ChanServ changed the topic of #elliottcable to: drugs
<Willox> this was part of a joke
<Willox> but I have created an amazing piece of art
<devyn> I don't understand
<devyn> god the discussion on /r/polandball is really civil and excellent
<devyn> I love it
<joelteon> is that sarcasm
<devyn> no, it's actually pretty great
<joelteon> oh good
<joelteon> i love good subreddicts
<joelteon> subreddits
<joelteon> it's like a little nugget of gold
<joelteon> oh shit
<joelteon> i didn't know about that page
<devyn> so in this song, KOKIA sings Japanese backwards and it sounds like spanish.
<joelteon> maybe it IS
<devyn> she just like
<devyn> makes it romaji
<devyn> and then reverses it
<devyn> attamijahahira tagonomarakikota = ato ki kara monogatari ha hajimatta
<devyn> I think?
<devyn> it's weird
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<devyn> it sounds cool though.
<joelteon> neither of those sounds like spanish
<devyn> eh?
<devyn> er
<devyn> starting from there
<devyn> like
<Willox> devyn: it was a chatbox that updated automatically and the messages even went to the top of the document without any javascript
<Willox> it was made very horribly, I'll put it back up if you want
<devyn> oh
<devyn> no js?
<devyn> wow
<devyn> I should look at it again
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<Willox> I flipped the document and then flipped every message within it to create the scrolling mirage
<Willox> well.. the document in the first iframe
<Willox> yeah it uses two iframes
<devyn> ohhhh
<devyn> huh
<devyn> input name='message'
<devyn> I must have said that at some point
<devyn> in an input with the same name
<glowcoil> yorick: yorickpeterse whitequark: jesus christ just read the backlog of you guys being ignorant about OO and blasting alex over nothing
<glowcoil> lol
<purr> lol
<yorick> glowcoil: he was being really dumb
<yorick> glowcoil: and do be fair all I did was agree with yorickpeterse
<glowcoil> he said that java's OO is more similar to Smalltalk's than Rust's is, which as far as I can see is *completely* true
<yorick> I don't think that's what he said
<devyn> Willox: cool, thanks for that
<devyn> I feel so drained of ideas lately
<devyn> it's neat to see creative things
<devyn> :p
<glowcoil> and also whitequark defining message-passing OO as *requiring* method-missing is kind of asinine, I feel
<Willox> It was a proof of concept really
<Willox> The bottom -> top scrolling was the hardest bit
<glowcoil> method-missing is such an arbitrary thing
<glowcoil> gtg
<joelteon> no it isnt
<purr> <darkf> no you're bad for other reasons
<devyn> oh darkf
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
* eligrey sees topic
* eligrey drops white goo all over his strema
<eligrey> ec: how do i clean this up?
<alexgordon> glowcoil!
<alexgordon> hm, I'm late to the party :(
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<devyn> yep
<devyn> so am I
<devyn> apparently
<devyn> loool
<joelteon> hi everyone
<joelteon> what do you all want to argue about today
<purr> <isaacs> i think there's a goober on process.stdout that tells you that
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
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<glowcoil> hi alexgordon
<alexgordon> hi glowcoil
<alexgordon> it's 5am
<glowcoil> it's 10pm :p
<glowcoil> and i've been awake for 20 hrs
<alexgordon> glowcoil: holy shit
<alexgordon> glowcoil: did you hear about crock's latest crusade?
<alexgordon> against integers
<glowcoil> alexgordon: no
<glowcoil> crockford?
<alexgordon> yah
<alexgordon> I really do despise the man
<glowcoil> unrelated, i wish we had rationals everywhere
<alexgordon> he's a greater fraud than I am
<alexgordon> ;)
<glowcoil> :p
<glowcoil> alexgordon: aren't rationals a great idea though
<alexgordon> glowcoil: errrr, no
<glowcoil> why not
<alexgordon> glowcoil: they're fine, but they shouldn't replace integers
<alexgordon> they use twice as much memory
<alexgordon> plus they have to be normalized
<alexgordon> they're obviously quite slow in software, you could maybe make them sufficiently fast in hardware, but the memory problem isn't solvable
<joelteon> yeah but you'd use rationals for reasons
<joelteon> not just to use rationals
<alexgordon> joelteon: glowcoil said rationals everywhere
<joelteon> oh
<joelteon> i misunderstood
<joelteon> nvm, thats dumb af
<alexgordon> if you want to store a 64-bit number you need a 64-bit numerator, and then a denominator of 1 :P
<alexgordon> which is kinda silly really
<joelteon> not like people pay attention to performance often anyway
<joelteon> would rationals just be a replacement for floats or all numbers
<alexgordon> glowcoil: I do like rationals though. I was doing some stuff with relative word frequency a couple of months ago. I tried using python's BigDecimal thing, but it gave me rounding errors
<alexgordon> so I switched to rationals and everything was exactly representable
<alexgordon> \o/
<glowcoil> alexgordon: of course not integers
<glowcoil> alexgordon: just floats
<joelteon> ok then yeah
<alexgordon> floats are still useful for games
<joelteon> floats are dumb anyway
<joelteon> well make them explicit
<joelteon> use a sigil or something
<alexgordon> in furrow (*collective groan*) my thinking is to just have everything there, as first class
<glowcoil> alexgordon: that's cool glad to see a real life example
<alexgordon> then you use the right tool for the job
<joelteon> alexgordon i don't think anybody here hates furrow except you
<alexgordon> joelteon: well I'm always talking about it but I've never completed the compiler
<alexgordon> which I'm acutely aware of
<joelteon> oh ok
<joelteon> well compilers are hard
<joelteon> keep working on it
<joelteon> i want to use furrow
<alexgordon> so little time
<alexgordon> glowcoil: I think like 1/2 should be a rational literal
<alexgordon> although hm that would be weird if you changed the 1 to an "x" and you got floats instead
<alexgordon> 1/2q ?
<joelteon> 1/2f
<alexgordon> joelteon: you're saying rationals should be default?
<joelteon> absolutely
<alexgordon> :\
<joelteon> i can't remember the last time i used floats for something
<alexgordon> that reminds me of how bigints are default in python and it sucks
<joelteon> ummmmm
<joelteon> i used rationals during a playoff simulator
<joelteon> that was useful
<alexgordon> joelteon: relevant:
<alexgordon> it's better to have the "fast but not as good" thing as default
<alexgordon> and have people switch to the "slow but better" thing if they need to
<alexgordon> otherwise people use the slow thing all the time and performance suffers in a way that can't eaisly be fixed
<joelteon> ok
<alexgordon> haha
<alexgordon> joelteon: number types fascinate me though
<joelteon> i agree with you, just saying
<alexgordon> I hate how programming langauges don't have enough numbers
<joelteon> i have no strong preference
<joelteon> if you have a strong preference, i'll probably go with it
<glowcoil> alexgordon: yeah i like rational literals
<alexgordon> integers, unsigneds, floats, decimals, rationals, complexes, quaternions, vectors, matricies, ...
<alexgordon> very few languages have all of that out of the box. it's sad :\
<alexgordon> woah
<alexgordon> glowcoil ^
silentbicycle_ is now known as silentbicycle
<whitequark> glowcoil: meh
<alexgordon> hi whitequark
<purr> <Nuck> gqbrielle: What's ladyprison, hobbits?
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<whitequark> hi al
<whitequark> *alexgordon
<whitequark> argh he quit
<devyn> lollll
<purr> lollll
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: wat
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: I HERD THERE WERE DRUGS TO SEIZE? robot enforcer here to has drugs plz
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -factoid drugs
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Popularity: 6, last changed by: gqbrielle, 605ſ 315mſ ago
<devyn> lol
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I remember lots of this in excellent detail
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I was in fairly good command of my facilities, iirc
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just, not motor control, and was all weird and woozy in the head
<nuck> ;D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:47 <+elliottcable> if I die biefore i wake,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:47 <+elliottcable> give devyn my whatever it was devyn wanted
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:47 <+elliottcable> and give that other perosn that tinng
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> and give nuck my pants
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> because nuck needs pants
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> amen
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> p.s. god, un-amen,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> amen
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> give gabrielle my penis on aplaque
<nuck> I do need pants
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: +o means pants
<devyn> what did I want? I'm not sure
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, was about to say
<nuck> That means this channel has a lot of pantsless people
<ELLIOTTCABLE> did we ever find out what devyn wanted?
<nuck> More than a strip club even
<devyn> probably elliott's dick
<devyn> but I can't have it because it's going to gqbrielle
<devyn> on a plaque
<joelteon> .........
<nuck> All of #elliottcable wants elliott's dick
<nuck> I think
<devyn> I thought that was the purpose of this channel
<nuck> Maybe divy it up like post-war germany
gqbrielle has joined #elliottcable
gqbrielle is now known as gq
<nuck> hi gq
<gq> hi nuck
<nuck> I like ur magazine
<gq> nuck: thanks, i work really hard on it
<devyn> are you psychic gq
<devyn> 23:21:21 < ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> p.s. god, un-amen,
<devyn> 23:21:21 < ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> give gabrielle my penis on aplaque
<devyn> 23:21:21 < ELLIOTTCABLE> 23:48 <+elliottcable> amen
<devyn> just now
<nuck> I think she saw twitter devyn
<devyn> oh well I don't check twitter
<devyn> at al
<devyn> all
<gq> i was ordered here on pain of being shit on
<gq> so uh
<devyn> oh lol
<purr> lol
<gq> let's go with me being psychic
<gq> it's less dumb
<devyn> <3 gq
<purr> Let it be known that devyn hearts gq.
* gq feeds everyone ovoids
<gq> if i have to be back on meds, so does everyone
<devyn> 'kay
<devyn> I would gladly take some right now
<devyn> shitty... couple of weeks
<joelteon> i'm trying to decide on a sweatshirt
* nuck shits on gq
<joelteon> norse, american giant, or reigning champ
<gq> sorry to hear that, devyn
<gq> nuck: jesus at least let me turn the webcam on first
<nuck> feces? more like YAY-ces
<gq> nuck: or do you just enjoy throwing away money?
<nuck> I do in fact enjoy throwing away money
<gq> i should have known
<nuck> I just generally position a net beneath
<nuck> It's fun to throw money though
<nuck> Makes me feel rich
<gq> somebody remind me how the 'adding quotes to purr' syntax goes
<gq> that yay-ces thing needs to be preserved
<whitequark> -set foo = bar
<whitequark> -foo
<purr> whitequark: bar
<whitequark> -bar
<whitequark> -set bar = baz
<whitequark> -bar
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> no.
<nuck> hrm
<nuck> I ... don't remember how to work purr
<nuck> It's been too long
<gq> -what
<purr> <joelteon> I say parser in a relative sense
<gq> i remember how to make purr spit out quotes, just not how to spit quotes into purr
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> If you think anything important came out of Linus fucking around in his garage, then you’re naïve.
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> joelteon: you might be high, but you're not THAT high
<gq> -what
<purr> <elliottcable> brb macrowave. … microwave.
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> I quite like java's generics
<whitequark> someone should add sepulki to purr
<gq> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> is that when the asians arrive?
<gq> -what
<purr> <sullytaylor> I just spent three minuits looking for somthing, then I realised it was in my mouth
<ELLIOTTCABLE> let's DO this
<devyn> what is that
<nuck> glitter. I think elliott's gone full gay on us
<devyn> he always was...
<devyn> :p
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE is at home, making crafts
<gq> i'm not sure what to do with this information
<gq> also ELLIOTTCABLE i saw aaron diaz reply to you on twitter. i think you and cole are the two best people i know for getting People Of Note to reply to your tweets
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, it helps that I'm a People Of Note
<ELLIOTTCABLE> never forget:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find d class
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: css
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: I'd class.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> back to glitter-glue.
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: wait! how do i add things to the -what repository?
<gq> (inb4 the answer is 'apply glitter glue, wait 5 minutes')
<ELLIOTTCABLE> reply to the person, with a colon, and either the words "what" or "wat", and a period.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> used to be more general, but I had to make it very specific, so it'd stop catching unrelated unfunny shit in other channels
<purr> beep.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'll probably just add an explicit command, I guess. ugh. stupid.
<devyn> I don't feel like doing anything at all right now
<devyn> like
<devyn> if I could actually just do nothing
<devyn> I want to
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: so what's up? you've seemed down for a while.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> comisserate with me.
<devyn> I have no good ideas lately
<devyn> my life is just work and school and that's it
<devyn> and sometimes I hang out with friends
<purr> <elliottcable> writing *completely* unabstracted Paws is like pulling teeth. from a tiger. with a dildo.
<devyn> and then one friend brought this girl to dinner with us (with a whole bunch of other people)
<devyn> she was really great
<devyn> ended up talking to her for a week
<devyn> something happened
<devyn> she became distant
<devyn> and then suddenly last night she's like, oh yeah, now I have a boyfriend since like a day ago
<devyn> >_>
<devyn> we were going to go on a date and she had to cancel because of a family emergency
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … turns out pink feather boas *shed*. A lot.
<devyn> all of that within a week
<devyn> it takes a fucking toll
<devyn> ugh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've got similar stories.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> things with my long-term gf fell slowly apart
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you know, the kind of falling apart that brings to mind Kerbal Space Program when you didn't use enough struts
<ELLIOTTCABLE> random shit wobbling violently in all sorts of directions, breaking off and screaming across the sky, doing a cartwheel, and somehow coming right back at you,
<devyn> hah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> all the while you're still headed on a nominally vertical trajectory, against all logic.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … until you're not.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “You will not be going to space, today.”
<devyn> :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … so, I broke up with her. Partially because I thought I could do better.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but of couuuuuurse, all my other prospects or interests IMMEDIATELY went to shit.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and I immediately had all of the self-confidence I'd built up ripped out from under me; so, after a couple years of consistent, mindblowing sex … high-self-esteem-encouraging experiences with several partners and in various situations …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … I'm somehow back to feeling like a worthless, unwanted, socially incapable nerd.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> thought that part of my life was well and truly over more than a year ago. |=
<devyn> cool, me too, except the self confidence came from doing well at work and school and meeting new people
<devyn> and now I just feel like shit
<devyn> I really would just like to be friends with her anyway
<devyn> but I'm afraid it's going to be so toxic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that shit never goes well
<ELLIOTTCABLE> best of luck, though.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> is she still talking to you.
<devyn> yeah
<devyn> when she told me I was actually pretty relieved, because it put to rest my anxiety that it had something to do with me
<devyn> when really she just didn't know what to do, I guess
<devyn> so she was glad that I was taking it well
<devyn> ...and then I went to bed
<devyn> and I never have dreams, but for some fucking reason I had to have a dream about her
<devyn> idk what even to do now
<devyn> I'm so broken after trying so hard
<devyn> and I have such a lack of interest in doing anything lately *anyway*
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: love is great and it also sucks. :|
<joelteon> I haven't met any girls in months
<devyn> at all? is that even possible?
<joelteon> no like
<joelteon> "met"
<devyn> ah
<devyn> heh
<joelteon> which is definitely possible
<joelteon> coming up on a year now
<joelteon> no wait, it's more than that by now
<nuck> Yeah I haven't Metropolitan Museum of Art in months either
<joelteon> ok
<nuck> It's a wonder why I'm still a virgin
<nuck> With puns like that :D
<devyn> hahaha
<joelteon> that was a pun?
<nuck> :<
<nuck> The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC is better known as "met"
<joelteon> oh, ok
<joelteon> that's definitely the weakest joke i've heard today, probably this week too
<joelteon> but nice one
<devyn> hahahaha
<nuck> Terrible awkward puns runs in my family
<nuck> It's a genetic defect
<nuck> damn now I feel kinda lonely
<nuck> Guess it's just me and this pillow
<devyn> man I forgot; pillows feel so good
<nuck> They're so nice to hug
<joelteon> you're a sad sack
<nuck> There's just no emotions there. When will somebody make a pillow that cries on your shoulder?
* gq giggles
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: hi hi hi
<ELLIOTTCABLE> look reverse exponentiation
<devyn> nuck: seriously this is helping so much... why do pillows feel so good
<devyn> and why did I forget
<devyn> >_<
<gq> ELLIOTTCABLE: so why are you doing crafts?
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<glowcoil> <3 björk
<purr> Let it be known that glowcoil hearts björk.
<nuck> devyn: pillows are soft and squishy and huggable
<nuck> And they never betray you
<gq> almost never
<gq> feather pillows can be a bit pokey.
<nuck> only if you buy cheap ones
<nuck> Get higher down percentage and it's nice
<nuck> I'm hoping to get a 30-50% down to replace this shit IKEA pillow I've got
<nuck> Or maybe a hybrid foam
<nuck> foam can be really nice if you firm it up enough that it doesn't smother you in your sleep, like you did to your gran-- I mean
<nuck> yeah
* nuck coughs
<purr> <micahjohnston> I'm really excited to do Cunts next semester?
<glowcoil> oh god
<gq> pfff
<devyn> yeah I have a memory foam like pillow
<devyn> feels so good
<devyn> and it's heavy too
<nuck> I've got a cheap body pillow, a cheap ikea pillow, and one pillow that's actually of a reasonable quality
<nuck> And that's my feather pillow
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* whitequark suddenly remembered a children's rhyme
<whitequark> бедный бедный наш кисель / перешел из золя в гель
<devyn> -ель? and what does the rhyme mean
<whitequark> pity our poor kissel / it was sol and now it's gel
<whitequark> I *think* I've preserved the rhytm
<devyn> it was sol and now it's gel?
<devyn> how does that make sense?
<whitequark> surprisingly it's still rhyming in exact same way
<whitequark> well
<whitequark> sol and gel are two states of colloid solutions
<devyn> okay, well, what is a sol
<devyn> what is sol*
<devyn> oh I found ot
<devyn> it*
<devyn> > Examples include blood, pigmented ink, cell fluids and paint.
<whitequark> yeah it takes a while to understand
<devyn> what is kissel
<whitequark> a drink
<devyn> huh, I get it
<devyn> cool
<devyn> is "sol" a more common term in russian? like everyone knows what "gel" is but not "sol"
<devyn> and since it's a children's rhyme...
<whitequark> sol is a scientific term here
<whitequark> not really colloquially used
<devyn> wow "coal" isn't all that different from its proto-indo-european form
<devyn> *gʷol-
gq has quit []
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<purr> <alexgordon> I DESIRE POPCORN NECKLACES
<alexgordon> yep
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<purr> <Nuck> elliottcable: You train your dogs to bark at the sight of a buttplug or what?
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