lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs v0.4.2 released, with great performance and networking fixes! -- IPFS - InterPlanetary File System -- https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs -- Channel logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ -- Code of Conduct: https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md -- Sprints: https://github.com/ipfs/pm
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<A124> apiarian If you are fine with the speed and if you want to save the states of the games etc, ipfs would be good choice yes. Thanks for sharing. Btw the password generator would be best off with 4k words, the non basic english is kinda of specific so if users make their own based on same rules but their dictionary in head, yeah.
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<apiarian> A124: what password generator?
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<noffle> pinbot: <3
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<brimstone> trying to build github.com/whyrusleeping/libp2p-examples/hosts, getting: ../../../ipfs/go-ipfs/blocks/blocks.go:30: cannot use util.Hash(data) (type "github.com/jbenet/go-multihash".Multihash) as type "gx/ipfs/QmYf7ng2hG5XBtJA3tN34DQ2GUN5HNksEw1rLDkmr6vGku/go-multihash".Multihash in field value
<brimstone> updated github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs too
<whyrusleeping> brimstone: which commit of libp2p examples?
<whyrusleeping> daviddias and i were just hacking on that earlier, i hope i didnt break anything
<brimstone> d2d1201
<brimstone> seems to be latest
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<alu> I'm teaching a VR workshop check out what me and my friend put together in < day to promote it!
<A124> alu Some aspect of graphics give me shitty feeling. Else nice.
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<whyrusleeping> brimstone: hrm... taking a look
* A124 points at lights. Good "guide" though, for 'us'. Till now had not time to check and actually now I get what it is all about.
<brimstone> whyrusleeping: thanks
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<whyrusleeping> brimstone: you have latest ipfs?
<brimstone> whyrusleeping: yes sir
<whyrusleeping> it looks like your working tree on it might not be clean
<whyrusleeping> judging from the error message and tinkering with things
<brimstone> v0.4.2-103-g385055d
<brimstone> git seems to think it's clean
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-joi-8.4.1 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vofQx
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/greenkeeper-joi-8.4.1 fbb3489 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update joi to version 8.4.1...
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid closed pull request #302: Update libp2p-ipfs-browser to version 0.10.0
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<ansuz> rip
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<jonnor> Stuck on a wierd issue now. I'm using js-ipfs-api with go-ipfs, and using ipfs.block.put of a Buffer. It seemingly succeeds, but when I then do 'ipfs get $hash' I get "Error: Failed to decode Protocol Buffers: incorrectly formatted merkledag node: Unmarshal failed. proto: illegal wireType 6"
<jonnor> the oddest thing is that I'm almost entirely certain that the code I'm running used to work. I've tried restarting the ipfs daemon, including removing $HOME/.ipfs
<Kubuxu> jonnor: ipfs get requires the block data to be a file format
<Kubuxu> you probably want to use `ipfs block get`
<jonnor> Kubuxu, indeed this works much better, thanks!
<jonnor> Should there be a bug about a better error message for `ipfs get` for these cases?
<Kubuxu> Hmm, yeah it makes sense. Can you report it on go-ipfs and ping me there?
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<Kubuxu> Thanks
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<jonnor> aah, and object versus block confusion was also cause of my issue yesterday where I had to hackily chop off 8 bytes in the front. I had used "ipfs add" to add the file, but used "ipfs.block.get" to retrieve
<Kubuxu> herh
<Kubuxu> There is file, object, and block
<Kubuxu> Files represent files, block represents raw blob of data, and object is the lowest level
<jonnor> is file a 'subclass' of object, or is it independent?
<Kubuxu> file is represented by objects
<jonnor> 'block' here is separate from the thing on the wire which is split into max 256KB size?
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<Kubuxu> Hmm, looks like block is almost the same thing as object
<Kubuxu> It all mixes up.
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<jonnor> Kubuxu, first proof-of-concept of ipld-image now working, https://github.com/jonnor/ipld-image/releases/tag/0.0.1
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<Kubuxu> awesome
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<jonnor> right now storing tiles as a proper PNG image, and then rendering into another image in-memory. I fear that reassembling the PNG chunks from tiles without image rendering, may not be possible. Because PNG expects the stream to be scanline ordered, and the scanline is output width-dependent
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<jonnor> but that would only start becoming beneficial once we can do IPLD path/selector etc, which is a good way out. The basic concept can be validated and useful without it
<jonnor> just requires a bit more smarts/awareness on client-side
<Kubuxu> There was/is idea of simple processing language that would run off IPFS blocks, and would process some blocks. It would be awesome then.
<jonnor> Kubuxu, do you think one can express the Image datastructure as MerkleDAG object (until we have IPLD on protocol level)? then one should be able to navigate/parse it with any IPFS client, right?
<jonnor> now I serialize IPLD and put it into an IPFS block, which makes it totally opaque....
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<Kubuxu> Yeah, it won't be like that for a long time I think. Some IFPS external processing (or new API endpoint) will be required until IPFS stored processors will be avalible.
<Kubuxu> Idea is to store a output processor inside a IPFS itself and run it sandboxed.
<jonnor> the code I'm writing now could be deployed as a JsJob
<Kubuxu> Yeah, an in this case you would be storing decoder code in some form (probably WebAssembly or something like that) and you would run as a middleware.
<Kubuxu> gtg
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<ligi> any java/kotlin heads here:? https://github.com/ligi/ipfs-api-kotlin
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<davidar> jonnor: ooh, you might be interested in https://gist.github.com/edsilv/97759a93cb7c5f0fedb8178fee5e1dd3 then
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<davidar> jonnor: iiif is basically a standard format for mipmapped images - edsilv has been doing some work getting it working on ipfs
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<jonnor> davidar, thanks, that is indeed interesting. Will have to read through it, figure out what can/should be reused
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<davidar> jonnor: in particular, iiif+ipfs (or something like it) would be very useful for https://github.com/ipfs/archives/issues/14
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<jonnor> yeah. It seems it is rooted in the usecase of pictures of a particular physical object, meant for human consumption. Though no idea what implications there are of that background. My motivation is primarily that of efficient image processing for web pages, no matter whats in the image
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid closed pull request #284: babel-runtime@6.9.1 breaks build
<Kubuxu> whyrusleeping: I didn't know that gx uses dependencies of dependencies to rewrite packages.
<Kubuxu> whyrusleeping: it is smart, really smart.
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<Kubuxu> whyrusleeping: ping me when you are around.
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid created update-aegir (+1 new commit): https://git.io/voJLM
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/update-aegir e62a147 David Dias: update aegir
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid opened pull request #287: update aegir (master...update-aegir) https://git.io/voJLD
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* A124 wonders if the ipfs.io gateway does cache stuff that is requested the most. As it seems it it either slow for whatever reason or it does not chache anything except that told by hand. ... The examples and such even.
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<Kubuxu> A124: it uses IPFS a cache, but there are about 6 DNS round robined gateways
<Kubuxu> also each gateway is backed by few IPFS daemons
<Kubuxu> IIRC
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] karalabe opened pull request #2808: Makefile, bin: Support multiple GOPATH components (master...multi-component-gopath) https://git.io/voJmf
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<noffle> ipget finally building and working nicely again -- /now with gx/!
<noffle> need to push a new release out to dist
<noffle> also ended up writing a gx-go bootstrap generator: https://github.com/noffle/gx-go-bootstrap
<Kubuxu> noffle: :DD
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<Kubuxu> noffle: can we think about new release of ipget, this time with windows build>
<noffle> Kubuxu: you've used gx a bunch, right? would love feedback on tightening it up if you feel like it
<noffle> Kubuxu: yes!
<Kubuxu> noffle: It would be awesome if the gc-go-bootstrap was running: gx init --lang go and asking few more questions. So it is like a project creator. Also it could detect that it is github path, get username from that, get issues path for that.
<Kubuxu> I would use it a lot then, like really a lot, as I do lots of gx deps upgrades where I have to move normal repo to gx
<dansup> Kubuxu, congrats for landing a gig at IPFS :D
<Kubuxu> dansup: thanks
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<noffle> Kubuxu: aah I see, more like a gx project init script
<noffle> we could make that -- it could use this cmd
<noffle> but I made this specifically so I could plug it into existing gx projects
<Kubuxu> Ahh, I see.
<noffle> but yeah, I'm down for that :)
<Kubuxu> I have something like that, in a "nice things that would let me work better" TODO list.
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<noffle> is that list public? :)
<Kubuxu> No, it is in my taskwarrior.
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<Kubuxu> On that list there is also tool allowing you to export taskwarrior lists to markdown.
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<noffle> heh
<Kubuxu> noffle: but the initial of github repo could go into gx itself as I think about it.
<Kubuxu> I will talk with why about it.
<noffle> yeah, it'd be great to have gx-go core be able to include bootstrapping facilities so that it's a bit easier for non-gx users to use
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid pushed 1 new commit to update-aegir: https://git.io/voJsh
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/update-aegir 5f5b5d0 David Dias: migrate require raw to readFileSync
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<Kubuxu> It would require a bit more code in gx (to deleage it) and heuristic in gx-go but I think it would be a good thing to have.
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid force-pushed update-aegir from 5f5b5d0 to dd28cb6: https://git.io/voJnJ
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/update-aegir dd28cb6 David Dias: migrate require raw to readFileSync
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voJng
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/master a5eff23 David Dias: Merge pull request #287 from ipfs/update-aegir...
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid tagged v4.1.1 at 1b185ac: https://git.io/voJn6
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-ipfs-api-4.1.1 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/voJnb
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/greenkeeper-ipfs-api-4.1.1 03cdd2b greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update ipfs-api to version 4.1.1...
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid created files-add-interface (+11 new commits): https://git.io/voJcH
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface c8cdb63 Stephen Whitmore: Make ipfs.files.add return DAGNodes.
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface 6c22cd5 Stephen Whitmore: Add "addUrl" API.
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface f942e76 Stephen Whitmore: Add "addFiles" API.
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid opened pull request #288: Files add interface (master...files-add-interface) https://git.io/voJcd
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid force-pushed files-add-interface from ce91c3a to 6207ad4: https://git.io/voJCe
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface 7d45b09 Stephen Whitmore: Make ipfs.files.add return DAGNodes.
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface 1348b45 Stephen Whitmore: Add "addUrl" API.
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface c6d77be Stephen Whitmore: Add "addFiles" API.
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid closed pull request #281: Make ipfs.files.add return DAGNodes. (master...files-add-dagnode) https://git.io/vrrGB
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid pushed 1 new commit to files-add-interface: https://git.io/voJCs
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/files-add-interface b61b3cd David Dias: add latest interface-ipfs-core
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<whyrusleeping> Kubuxu: heyo
<Kubuxu> \o
<Kubuxu> One question, I see that gx rewrites deps with deps of its own pacakges, right?
<voxelot> daviddias: nice work on closing files add things :D
<voxelot> i'm rebasing all the cat things to match atm
<daviddias> sweet! thank you voxelot :D
<daviddias> I'm about to release a new js-ipfs-api
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #304: Update interface-ipfs-core to version 0.2.0
<voxelot> i see that, lgtm
<Kubuxu> Now, I am getting dependency conflict, my dep (X) depends on package Y in version A, I depend on that package in version B, gx-go silently ignores that and rewrites my package to B in version A
<Kubuxu> whyrusleeping: ^^
<whyrusleeping> Kubuxu: yeah, gx rewrites deps with recursive deps
<Kubuxu> so the deepest has the highest priority?
<whyrusleeping> Kubuxu: hrm... if changing the deps to be the same is out of the question, then I would reorder the deps in the package.json
<whyrusleeping> it goes in order of the array
<whyrusleeping> (if i recall correctly)
<Kubuxu> Nah, I can change the dep, just wondering.
<Kubuxu> Got stuck on that while updating the utp.
<Kubuxu> It requires new missinggo and so on...
<whyrusleeping> oh ew...
<whyrusleeping> i had been modifying the code to not depend on missinggo
<whyrusleeping> it only needs it for like, one function call
<whyrusleeping> its quite annoying
<Kubuxu> Oh, ok. Maybe we should keep it in some fork org. Like `sub-ipfs`... or some other creative name.
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid closed pull request #288: Files add interface (master...files-add-interface) https://git.io/voJcd
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid closed pull request #289: Update interface-ipfs-core to version 0.2.0
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/voJWf
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/master 78348b2 David Dias: chore: release version v5.0.0
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/master 6333a32 David Dias: chore: update contributors
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-ipfs-api-5.0.0 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/voJWn
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/greenkeeper-ipfs-api-5.0.0 581bef3 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update ipfs-api to version 5.0.0...
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid created update/files-add-interface (+5 new commits): https://git.io/voJWE
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/update/files-add-interface a6d075e Stephen Whitmore: Make ipfs.files.add return DAGNodes.
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/update/files-add-interface c54a52a Stephen Whitmore: Rename unixfs output from 'stream' to 'content'.
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/update/files-add-interface 64f33b8 Stephen Whitmore: Mitigate test timing issues....
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid opened pull request #306: update/files add interface (master...update/files-add-interface) https://git.io/voJWz
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid closed pull request #261: Make ipfs.files.add return DAGNodes (master...files-add-dagnode) https://git.io/vrwWl
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid closed pull request #305: Update ipfs-api to version 5.0.0
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid created feature/createAddStream (+1 new commit): https://git.io/voJ8w
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/feature/createAddStream 17c2ec6 David Dias: fix adding empty dirs
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<daviddias> voxelot: seems that createAddStream was never added
<daviddias> creating those tests now
<daviddias> and adding it
<daviddias> so that we can use that on the cli of js-ipfs, as expected
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #290: interface-ipfs-core@0.2.1 untested ⚠️ (master...greenkeeper-interface-ipfs-core-0.2.1) https://git.io/voJ89
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] diasdavid opened pull request #291: feature - createAddStream (master...feature/createAddStream) https://git.io/voJ8Q
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<stevenroose> where do I find the webui?
<stevenroose> I google "ipfs webui howto" "where to find ipfs webui" just "ipfs webui" "ipfs webui tutorial" it's nowhere
<stevenroose> Not on the ipfs/webui github page
<lgierth> stevenroose: localhost:5001/webui
<stevenroose> lgierth, thanks
<lgierth> hehe thanks, i've set the repo url to http://localhost:5001/webui
<stevenroose> lgierth, if 5001 is the webui, what is 8080 for?
<lgierth> :5001 is the api, debugging info, and the webui
<lgierth> :8080 is the http-to-ipfs gateway
<lgierth> which also exposes a limited readonly api at :8080/api
<stevenroose> aha, thanks
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<voxelot> daviddias: awesome, thanks, just finished rebasing interface-core (cat) PR https://github.com/ipfs/interface-ipfs-core/pull/21
<daviddias> sweet
<daviddias> you know should be able to complete the tests
<daviddias> because add is already there
<daviddias> :)
<daviddias> just not createAddStream
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<voxelot> daviddias: yup, i am still seeing a fail on adding nested dirs though
<voxelot> invalid non-string/buffer chunk for js-ipfs-api using interface tests
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<daviddias> voxelot: how are you calling it ?
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<daviddias> Test on js-ipfs-api first
<daviddias> Then link js-ipfs-API to js-ipfs too
<voxelot> yeah that's how i'm testing, let me try a clean repo though
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<voxelot> makes the tests pass
<voxelot> ahh yes, that will do it :)
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] nginnever created interface/cat from master (+0 new commits): https://git.io/voJEC
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] nginnever pushed 1 new commit to interface/cat: https://git.io/voJuI
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/interface/cat dac3d82 nginnever: upgrade cat
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] nginnever opened pull request #292: Cat Upgrade for Interface-ipfs-core (master...interface/cat) https://git.io/voJuG
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] nginnever closed pull request #280: WIP cat interface core (master...master) https://git.io/vr2uY
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<daviddias> voxelot: does that mean that with that branch, everything on cat is working like a charm?
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<voxelot> daviddias: yup. It runs the cat tests in interface. Only thing is js-ipfs-api calls the interface tests from add.spec.js
<daviddias> what is the issue?
<voxelot> So add.spec runs the cat tests too once cat pr is merged in interface
<voxelot> the name files.spec.js is already taken
<voxelot> I just removed the cat.spec.js from js-ipfs-api so it doesn't run two tests until we figure out the name clash
<voxelot> Or we could separate the interface core test files by add/cat...
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<daviddias> or, the interface-ipfs-core tests for files
<daviddias> can be called all from files.spec.js
<daviddias> and then have a .files
<daviddias> and a .files (pseudo mfs)
<daviddias> describes
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<daviddias> s/describes/describe at the top
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] nginnever pushed 1 new commit to interface/cat: https://git.io/voJar
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs-api/interface/cat 649f820 nginnever: reorganize test files
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