ChanServ changed the topic of #elliottcable to: drugs
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alexgord_: hi
alexgord_: listening to craig taborn
alexgord_: he's way good
glowcoil: give up!
give up on what?
glowcoil: music in general
go back to haskell
wow new iplayer is great
alexgord_: lolol
alexgord_: music makes me way happier than haskell ever did :p
but yeah i think as ranked among all the people in the world who do music vs who do haskell
i ranked a lot higher at haskell
glowcoil yeah like #5
glowcoil: ...of 8
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alexgord_: lolol
but yeah i'm like in the millions for music :c
glowcoil: if you make your own programming language, you'll be the best at it
or second best if fabrice bellard decides to use it
lolol i'll be far from the best at PLT, although I actively want to avoid being the best at PLT because it's the wankiest field on earth
"wankiest", is that a word?
also lol @ fabrice bellard
also i didn't get what you were saying but now i do
glowcoil: my hope is that generic research advances enough that both DJB and Fabrice Bellard can have a child together :P
this child will be the Chosen One
who will lead computer programmers to the Enlightenment
what did djb do
glowcoil: he wrote a piece of software without bugs
lol which one
ok well it had 1 maybe 2 bugs
but he inserted them intentionally to fool us into thinking he's mortal
glowcoil: IIRC he dismissed the C standard library claiming it's too dangerous, and instead made his own
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"I've mostly given up on the standard C library. Many of its facilities, particularly stdio, seem designed to encourage bugs. A big chunk of qmail is stolen from a basic C library that I've been developing for several years for a variety of applications. The stralloc concept and getln() make it very easy to avoid buffer overruns, memory leaks, and artificial line length limits."
alexgordon: haha wow
glowcoil: also...
alexgordon: also?
hm can't find it
glowcoil: somewhere he says that if he writes a function, if he can't find a way to prove it's correct, he'll throw it away and start again