Werner__ changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | This channel is logged -> http://irc.armbian.com
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alrighty then
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Lanefu, these Sonoff switches, they look like they just go inline with the cord?
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voice --help :)
You want to keep your op status I guess?
yes, just wonder what is this
The practical use of voice is having someone be able to bypass a set moderation flag in a channel. For non-moderated channels like this one it is purely cosmetic.
yeah I saw that and checked in earlier and saw Igor about, but the above banner still says unofficial. So I was just checking to see if this was just a dry run of sorts or for sures reals.
about time regardless. maybe see some action in here now :)
c0rnelius: That's weird, banner was changed to Official one (with links) some time ago. Looks like "Topic set by Werner__ (~Werner@armbian/op/Werner) on Tue, 28 Jan 2020"
although that is just latest version
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:| maybe ur right and I was seeing an older banner from the last time i logged in :) Damn family guy distracting me! And yes, that is who I'm blamimg.
regardless. good to see.
TRS-80: so i wonder if an alternate path for people desperate support would be "Pay for support, or post a bounty for the community"
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lanefu: you referring to these last guys we were discussing in PM?
Free means "Free as in Freedom, not price" seems I heard that somewhere...
TRS-80: yeah... or people like them
well they didn't take the offer anyway, which was what the whole kerfuffle was about apparently
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lanefu: I been reading GitHub issues again recently, I think there are few more there that probably can be closed. I can ping you about them later, but I really need to start working on cleaning up this closet...
TRS-80: yeah good call.... i was doign housekeeping for a while, but i fell off the wagon
MiL (grandma) coming in like a week, need to keep tidyind up also at home (besides forums) :D
man.. github is intense today
partly my fault spamming offtopic crap, sorry
won't do again
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