purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a kind of sludge
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<purr> <alexgordon> The penis sheath of a male axis deer is elongated and urine-stained. When rubbing trees with their horns, chital stags sometimes move the penis back and forth rapidly inside its sheath.[8] Male bison and fallow deer have tufts of fur at the end of their penis sheaths.
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<alexgordon> purr: wat.
<purr> alexgordon: can't find the referenced what.
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<Rusky> ec
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky: I'm *extremely* tired. I'm, like, forty-some hours awake, working on that spec … and then I had ill-advised violently energetic sex. So,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -spec @ Rusky
<purr> Rusky: Paws' Version 10 specification <http://ell.io/spec>
<Rusky> hah fun
<ELLIOTTCABLE> read. write a paws. report back tomorrow. <3
<Rusky> k
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm crashing like someone's first Eve landing.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> actually. I'm mildly awake, and here, for a moment. Stupid paws. Always gets me all manic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky: what do you remember? (=
<Rusky> all kinds of business about autofiguring dependencies and maybe something to do with continuations
<Rusky> honestly I didn't really get it ever
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Luckily, the specification very clearly explains all of that :P
<Rusky> that's what I was hoping :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Take a gander, let's see what you can grok from it?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Let me know if you're left with any glaring confusions.
<Rusky> aight
<Rusky> so far this vaguely reminds me of subtext
<Rusky> have you seen
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Nope, wassat
<Rusky> programs are live trees of values
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky: I'm actually out of bed, unbelievably.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Oh, I have seen this
<alexgordon> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hi, alexgordon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> got some time?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I want your (and Rusky's) attention and love <3
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: it's almost 4am, but sure
<ELLIOTTCABLE> another day, then.
<Rusky> so executions are more like coroutines than continuations?
<Rusky> also "Node advance()" vs "Combination advance(Object response)"
<Rusky> what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I really, really like the Subtext guy, so far.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky: sorry, hi! got bogged down skimming Jon's blog, and then links from his blog, and then …
<Rusky> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> very very cool stuff, most of which is very up my alley.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he talks a lot about pissing off academic PLT people, sooooo … we're friends already ;)
<Rusky> :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> about node-advance? o_O
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he linked to this: http://peaker.github.io/lamdu/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm a huuuuge fan.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Lots of what i'm interested in lines up with that.
<Rusky> yeah lamdu is cool
<Rusky> interface Execution has Node advance(), while below there is a description of Combination advance(Object response)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ah, yeah, some stuff got out of sync. mistake.
<Rusky> I assume the second version is correct
<ELLIOTTCABLE> meh whatever cleaned that up a bit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the interface headers, and also the TOC, got a bit out of sync with the content in some cases
<Rusky> so to execute a script you combine nodes left-assoc
<Rusky> with whatever definition of combination that I haven't read yet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's probably a link, hopefully
<ELLIOTTCABLE> tried to hyperlink everything pretty obsessively
<Rusky> they're not working for me, but I'm just confirming that explanation before I move on
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> broken links
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I dislike Google Docs. But hey, I'm mildly stuck with it now.
<Rusky> at least it's not tex
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah. gonna move it into Markdown and some CSS later, probably.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wasn't work worth doing while the spec was incomplete. ick.
<Rusky> for digestion purposes, example-first might be easier
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no examples.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> by design.
<Rusky> you have one
<Rusky> I'm looking at it
<Rusky> :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> of Paws code? in the document? lies.
<Rusky> of a data structure specified in json and how it corresponds to the paws interface stuffs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh, that's not a code example, because it's a completely made-up syntax.
<Rusky> I know
<Rusky> but it's very helpful at explaining this stuff
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hell, I should remove that anyway, it's super out-of-place, and the same thing could be explained in plain English
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hm, really? interesting/
<Rusky> without a concrete example I imagined several things but was completely unsure if they were related at all
<ELLIOTTCABLE> example of what, by the way? Which specific concept (by name given it in the document, if you can) were you having trouble with?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> #genuinepigging
<Rusky> pretty much all of the interfaces
<Rusky> I wasn't sure what context they were to be used in
<Rusky> until I had read 10 pages
<ELLIOTTCABLE> stupid ‘interface’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> blame that on me trying to copy ECMAScript and Scheme R5RS.
<Rusky> that could probably be solved by better description if you don't like examples
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 'cuz when Is tarted I had no idea “how to write a spec.” :P
<Rusky> heh it reminds me of DOM spec
<Rusky> which eww
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes, that's exactly what it's copying
<ELLIOTTCABLE> HTML5 and SVG also got copied in there
<Rusky> the ownership rules remind me of mozilla rust
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've heard lots of good things about Rust. Need to dive in there.
<Rusky> it's a lot more static/low-level than paws appears
<Rusky> but they also use ownership/reference semantics to make stuff threadsafe
<ELLIOTTCABLE> this isn't actually thread-safety, although it stinks of it through-and-through
<ELLIOTTCABLE> although it trickles down to aiding thread-safety
<Rusky> right
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's solving a higher-level ordering-of-operations problem.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but, keep reading, more on all of that later.
<Rusky> so continuation passing style
<ELLIOTTCABLE> The Paws you're reading about is basically a pseudo-lisp; made inherently asynchronous by replacing EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE with CPS; and then made ascetically obtuse by removing every imaginable feature that can possibly be removed and then re-implemented libside in terms of the remaining features.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (That's the Nucleus.)
<Rusky> you should put that in the intro
<Rusky> I guess technically you did put most of it there :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mentioned this above, but before you got here (also, who the fuck is ‘rf’ if it's not you? He's got your name. Dead bouncer?)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but there's two things this document explicitly *does not* aim to do:
<Rusky> that's not my name?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> - explain how to use Paws,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> - explain why you would *want* to use Paws.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it only explains how to *build* a Paws for people to use.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you're russfrank, yes? Micah's brother?
<Rusky> russell johnston, micah's brother
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my god you're not russfrank, too?
<Rusky> I think building a paws would at least entail knowing what it would be used for, so you know what to care about
<Rusky> I have no idea who russfrank is
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I totally thought you two were the same person, for the last several YEARS
<Rusky> hahaha
<Rusky> I popped into irc a couple times several years ago and haven't been back until now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> will answer that question in a sec, BRB
<Rusky> just heard about stuff from micah mostly
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dog needs to go out
<Rusky> also, how fine-grained is this parallelism intended to be
<Rusky> 3 * 4 + 5 * 6 -> do the multiplies in parallel?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> undefined.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's a mechanism exposed by the machine, to be exploited however a consumer desires.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in your example,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that depends on how the language-designer working on top of Paws implemented * and +.
<Rusky> ah okay
<Rusky> so nucleus just has the tools to make executions temporally independent
<Rusky> so the vm can parallelize them
<Rusky> when the language allows it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nailed it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> as an example:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my own language-of-design, Fullness, is going to be hiding away that entire mechanism; instead of a Fullness user having to explicitly lock and unlock sections of code,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Fullness has a ‘Routine’ type built on top of executions, with a little more traditional procedure-call architecture and use-case; and in 99% of cases, routines will be responsible for locking up the mutate-access to whatever thing they're called on.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (there's a bit more to it than that, but for the purposes of explaining how responsibility gets used … yeah. good nuff.)
<Rusky> so being queued with a mask means "lock that stuff kthnx"?
<Rusky> or more generally, "let me access that stuff without worrying about races"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you're halfway there with the latter
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it actually means, simply, “I need to access that stuff.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm realizing a big hole in the spec right now, or possibly in the entire design: There's always been discussion of *two kinds* of responsibility, and somehow that entire bucket of stuff didn't filter through my head into the specification *at all*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I also just checked my (working) implementation, and there's absolutely no mention of the two kinds in there, either, and I have no idea how that's possible |=
<Rusky> so what does it apply to in addition to concurrency? memory management or something?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway, as usual with locking, there's read-acccess and write-access;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and as usual, read-access is implicit: as it's a higher-level language, the concurrency-safety of *individual operations* are guaranteed by the interpreter. You don't need any sort of responsibility/locking to read a simple value out of an object, for example.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and you clearly need to lock to get write-access, to *mutate* data, to prevent multiple mutations from interfering with eachother
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but there's another, subtler kind which comes into play with an asynchronous language like this, which also needs locking: multiple-sequential-read. Not sure what that'd be called by anybody who isn't me, but it should be pretty obvious what it means:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if some pre-existing operation is expecting to preform more, future read-operations, and the integrity of the overall composite ‘operation’ is dependent upon the future read-operations and the past read-operations being coherent with eachother, then mutate-access must be denied to the data-structure in question.
<Rusky> meaning you want all the read operations within the composite to be the same?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, yeah. Three kinds of access: atomic-read, sequential-read, and mutate.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> er, not the same, but, mutually interdependent.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay, example.
<Rusky> liek if you write it within that composite operation you want later reads to reflect that?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Let's say we have an Animal type. It has an ‘age’ property, and a ‘ratio’ property inherited from a given sub-type (blahblahblahobjectorientedeatmydickwhatever).
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eh, terrible example. easier one:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Person type, like the example in the spec.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> name: {'Elliott', 'Cable'}
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if we have an algorithm to compose these into a full name, it needs to do the following: read slot one, read slot two, combine the results.
<Rusky> ah okay, and you want both those reads to be atomic with respect to mutates of name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> now, elsewhere, that Person's name is being changed to {'ELLIOTT', 'CABLE'}.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if we have an algorithm to compose these into a full name, it needs to do the following: read slot one, read slot two, combine the results.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but if it gets modified in the middle … yep.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then we end up with the result of our combination algorithm being 'Elliott CABLE'. Senseless.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So: our combining-names algorithm would need to acquire MSR-responsibility for the Person object it's going to interact with, before beginning the stretch of code where it interacts with that object;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then release it when it's done with that stretch of code. simple locking stuff.
<Rusky> is msr actually any different than atomic other than that it refers to multiple objects (which could be considered a single object in this example but might not be in other cases)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> point of having an MSR-access-type that's different from a mutate-access-type,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> is that multiple blocks of code requesting MSR-access can be granted that access simultaneously.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then, when some code requests mutate-access, that acts as a “bottleneck” in execution: all the *already executing* MSR blocks, get to finish what they're doing without being interrupted; and the mutate-access is frozen until they're all done …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … but no *new* blocks can acquire MSR, because the mutate's ahead of them in the queue, all those further MSRs queued will have to wait until the mutate is complete.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hm? all of these are “atomic access.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> two types of atomic access, one type for (macro)atomic reads, one type for atomic writes.
<Rusky> you differentiated "atomic-read" and "sequential-read"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes, because I'm avoiding the word atomic:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *all* of them are technically atomic, with regards to concurrency.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Just not in terms of order-of-operations.
<Rusky> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, the single-read is also atomic, but doesn't need any responsibility, any locking.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah. need to figure this out and add it to the spec
<Rusky> oh okay
<Rusky> reading something on its own is just automatically taken care of, nobody's going to be halfway through writing the value when you read it
<Rusky> but reading multiple somethings you need to specify the group that needs to be atomic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> for the moment, the spec is still *functional*, it's just unnecessarily slow, because there's no MSR: *all* responsibility is mutate-responsibility, and even two blocks of code which could both be reading at the same time, aren't allowed to, because the specification doesn't differentiate.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yepyepyep
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's all about the asynchronicity:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> we could, theoretically, solve the example above, with Person's name: object, because that happens quickly.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> But this responsibility system *also* doubles as the scheduling system for a huge network of asynchronous operations.
<Rusky> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if we arbitrarily decide that we need to make a long network-access request, between getting the first name and the second name, that means that our algorithm would be left holding that MSR-responsibility for a (relatively, in CS terms) Very Long Time.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also meaning nothing can modify that until the network-request completes.
<Rusky> so I think the spec got across what it was trying to
<Rusky> but it could probably be less convoluted
<Rusky> otherwise it looks good
<devyn> lol I'm not on computers much lately
<purr> lol
<devyn> except for at work
<devyn> but then I'm so fucking busy
<devyn> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> me too, btw
<devyn> ok
<devyn> is it part of the same spec doc?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I had a depressive episode,
<devyn> I had a bit of one too
<devyn> it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then a sudden (and very unusual for me) manic explosion where I sat down at a computer for the first time,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and immediately wrote an entire specification for Paws.
<devyn> oh my
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm still in some sort of shock. I also still haven't slept since I started.
<devyn> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> almost crashed about an hour ago, but friend and I are back up out of bed watching TV while I talk to Rusky
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then definitely crashing and burning hard.
<Rusky> speaking of
<ELLIOTTCABLE> It completely describes a Paws machine, sans distribution, which we haven't figured out yet
<Rusky> I better sleep now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky: awww (=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky: come back and talk to me more, I want to coerce you into building a Paws. (=
<Rusky> I'm workin on a graphical programming interface for making games
<Rusky> bret victor/subtext inspired
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<devyn> =3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> devyn: devyn devyn!
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE: ok this is definitely on my reading list
<devyn> I will
<devyn> do my best
<devyn> to read it
<devyn> as quickly as possible
<ELLIOTTCABLE> can I get you to write a Paws
<devyn> well, since I have a spec to work off of this time
<devyn> I guess I could give it a shot again
<devyn> haha
<devyn> I've been wanting to do something fun and more theoretical than practical lately anywa
<devyn> y
<devyn> this would be fun.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes absolutely i pwomise
<ELLIOTTCABLE> then I can drag you into helping me bang out a protocol for them to talk
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and get started on my Unitary semantics, distribution
<devyn> so
<devyn> ELLIOTTCABLE is going to be the next urbit guy
<devyn> then
<devyn> :3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “going to be?”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> clearly already am!
<devyn> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but really: hopefully, no
<devyn> oh my god
<devyn> the site sounds crazier now
<devyn> than it originally did
<devyn> "a personal cloud computer"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> three observations on my part, that I *hope* give me some credence:
<devyn> "homoiconic combinator algebra"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 1. I may be building a goddamn spaceship, but at least that spaceship doesn't involve an operating system or text editor. It's *all* a programming language, just one with several layers.
<whitequark> grmpf
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 2. I'm actively putting effort into making sure my concepts, and tools, and variables, have *more* comprehensible and standardized names, not *less* comprehensible ones.
<devyn> you sure you have no desire to make everything incomprehensible random 4-letter words, supposedly to fit within a 32-bit register?
<devyn> I shit you not
<devyn> that was the reason I was given
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 3. I'm building a work of interactive art, an *interface*, a *design*. Not something that I claim is better, or more academically sound, or more performant, in any measurable way than anything extant.
<purr> <glowcoil> so adding features is a crapshoot whether it fits right in or requires radical restructuring
<devyn> I'll add my feature
<devyn> it might fit right in
<devyn> it might require radical restructuring
<devyn> but I know you'll like it
<devyn> :3
<whitequark> oooh, last kill la kill episode
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<whitequark> she is a giant butterfly with eyes instead of wings, ok
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<whitequark> ... a mass suicide?
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<whitequark> what the *fuck*.
<whitequark> literally wearing the body of your daughter?!
<whitequark> ...
<whitequark> now they're all naked
<whitequark> ...
<devyn> glowcoil! come back :c
<devyn> I have
<devyn> something to show you
<whitequark> "when are you going to quit monologizing" THSI
<whitequark> *THIS
<whitequark> wow, now they are literally *all* naked
<whitequark> every single human on earth
<whitequark> ... they really do lack understanding of a human's terminal velocity
<whitequark> "THE END"
<whitequark> did not disappoint.
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<purr> <gkatsev> alexgordon: you aren't even on the right continent
<whitequark> added a coolant pump: http://imgur.com/a/W1c3W
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<purr> <alexgordon> elliottcable: I've seen C++ code more attractive than you
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<whitequark> <3 epoxy
<purr> Let it be known that whitequark hearts epoxy.
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<purr> <Nuck> devyn: Gender is a multidimensional spectrum
<joelteon> yeah
<joelteon> there's male -> female
<joelteon> but then there's a whole different dimension
<joelteon> that is, male <-> female
<whitequark> what?
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> joelteon: ಠ_ಠ
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<joelteon> fuck i cant fucking fix this shit
<purr> <elliottcable> Josh Goban, montery jack, and git
<purr> <alexgordon> nuck: elliottcable was going to bloody my anus, but then he refused because he didn't want to explain time travel again
<whitequark> what
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: Paws. lol.
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hi! what's up?
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I made a supposedly waterproof box out of milled acrylic
<whitequark> it leaks all over the place
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<whitequark> well I bought silicone rubber waterproofer for specifically this
<whitequark> so it's ok
<ELLIOTTCABLE> current status: sent a spider gif to a friend.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and now cannot talk to that friend, because I have to stay scrolled up in the window, so I can't see the gif constantly.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if I scroll down to reply, I'm punished by spider.
<whitequark> lol, you fear spiders?
<purr> lol
<whitequark> spider gifs even
<whitequark> it was a mistake mentioning this to me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> when they're that goddamn big, yes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's just a terrifying gif. *shrug8
<whitequark> it's a bunch of pixels. *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay, it's not *actually terrifying*.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> jesus, are you even human, sometimes I don't know
<whitequark> though I guess I became really desensitized to whatever's on my screen
<whitequark> even if it's C++
<whitequark> it's no joke, I think if I had a choice between writing C++ and letting giant spiders crawl on me
<whitequark> I'd select spiders
<whitequark> at least you get used to them much better AND the death is relatively quick and painless
<whitequark> reading C++, even.
<whitequark> though writing too.
<whitequark> made another box: http://i.imgur.com/s2tV2BA.png
<whitequark> well, not yet made, just drawn a blueprint and wrote gcode
<whitequark> I've yet to launch the actual job
<whitequark> ugh, it's going to be milling for 30 minutes
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> prophile: hi!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> got a new electronics project!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> toy jellybean sorter!
<prophile> neat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that wasn't directed at you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just sudden realization
<ELLIOTTCABLE> prophile: Paws! You! Hi! Me!
<prophile> incredibly busy
<prophile> :(
<joelteon> type systems
<joelteon> they're hard
<joelteon> wait, no
<joelteon> i'm just stupid
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<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE: i reconstructed my higlightwin myself
<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE: i'm proud of myself
<glowcoil> i started irssi and there wasn't one
<glowcoil> so i made i
<glowcoil> t
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<glowcoil> UGGGH in rainbows is so fucking good
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<eligrey> wow ec
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: ?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: by the way, nigger, Paws has a spec.
<eligrey> yeah i saw it
<eligrey> also wow re: hating in rainbows
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I really don't like their music. It's quite bad.
<glowcoil> i can understand you not liking the first couple albums
<glowcoil> but i cannot understand you disliking kid a onwards
<glowcoil> so much Warp in there
<glowcoil> autechre etc.
<glowcoil> in rainbwos is like
<glowcoil> drugs
<glowcoil> perfect tactile sensations
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's not like I've *listened* to all of those
<glowcoil> PERFECT production
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I listened to maybe two radiohead songs ever, probably in the early naughties, and said ‘fuck this’
<glowcoil> yeah you probably listened to the earlier stuff because i think you specifically would be genuinely interested in their later stuff
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm not really one to give artists or genres (or, really, anything in life) a second chance. Too many *new* things to try. *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<ELLIOTTCABLE> seriously?
<glowcoil> yeah
<glowcoil> experimental electronics
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't *do* whiny-sounding-voice guitar-music shit.
<glowcoil> thom yorke is into the whole uk electronic shit
<glowcoil> ok well i mean it's still got singing and guitars in the later stuff
<glowcoil> *shrug*
<purr> ¯\(º_o)/¯
<eligrey> at least listen to kid a once
<glowcoil> mean idk
<glowcoil> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I like electronic, I like bass, or I like *creative music* (accredited classical shit, or experimental stuff.)
<eligrey> you won't regret it
<glowcoil> kid a is all of those things
<glowcoil> :p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's experimental electronics?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> radiohead?
<glowcoil> yeah
<glowcoil> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> are we talking about the same thing? o_O
<glowcoil> kid a onwards
<eligrey> i wouldnt call it experimental
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I remember a, like,
<glowcoil> thom yorke is a big fan of autechre, aphex twin, etc.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, send me some selections on Spotify.
<glowcoil> and he's featured on burial tracks
<glowcoil> ok cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> two or three things. you know my tastes.
* ELLIOTTCABLE goes back to code
<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE: ok so in rainbows isn't on spotify, because they self-released it for pay-what-you-wnat on their site (one of the first people to do that ever, and it caused a major splash)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, I heard about that.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what do you think about that old-school rap group that's doing the “Work of art”-style release right now?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> doing private showings, and then selling the entire album to exactly one collector for millions and millions, later?
<glowcoil> oh yeah
<glowcoil> wu tang
<glowcoil> i think it's really cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> sounds very cool.
<glowcoil> because music is so commodified and shit
<glowcoil> really emphasizing how it's the same thing as visual art
<ELLIOTTCABLE> personally, I don't see why it can't be both:
<glowcoil> also wu tang are the right people to do it since they're so legendary and influential
<ELLIOTTCABLE> artists create for *art* instead of *distribution*; they sell the art for big bucks, or little bucks, or whatever, but do it in that sort of format … then people *with the interest in the distribution* buy it and make decisions like that.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> instead of the artist contracting with them from the start.
<glowcoil> cod
<glowcoil> cod
PLejeck is now known as nuck
<glowcoil> nuck: hi
<nuck> hi glowcoil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: I made a thing. (=
<glowcoil> nuck: [Y/Y] is in rainbows greatest album of all time
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -spec @ nuck
<purr> nuck: Paws' Version 10 specification <http://ell.io/spec>
<nuck> holy shit he made something
<nuck> glowcoil: rainbows and what who?
<glowcoil> nuck: radiohead?
<nuck> oh
<nuck> I don't listen to much of them
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: go look go look go look <3
<Rusky> I can't tell if purr is a bot
* ELLIOTTCABLE snuggles up close to purr
* purr rrr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he's nice.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> we like him lots.
<nuck> purr isn't a bot
<nuck> She's a she :]
<ELLIOTTCABLE> purr's a a she.
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: ... a *he*
<Rusky> with a bot that outputs links to the spec?
<nuck> purr's our sexy little boy
<nuck> er
<nuck> bot
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *he* is very a smart little boy.
<nuck> freudian slip
<ELLIOTTCABLE> we all know nuck wants to put it in purr's butt
<nuck> If that were true I wouldn't call purr a girl, ELLIOTTCABLE
<nuck> your logic is flawed
<ELLIOTTCABLE> are you gay? I didn't know that!
<nuck> quite
prophile has quit [Quit: The Game]
<nuck> I'm pretty sure the number of scantily-clad boys I have open qualifies me for that term
<nuck> That number, for reference, is currently "one"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> open? huh?
<nuck> Browser
<nuck> Not like, goatse or some shit
<nuck> That'd be weird
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I need to find a better website to consume for that.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> stupid paheal is apparently categorized only by character, or something, so the usual shit that is searched for doesn't work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like a show, or a subject. /=
<nuck> Paheal is a normal danbooru tagging system
<nuck> They're just a bit less... OCD than most boorus
<nuck> I keep my own booru at booru.plejeck.com
<nuck> I really should upload more 3D stuff there
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<nuck> >Paws dictates a semantic structure for instructions
<nuck> Wasn't lisp similar?
nuck has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
* whitequark sighs
* whitequark starts that 30 min job
<whitequark> I'm sure my neighbors would be *delighted* to hear my CNC working at 3AM for 30 mins.
* whitequark grins
<whitequark> the fuckers should suffer for every single goddamn hole they drilled in their goddamn walls
nuck has joined #elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: yes, Paws is similar to a lisp in a lot of ways.
<nuck> Internet is buggy as fuck tonight
<nuck> damned comcast broke somethign
<nuck> Also, Page 6 out of 20, "necessary to preform a combination" Is typoed
<nuck> Presumably you mean "perform"
<whitequark> oooh, silicone almost set
<nuck> Welp, I'm officially listening to the most hipster stuff imaginable
<nuck> Californians singing afropop in hebrew
<glowcoil> lololol
<purr> lololol
<nuck> Gosh what's the music command on purr again?
<nuck> I remember ELLIOTTCABLE made it some awful symbol I have to cut and paste every time
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -song fuck you
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: “Fuck You” by Lily Allen: <http://tinysong.com/Jizx>, “Fuck You” by Cee-Lo: <http://tinysong.com/CILE>, “I Wanna Fuck You ft. Snoop Dog” by Akon: <http://tinysong.com/krGU>
<nuck> :o
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -listening fuck you @ nuck
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE is listening to “Fuck You”, by Lily Allen
<nuck> It used to be the music note
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's always been both.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *I* used the note,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because I like unicode and don't like obvious bot commands.
<nuck> -listening Surprise Hotel
<purr> nuck is listening to “Surprise Hotel”, by Fool's Gold
<nuck> wee that works
<ELLIOTTCABLE> nuck: so, thoughts?
<nuck> Looks interesting ELLIOTTCABLE
<nuck> I'm still only like... halfway through
<nuck> And I only half get it
<nuck> Because I'm not much of a PL guy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> shouldn't need to be, actually
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's written to teach A) somebody who doesn't know Paws, or B) much about implementing a programming language, how to build themselves a Paws.
<nuck> "much" is being a bit kind
<nuck> I know basically fuckall. I've just picked up bits and pieces in here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> excellent idea to take this and try writing it in code, then.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> won't take you long, or shouldn't.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> implementing it *well* would, but just the basics to code are basically trivial.
<nuck> hah
<nuck> I'm not even capable of reading BNF so
<nuck> yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> copy-paste that into a parser-generator, perhaps.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or just ignore that and don't worry about the syntax. cPaws is entirely optional and unnecessary.
<nuck> Can I literally just copy paste that into a parser generator? I thought they all took weird fucked up wannabe BNF
<nuck> I've only used yacc I think tho
<ELLIOTTCABLE> different ones use different stuff. and, nah, unfortunately, because I didn't *serialize* the Unicode set into that.
<nuck> I really ought to learn how to use a parser generator :u
<ELLIOTTCABLE> again: this is a perfect chance.
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> as easy to implement as a 90% Scheme.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wtf, irccloud
<nuck> There's two things I really don't get in programming: (1) unit and integration testing (kind of) (2) generator generator generators
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a non-concurrent, non-distributing Paws machine should be approximately as easy to implement as a 90% Scheme*
<nuck> Where (2) is referring to awful things like automake
<nuck> god I hate automake
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you don't get unit testing?
<nuck> I get it kind of
<nuck> I just... whenever I ask for advice on like, stubbing and shit
<nuck> The answers I get are effectively repeating the question back to me
<nuck> Like I once asked "how would I test X properly as a singular unit" and the reply was "stub the method" to which I said "how do I do that exactly?" and they suddenly went silent
<nuck> I love the *thought* of testing. The incentive of a little green Travis CI badge sounds really nice
<nuck> (plus fewer bugs)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> testing is *definitely* a learned skill, and *definitely* not intuitive in some cases
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's a weird animal.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm a good programmer, but a shitty tester.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Unit testing” is one of the few areas of programming where I would voluntarily *read an actual book*, instead of googling.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Something to give me an intuitive understanding of when-to-do-what when testing.
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol alexthegreat
<purr> lol
<alexthegreat> true story: my middle name is "the"
<alexthegreat> glowcoil: here?
<alexthegreat> ELLIOTTCABLE: I'm working on concurrency stuff, you might like this
<nuck> ELLIOTTCABLE: I can't find any good books on unit testing sadly
<nuck> So I'm pretty sure I just have to dive head first and take wild awful guesses
<nuck> Some of the shit I have to unit test is odd too -- graphical unit testing, for example
<alexthegreat> god I can't figure this out LOL
<purr> LOL
<alexthegreat> so simple and yet so hard https://gist.github.com/anonymous/23c44f6244f23fde832f
<alexthegreat> I mean it's easy enough if you use a parallel map, that's not the problem, but doing it in _general_ is just a mindfuck and a half
<alexthegreat> so the root of it is: how do you ensure that callbacks to an async operation are called in order, and how do you do memory management of mutable state for that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what language is that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> filetype is haskell, but it looks nothing like any haskell I've seen
<alexthegreat> ELLIOTTCABLE: furrow
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh. so, what's the issue?
<alexthegreat> ELLIOTTCABLE: do you get what the code is doing?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> re-reading it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god, I hate syntax so much
<alexthegreat> LOL
<purr> LOL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> having to re-learn everything for mildly different semantics ಠ_ಠ
<alexthegreat> loop over a list of paths, get their stat(), then if the ctime is before yesterday, insert the path into another list
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway. what's the arrow?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> asynch s < fs.stat?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> is async a keyword there, or is that some sort of function call?
<alexthegreat> ELLIOTTCABLE: the arrow is an implicit callback
<ELLIOTTCABLE> async(s)?
<alexthegreat> yeah it's a keyword
<alexthegreat> just like node really
<ELLIOTTCABLE> à la ruby's {|abc| def }?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what is s?
<alexthegreat> fs.stat(p, function() { ... })
<alexthegreat> ELLIOTTCABLE: s is the stat data
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hold on now i'm bent
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Oh I'm reading it backwards.
<alexthegreat> LOL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> write the whole line as JavaScript.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then explain that keyword. :P
<alexthegreat> I'll try
<alexthegreat> it'll be hard