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<lanefu> archetech: did you ever try Balbes's unified image?
<archetech> yes no go
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<Tonymac32> yikes
<steev> how attached are people to the compressed indexes?
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<steev> i only ask because apt searches with it enabled are god awful slow
<steev> https://pastebin.com/cyhyjQmM - apt search does full text searching; apt-cache is still fast with compressed indexes. is there a way to mask that file on an install so it doesn't get added and i forget?
<sarnold> twelve minutes and sixty megs
<Tonymac32> Alright, back to it
* Tonymac32 puts on blue gloves and face mask for some messy linux-ing
<steev> yeah... i'm not sure the 60mb is worth the time difference for apt; but then again, most people still use apt-cache over apt
<Tonymac32> ...can anyone explain the switch in DT binding documentation from simple test to yaml?
<Tonymac32> text*
<Tonymac32> Just what I always wanted, to have to use a tool to read the documentation.
* Tonymac32 hopes his sarcasm was obvious
<steev> i have no idea wtf they were thinking
<steev> but that was my thought when i saw it as well
<Tonymac32> ugh
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<Tonymac32> unintended consequence of the diff --> patch on meson64, it undid all of our "special" stuff. That said, it also works, so I'm going through re-implementing/testing as I go
* Tonymac32 remembers what "review" means, and vows to do better
<Tonymac32> ;)
<Tonymac32> has anyone tried to build a meson64 kernel from Dev branch?
<Tonymac32> or rather dev "option"
<Tonymac32> lanefu I found the 1 GB RAM bug
<Tonymac32> I think anyhow
<Tonymac32> patch starting with 302 set the shared DMA pool to 896 MB
<Tonymac32> some VDEC WIP thing
<Tonymac32> I'm purging it
<Tonymac32> your patch killed it off because it's not in the libre computer kernel
<lanefu> Hmm
<Tonymac32> like I said, I'm stepping through it, it's probably better this way, I'm interrogating each patch
<Tonymac32> I will probably get device tree overlays back now rather than wait though, had to restore them on C2
<lanefu> Yeah i had conflicts with vdec patches i thought i disabled them but dont see that in git history
<Tonymac32> I'm not having conflicts, it's clean patching
<lanefu> Gotcha
<Tonymac32> I'm just walking through the existing patches, for example we accidentally wiped out all of the Armbian added stuff that makes us better than what lvrp16 provides. :P
* Tonymac32 pokes at someone marked "away", poor sportsmanship, 10 yeard penalty
<lanefu> Apparently my phone doesnt want to render a 7000 line patch on github
<sarnold> probably github didn't want to render it either, it seems unhappy above a few thousand
<Tonymac32> my phone hangs on github all the time
<Tonymac32> quality front-end development
<lanefu> its hindering my ability to compute casually
<Tonymac32> hahahahaha
<sarnold> a few weekends ago a read a few hundred lines of installer code while laying in bed.. I found the cause of a bug with about an hour of being lazy :)
<lanefu> ohhh i pulled most of the vdec stuff out of the patch
<Tonymac32> for the record Armbian has the only GXBB boards with full upstream audio capability at the moment. It will be short-lived, but is fun. I need to let Jerome know we are actively testing it on unsuspecting everyone
<sarnold> navigating directory trees isn't great fun but it beat getting out of bed
<Tonymac32> ^
<lanefu> yup
<lanefu> im on a gpd win now
<Tonymac32> I'm too poor for that level of device
<Tonymac32> ;)
<sarnold> imagine my surprise when I saw the bit "runs a full version of Windows 10" on wikipedia
<sarnold> I hadn't seen that kind of form factor in ages; win ME might have been less surprising :)
<Tonymac32> ha
<Tonymac32> I have an NEC mobilePro I got off ebay
<Tonymac32> Windows CE
<Tonymac32> got it years ago
<sarnold> there we go! that's what I expected :) hehe
<Tonymac32> it was a great lab tool, it had excel
<lanefu> you need a libretto
<Tonymac32> I did really like the form factor
<Tonymac32> I just can't put real money down for it without it having linux
<Tonymac32> wait a second
<Tonymac32> HEY PINE
<Tonymac32> IDEA
<Tonymac32> XD
<lanefu> lol
<lanefu> so yeah looking at my patch again.... was definitely more to prune
<Tonymac32> well, the dts's we don't use still need patched
<Tonymac32> because of the disappearance of the phandles in the dtsi
<Tonymac32> for the audio
<Tonymac32> So I'm just taking my time, I'm fixing K2 dts now, then I'll come back to Potato, I think it might not be quite what it should be just yet
<Tonymac32> each iteration will shrink the patch a bit
* Tonymac32 needs some more Rye
<Tonymac32> sarnold I also have a Jornada 720
<Tonymac32> archetech yo uready for the supposed blizzard?
<archetech> I like snow storms
<Tonymac32> I do too, everybody sure gets excited though
* Tonymac32 looked up the libretto, cool
<sarnold> Tonymac32: around that time I had one of these and thought that the jornada would *never* have the awesome usability https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_V
<Tonymac32> we need to find a vendor willing to make a pocket form factor clamshell
<Tonymac32> sarnold nice! Sadly my last Palm device had a "HP" logo on it
<Tonymac32> bastards
<sarnold> heh
<Tonymac32> I mean that as strongly as possible
<sarnold> was that webos generation?
<Tonymac32> yeah
<sarnold> I had such high hopes for that
<Tonymac32> I had a Pre, a Veer, and a Touchpad
<Tonymac32> they were awesome devices
<sarnold> such good will from many years with the ^^ above and this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot_1000
<Tonymac32> but HP was a bunch of buffoons
<archetech> still got my hp 1935
<archetech> pocket2003
<Tonymac32> I had a Dell Axim X30
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<Tonymac32> 624 MHz of Intel ARM
<archetech> like to hack it but no clue
* Tonymac32 realizes Intel is looking a lot like RadioShack
<sarnold> rofl
<Tonymac32> no direction, justy flailing about and abandoning stuff
<Tonymac32> I had one of their x86-based Arduino UNO's
<Tonymac32> that thing was literally amazing, ran linux, but never got proper support and they just abandoned it
<lanefu> edison?
<Tonymac32> yep
<Tonymac32> someone offered me an Apple Newton, in other news
<Tonymac32> I'm having a hard time not taking them up on that
<Tonymac32> K2 image flashing. My HDMI video on that board is FUBAR's for some reason, tons of static and mess
<Tonymac32> but the audio worked
<Tonymac32> last time, so should be ok for test
<sarnold> heh I wanted one of those newtons so bad
<sarnold> my boss at the time said "why would you buy an apple, they're going to be gone in a few years"
<Tonymac32> to be fair they should have been
<sarnold> yup
<Tonymac32> I see that cycle coming again, actually
<sarnold> and newton effectively *was* dead on release, neat as it might have been]
<Tonymac32> yeah
<lanefu> yeah theyre on the fringe of alienating users
<Tonymac32> if it was an apple II it would be in my house already
<Tonymac32> man, you better get some alcohol
<Tonymac32> Oh man, Toulouse, the home of Airbus
<Tonymac32> Also the capital of the Visigoth empire
<Tonymac32> XD
<lanefu> lol
* Tonymac32 4 minutes into file system resize... zZzZzZzZ
<Tonymac32> Airbus is loving life right now, thanks to the 737 MAX
<Tonymac32> Boeing, seriously guys
<Tonymac32> Tesla levels of screwup
* Tonymac32 hands all parties involved a copy of ISO26262
<Tonymac32> youtube.com
<Tonymac32> jhsakdjfhkajsdhfkjashdf
<Tonymac32> I need to lock out tag out my keyboards
<Tonymac32> ok, watching a Polish guy friggin tear up a guitar like a boss on my K2. Also, the fuzz went away, so now I'm confused
<lanefu> accodentaly fixed?
<Tonymac32> something
<Tonymac32> maybe I should reflow the HDMI connector
<Tonymac32> holy crap. Marcin Patrzalek, America's got talent (high irony) youtube this insane stuff
<lanefu> you need to calibrate your testing equipment
* Tonymac32 fixes it with fire
* Tonymac32 was introduced to a Mongolian metal band called The HU and now understands fear
<sarnold> those dudes are COOL
<Tonymac32> no shit, haha
<sarnold> I spent a whole night watching those dudes a few months back
<Tonymac32> hahaha
<sarnold> the future's not all bad :)
<Tonymac32> someone commented they should tour with Rammstein, but they might overpower reality
<sarnold> uhoh. you've reminded me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcUB-3lud60 . I'm sorry.
<Tonymac32> and just like that, NanoPi K2 has audio again
<Tonymac32> rofl Youtube comment "No wonder Genghis Khan was able to conquer the world, he has the best battle music."
<sarnold> are you going to join a horde tonight? :)
<Tonymac32> hahaha
* Tonymac32 signing off
<sarnold> gnight
<Tonymac32> lol
<Tonymac32> not really, just joking about finding a horde
<sarnold> ah :D
<sarnold> (it's just about time for me ot go find some food and then youtube myself, so taking off is on my mind :)
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<Werner> Good morning
<Werner> IgorPec, is TRS on vacation or something? He was very present til a few days.
<Tonymac32> werner unknown, I think lanefu sent him a message to see
<Werner> I see ...
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<IgorPec> Werner: don't know. He said nothing
<Werner> :-/
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<robmur01> Tonymac32: re DT YAML - converting the bindings to a formal schema means that DTS files can actually be validated against them. Apparently YAML was the least-worst choice of markup to make that possible
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<lanefu> yeah bummer about people concerned abotu privacy is it makes it hard to check and see if htey're okay
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<Tonymac32> robmur01 at least there is a reason, but it makes their use that much less approachable for anyone not familiar. Kind of the opposite of what documentation is for.
<Tonymac32> but, it is done. :)
<Tonymac32> nice to see you in here, btw.
<robmur01> yeah, now the hard work is pushed up-front into learning how to write the bloody things in the first place :)
<robmur01> still, I once had to work with XML schemas years ago, so however brain-mangling YAML seems it still inherently ranks as "not that bad"...
<Tonymac32> agreed
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<Tonymac32> Hi Igor
<IgorPec> hey
<IgorPec> we have singing C2 now ? :)
<Tonymac32> We do, and K2
<IgorPec> great! I suppose yet another bugfix update?
<Tonymac32> I would wait a couple more days, I'm still working through the mess of patches in there
<IgorPec> yeah, sure
<Tonymac32> we have patches that are undoing each other, so it needs a thorough cleaning. no new features, so we will be able to pull the master patches into the release when I am done (or give up
<Tonymac32> )
<Tonymac32> :)
<IgorPec> don't give up :)
<Tonymac32> Well, "Works but is messy" is where I would leave itat worst case
<IgorPec> well, i would not rush anywhere. when its done its done
<IgorPec> how is obsidian going?
<Tonymac32> They finally shipped the international ones, now I'm just dealing with their legendarily slow response time to questions, coming to an agreement to stock them at a few retailers
<IgorPec> this is your 1st experience or you have done it before?
<IgorPec> i mean this logistic stuff
<Tonymac32> This is my first run outside of a large corporation. I don't totally buy their issues with the classification of the board, I just think it got fumbled between them and they are blaming "changing regulations"
<Tonymac32> I work in Automotive, we source globally all the time, and have a very picky compliance department, a 90 day delay would get people fired, haha
<IgorPec> haha
<Tonymac32> But, I went this route because I did not want to take care of those details and shipping myself
<Tonymac32> so I can only be so grouchy
<IgorPec> yeah, running everything by self is a bit too much
<Tonymac32> The issue now is just basic responsiveness, it takes 5+ working days to get any kind of reply on relatively important topics, like quantities for a pending PO
<IgorPec> but today, you can blame everything to corona :)
<Tonymac32> hahahahaha
<Tonymac32> yes, an easy target for blame
<IgorPec> you can hear it every day
<Tonymac32> it is causing major headaches though, in any safety industry where component sources are validated/etc
<IgorPec> sure, its real
<Tonymac32> something as simple as a resistor from china that is part of an automotive system becomes legal liability and months of validation work
<IgorPec> woov
<Tonymac32> A $5 sensor has to go through at least $35000 worth of electrical testing to be validated, change those components and, well....
<IgorPec> and still tesla crashes into the wall :)
<Tonymac32> So things are a bit crazy in that world at the moment
<Tonymac32> Tesla does not follow automotive best practices as far as I am aware
<Tonymac32> and software becomes another level of strange in that arena
<Tonymac32> My biggest problem with them is that they are experimenting on their customers
<IgorPec> yep, that's pretty obvious and people are just fine with that. That's crazy
<IgorPec> hype patches everything
<Tonymac32> People are ok with it right now because normal people aren't buying them. People who want to get in their car on a -20 degree day and drive their 100 km to work (not uncommon here) won't be so forgiving when the thing has one of it's issues
<IgorPec> yeah, riding a beta car
<Tonymac32> Everything is crazy today, like France saying they won't have any combustion cars by 2040, and also saying they are going to decomission most of their nuclear generation
<Tonymac32> I am curious how exactly they will fuel the electric cars?
<IgorPec> that's probably a statement from some right wing flat earther :)
<Tonymac32> questioning where the power will come from?
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<Tonymac32> Because the countries have law/policy about banning petrol already
<IgorPec> for setting a law you only need consent
<IgorPec> it doesn't need to have any connection to the reality
<IgorPec> this explans a lot but not everything. hard to say if they are that stupid or just doesn't care
<Tonymac32> It looks good for the vocal young people, they are "doing something" so they get votes
<Tonymac32> that's my opinion of course
<robmur01> ISTR that "make all the cars electric" is in practice fundamentally at odds with how much lithium is available to make all the batteries...
<Tonymac32> there is that as well
<Tonymac32> and people don't realize we don't actually recycle those batteries meaningfully today
<robmur01> not that I disapprove of "effectively get rid of all the cars" in itself, but I wouldn't trust the UK to learn how to implement functional public transport
<Tonymac32> So far, the Chevrolet Volt has been the best electrified vehicle. Simply because it can run pure EV, but still has an engine if you need more range
<Tonymac32> robmur01 public transport is a topic that always just goes sideways. Costs, etc. In the US, it is simply not realistic to make trains for the kind of distances we have between cities, and how much they'd actually be used
<Tonymac32> on the east coast, maybe
<Tonymac32> very dense population
<robmur01> yeah, you guys can at least make that argument stick :)
<Tonymac32> haha, well, then we let California try to build one and fail after wasting billions
<Tonymac32> :-/
<Tonymac32> I maintian that was simple mismanagement and probably corruption
<IgorPec> in EU it can work out
<IgorPec> with the public transport
<IgorPec> big cities, yes
<Tonymac32> There is a train from Detroit to Chicago, it is 480 km, and there's really nothing in between worth stopping for.
<Tonymac32> it takes 5 hours
<Tonymac32> I can drive there at my own convenience and get there 30 minutes sooner
<IgorPec> you don't have 300km/h ?:)
<Tonymac32> there have been study after study to evaluate an upgrade
<Tonymac32> and there just isn't a business case for the expenditure
<Tonymac32> people fly or drive
<IgorPec> for the US, Canada or Russia ... such things won't go, big distances and nothing in between
<Tonymac32> in EU I see how it works
<Tonymac32> 2 things
<Tonymac32> 1 population density is high
<Tonymac32> 2 things are not centralized like they are in the US. you have stores/markets/places to work/housing all mixed
<Tonymac32> I live *very* close to work, and it is still almost 10 km one way
<IgorPec> i have 6km comute to the office
<IgorPec> :)
<Tonymac32> We have a guy who drives from Canada every day
<Tonymac32> (I think he is crazy)
<Tonymac32> OK, lunch is over, now back to the day job. :)
<IgorPec> nice. i am after afernoon nap
<IgorPec> catch up with armbian, dealing with kids
<Tonymac32> ah, robmur01, I still need to get crappier SD cards, I have tried to make that audio patch kill my rock64, it hasn't yet. Apparently my SanDisk Ultras are ok with 3.3/1.8V random signal levels.
<IgorPec> that supposed to be fixed now?
<Tonymac32> not a test case I would have ever anticipated
<robmur01> Tonymac32: rock64 is fine - it's renegade that's busted
<IgorPec> aha, don't have it
<Tonymac32> I tested both
<Tonymac32> anyhow, yes, I pushed the V1, but I thin kthere was grumbling about breaking the boards that depended on the broken behaviour, so I'll update
<Tonymac32> the V1 fix*
<IgorPec> oh, so there are all working now?
<IgorPec> v1 - v3
<robmur01> yeah, my v2 is now queued upstream (although I should chase up the DT patch), so should be enough to appease people
<robmur01> TBH the "bad" case of stuffing 3.3V into a UHS card probably will work in practice, it'll just be shortening the life of both SoC and card by dumping who-knows-what current through the clamping diodes
<robmur01> the "safe" case of trying to do initial card detection when "3.3V" has secretly become 1.8V is the functionally-visible breakage
<archetech> robmur01: you realize theres a sub batch of r64 v2's that wont boot current armbian?
<archetech> nobody cares just htought Id mention it
<robmur01> archetech: from what I've seen elsewhere, Pine seem to have a habit of making annoying arbitrary changes between board revisions (e.g. the audio codec I2C address on rockpro) :)
<archetech> they should be honest about that and use rev pount versions then v2.0 2.1
<archetech> point
<robmur01> I don't have a rock64 myself so haven't paid *too* close attention
<archetech> np
<Tonymac32> IgorPec I meant the patch version, sorry. I pushed the original one since I already had the audio stuff enabled, and there were a few cases reported around about turning on audio and the board faceplanting
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<lanefu> Tonymac32: did you reflow your HDMI port into submission last night?
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<Tonymac32> haha no, but thanks for reminding me
<c0rnelius> is it just me or do most if not all the changes in the librecomputer github only reflect on amlogic?
<lanefu> Makes sense i think they engaged a different firm for the other socs
<c0rnelius> but they sell board with more than one SoC
<c0rnelius> boards*
<Tonymac32> both Rockchip boards are Firefly devices
<c0rnelius> nice to see them sending some love and whatnot. i was hoping for some allwinner love there.
<c0rnelius> Tonymac32: i know
<Tonymac32> Allwinner has all the love it can possibly handle from the community
<c0rnelius> except thermals and cpufreq out of the gate
<Tonymac32> The Tritium boards are more or less breakouts of the SoC
<Tonymac32> Tritium uses a fixed regulator, so frequency is limited
<Tonymac32> 1 to 1.2 GHz or something around there
<c0rnelius> yeah
<Tonymac32> you can't reliably go faster without more voltage, and the board simply doesn't have voltage scaling
<c0rnelius> well armbians patch set helps it pretend
<Tonymac32> it can scale frequency down of course
<c0rnelius> out of curiosity, do you all submit to the kernel? the patches and things like dis?
<Tonymac32> I have not, never learned the proper method of doing so, probably should
<c0rnelius> yeah. would be nice.
<c0rnelius> from a user perspective of course
<c0rnelius> probably not so much on ur guys end
<c0rnelius> but if they got submitted that would be one less patch that was needed
<c0rnelius> well.. submitted and accepted. :) would be pretty sweet.
<c0rnelius> i wish i had the know how, i would help in that department.
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