0 and 1 from what I can tell
the audio pipeline is all there in mainline
just the last time i tried using the renegade with rk3328 codec enabled it gave me read/write errors if i used an sdcard.
of course that was back in the 4.4.x days
i haven't played with the renegade in ages
ah ok
gave up hope on that old girl
I also upped the SD IO drive currents to make it more stable as well, that should help
someone mainlined it thankfully
did that?
yes, 4 mA drive is nowhere near enough to do more than 25 MHz to the SD
they* geez
so it's set to 8
well i'll have to check it out sometime. nice to see it is still being worked on.
The Rock64 and Renegade fell victim to horrible mainline neglect by Rockchip
yeah. sad affair really
and the Rockchip 4.4 kernel is a crapshoot depending on the release/time of year/ phase of moon
i will say this... it ran way more stable when using an emmc.
right now i just use my as local web server because atleast the ethernet port works well.
it would, the capacitive loading on the emmc is way less, so the drive strengths don't need to be as high. All those pins and flat paddles/etc in SD makes it a bit dicey.
SD quality is waay more variable than emmc as well
it did make for a somewhat ok kodi box as well. depending on the build and kernel of course.
I had an extended period off because of some health issues w/family, I let things bit rot a bit. fixing
hey man life happens
I have a report the RAM speed is off somehow, between that and reports of getting 1/2 ram I think some U-boot plumbing is in order too
that with the mainline kernel?
he Renegade is lpddr4
so it's double-damned from a Rockchip support standpoint
did they clean up dts dtb business in the mainline kernel or do you guys still patch all that?
so rockchip put out rock64 gave initial support and now anything new like 5.x kernel they say sry we done helping with this product we sold 2yrs ago?
last time i checked it only picked up one usb port
if i just pulled from kernel.org that is.
Pine made Rock64
Libre Computer Renegade
with Firefly
well Firefly
oh so its them pine peeps
I fixed the USB ports. at least mostly
both USB2 work, and I have had no issues with USB3
hmmm neat.
but a vendor like Pine/Libre Computer/Firefly are somewhat dependant on the SoC vendor to at least give a damn
phipli_lurk and I both tested usb3 at 15-30mb max on 4.4 kernel
yeah, I haven't touched that mess
I have stuck to cleaning the 5.4 up, since it's *really* close to function parity with 4.4
vcodec and Mali support are almost there
ok sounds promising ill withhold my rant agaist pine
i don't get mad at pine, i just don't buy from them anymore
although that h6 looked interesting
c0rnelius_: im down with that solution
I don't know what Pine does software wise, I do know Libre Computer puts a lot of resources into getting things mainlined.
But, there are limits when the basics aren't covered by the SoC guys
same goes with libre computer. although i do like the boards they sell. just support is... not so good?
but it is what it is
I haven't tried reaching out through their end user support, so no idea
i wouldn't bother
ok anybody messing with the stuff you are Tony_mac32 I'll listen too next board will be from a vendor who gives a dang
is there such a vendor?
he just libre does
well, like I sadi, on the hardware/software side they do, I have no idea what support for say defects looks like
im out ~$15 on this first purch at the worst
call it learning costs
what is it?
which one? V1/2/3?
libre is a lot of figure it out ur self. but they do produce imgs and make an attempt on that end.
it works fine in many ways just has lots of gotchas usb nic ram-cpu mhz settings etc
i like the le potato and all-h5.
solid boards
I don't have that one, I have a pre-V1 and a V3.
w/e you do on the v3 should work main diff is its got a clock
I have all of their boards for support reasons, and can say they are put together pretty well. None of the typical "WTF" hardware issues I am accustomed to
the All-H3/5 are obviously intended to be cheap boards, and are still pretty solid
yeah they are well done.
i use my h5 with mycroft.ai. works really well. the le potatos i have run coreelec. very good experience so far with both.
they put a ton of work behind the 4.19 kernel mainline stuff to make that happen, so La Frite is similarly well supported.
what Im shooting for is a good aarch64 board that compiles well and has good gpu support
the bootloader on La Frite is pretty awesome, on board in flash
i heard. Da gave me a mouthful one day :)
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isn't la frite limited in memory?
uefi boot would be nice too
which is what turned me off from wanting one
the S805X is to the S905X what the H2+ is to the H3
MMm i see
so it's a TV box SoC with a lot of bells and whistles turned off
yeah. i don't think i needs dis
interesting looking board all the same.
theres nothing worse than arch arm on rock64 in ssh it just freezes
completely random and frequent
my renegade never freezse in ssh
there are some ethernet PHY issues I know of
but it is over ethernet on 4.4.198+
yes armbian 4.4 dont do it
but I cant use armbian on lfs cuz its too complicated arch just cp -a the boot dir im done
plus the modules/firmware
oh i
oh. i'm just using the armbian kernel. i made my debian img for the board.
i actually made a few different ones. OpenSUSE, Crux, Void and Debian. But i stuck with debian.
OK, 1 step forward, I see the audio devices. alsa seems happy. Pulseaudio... well.. it's pulseAudio. PA = Pain in Ass :)
emOne has joined #armbian
good job
and the sdcard didn't go into readonly mode?
nope, not yet anyway.
well that is a good sign
but I'm not calling it a win yet. Everything registered, but PA won't make a peep, need to do some aplay to make sure it's alive
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I've got sound, and no SD errors. making some cleanup before pushing
* Tony_mac32
will probably update the Rock64 dts to match mainline conventions
built it dl'ed it dont matter we dont know no serial cable here
only u and igor have rock64's so im stopped
which is fine I have arch working above
but would like to try image of armbian on sdcard
that isnt 4.4
I thought more of us had the Rock64, huh. Well, I'll circle around once I have this sound patched
midnightmagic is now known as midnight
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Yeah I'll push this, I'm going to need to have someone figure out the PulseAudio bits, it seems to not be init-ing properly, you have to toggle the output a couple times.
if it chirps with asound...ship it
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Hi IgorPec
I had to throw out an ethernet cable, and I suspect my HDMI cable is going bad on my bench.
yeah, cables ... you try to debug rock64?
archetech: I have a rock64 too, in additino to my nanopim4v2.. though my rock64 is pretty much a machine I don't want to mess with but maybe I can help somehow wih a spare sdcard?
haven't read the whole conversation my eyes just zoned in on the rock64 mention ;)