IPFS should be able to punch through either way, weird.
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you can try restarting the daemon, maybe it will work.
lol the second I killed the daemon the wget starts downloading
this is weird
I feel this should be a bugreport - but not yet sure how to formulate
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Hi :)
Kubuxu: I have to constantly restart the daemon to get bytes through - I see it at the wget output - as soon as I restart the daemon there is progress
I have no idea what is going on
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M-almet: yop
Kubuxu: me neither - even worse - I am not sure how to make a useful bugreport from this
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haad: you can do !befriend too
!befriend <name> <perm>
where perm=friend|admin
or pinner|admin or so
lgierth: making new friends ;)
lgierth: would it be possible to give me the right to pin? I promise to only pin legal content ..
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hello boyz
!befriend ligi
!befriend <name> <perm>
!befriend ligi admin
Hey ligi, let's be friends! You can admin
did you guys see the bliksem yesterday?
lgierth: thanks! Is there a size-constraint? Let's say if I would want to pin all apks from f-droid - would this be OK?
ligi: don't use it for big archive-style things ;) i can give you access to one of the storage nodes for that
pinbot pins small stuff like website or pdfs on the gateways
lgierth: ack
lgierth: but this is not about archiving stuff ..
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ligi: yeah but whole repository is quite big I think and it isn't needed at the first level (gateway) servers.
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[js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-ipfs-bitswap-0.5.0 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vos9t
js-ipfs/greenkeeper-ipfs-bitswap-0.5.0 5d01b0b greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update ipfs-bitswap to version 0.5.0...
Kubuxu: can I somewhere read about this infrastructure?
I don't think there is much written down.
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Kubuxu: is there a need for more public gateways ?
perhaps the index on gw and the apks on archive node - but without knowing about the infrastructure it is hard to tell
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MJRider: not really
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ligi: It doesn't matter where in IPFS network it is, 'storage servers' are just servers with quite a lot of HDD space. It isn't "archive node" it is just node with space that is not being used. Gateway servers use the space for caching.
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Kubuxu: ah - thanks for clarification
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and pinning on the 'storage servers' is done in a different way?
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ligi_: it is done by directly connecting to server, downloading something there and adding it to IPFS
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Kubuxu: ok
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[js-ipfs] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #319: Update ipfs-bitswap to version 0.5.0
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hi quick question, is IPFS able to run on an Android OS? i.e. can a cell phone host a node?
bigttrott: working on exactly this atm ;-)
cool, so for a static website for instance, you would just copy the files to local storage and use the app to add the files, thus a cell phone server of sorts?
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bigttrott: you can do this
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bigttrott: but it consumes a lot of bandwidth / cpu currently
awesome thanks, Ill take a more in depth look at the link you posted
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[go-ipfs] Kubuxu force-pushed feature/test-datastore from 87cd2ea to 522c590: https://git.io/voGfy
go-ipfs/feature/test-datastore 522c590 Jakub Sztandera: test: Treat Close and Closing the same way...
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[go-ipfs] Kubuxu closed pull request #2832: In blockstore tests treat Close and Closing the same way (master...feature/test-datastore) https://git.io/vo3d2
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping deleted feature/test-datastore at 522c590: https://git.io/voGCE
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/voGCK
Which parts of the IPFS paper, draft 3, are outdated, or about to become outdated? In particular, I wonder how new things like IPLD or libp2p affect it.
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In the whitepaper on page 10; 3.7.2 Human Friendly Names; Is there a way for the other party of a link to obtain all PK that link to it? In this case, can "Bob" find out that "Alice" linked to his PK and therefore marked him (Bob) has her (Alice) friend?
In other words, can I obtain a list of all links that point to a certain hash?
nope not easily
would need kind of an index on top which turns the links around
lgierth: Thanks. That's what I thought. I will think about how to implement it :)
lgierth: Do you know whether there are plans to implement something like this? A reverse DNS lookup for IPNS?
cool! drop your thoughts in the ipfs/notes repo if you'd like some feedback from others
no concrete plans -- but people have been thinking about search engines and the like
see ipfs/notes :)
kk will do
and we're always happy about people trying stuff out
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Am I correct that the twomost important methods of privacy in IPFS is 1. Not publishng a hash in the first place and 2. object-level cryptography?
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Hey u guys at archive today?
bronger, yes, that's right
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reit, Thank you!
note that by publish i mean add it to your local repo, which by default will push its addressing info out to the dht
(in case you were thinking only of ipns)
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I didn't think of IPNS.
But you're right, I didn't tough of the necessity to publish the hash to the DHT.
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So, putting it in the local storage will by default make the object known and accessable, right?
does the ipfs docker container run on ARM processor ( i.e. raspberrypi) ?
My problem is: I evaluate IPFS for research data. Here, some data should not be accessable to anyone -- at least not immediately. Still, I think researchers may benefit from IPFS even for their own use. But how do I distinguish between files only for the institute, and those for everybody?
jonnycrunch: no, the image is amd64 -- you need to build your own arm image
lgierth: thx
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bronger: there's not an easy way of doing this *yet*. one safe approach today would be having the machine with the internal-only ipfs node be prevented from making any connections outside of a whitelist at the iproute level
bronger: 1. there is plan to allow for creation of private IPFS swarms
bronger: 2. Just encrypt everything :p
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping deleted feature/refs-local-api at 8be37ea: https://git.io/voG9m
Kubuxu: could we get go-datastore into gx next?
we own that one so we can do it nicely with a real package.json too
go-datastore has more Godeps now than go-ipfs :p
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whyrusleeping: can you give me write access to go-datastore, so I don't have to write on fork?
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Kubuxu: sure thing
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Kubuxu: done
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Looks like 'elastigo' is a dead code in go-datastore
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Kubuxu: hahahaha
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calling the plane company to postpone my flight for a week
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IPNS question: I'm running a small set of IPFS nodes in a VM, connected only to each other and not the outside world, and I "ipfs name publish" a name with standard 24 hour TTL (or, alternatively, I mess with the /ipns filesystem and it republishes accordingly). I then shut down the VM, and don't restart it for a day or so. When I restart it, the name I published is gone (and as a result, /ipns won't mount). Is there any straightforward wa
y to deal with that?
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What I figured I'd try was to have a cron job or something, that would - while the VM was still running - record in a snapshot file or something whatever "ipfs name resolve" gave it, and then on a reboot, if "ipfs name resolve" couldn't look up the name, it would republish it before trying to mount.
However, I'm running into the slightly annoying issue that "ipfs name resolve" doesn't seem to work within my cron job - if I run it at the command line, I get the expected result; if I run it in a cron job (with IPFS_PATH set correctly, I made sure of that), I get "Error: could not resolve name".
I'd appreciate any suggestions, if anybody has some.
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galois_dmz: when you restart your daemon, it will republish the record
it probably doesnt run in a cron job well due to the stdin bug we have
(which is almost fixed)
I would have thought that too... but it doesn't seem to. Or at least, not fast enough to make "--mount" work.
oh, yeah
not fast enough for --mount to work since the mountpoint will try to execute (and fail) first...
So you're saying that if I wait long enough, "--mount" will just work?
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thats an interesting race condition that is worth filing an issue for
OK, I'll do that. But in the meantime, if I simply wait long enough, it should work?
(long enough = "until the output of ipfs name resolve gives me something")
galois_dmz: i think so, yeah
feross: HEY
OK, I'll give it a shot.
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hi channel, do I need to run an extra daemon to use ipns? "Error: core/resolve: no Namesys on IpfsNode - can't resolve ipns entry" where do I find Namesys?
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* whyrusleeping
just spent $10 for a single cup of coffee
(oops; wrong window)
* whyrusleeping
might feel a little bad about this
whyrusleeping: hey
baffo32: you will need to be connected to the network
or at least one other node
feross: Hey! are you going to ndoeconf?
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noffle, thx
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whyrusleeping: I'm trying to get ipns-pub working again, upgrading go helped a lot, but I'm running into issues between go-libp2p-crypto and go-libp2p/p2p/crypto, I wonder if maybe you'd queue updating the dependencies?
baffo32: i pushed a dependency 'fix' today
oh thanks
i'm sorry about that mess, theres a lot to pay attention to
and its difficult to depend on go-ipfs itself because its deps are still half in godeps
once we're fully in the gx land it will be better
eh sorry I didn't notice the fix !
nice finally runs ^_^
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damn DEPRECATED Action signature. Must be `cli.ActionFunc`.
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oooooh, yeah...
i'll fix that
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I added 'error' to the sig locally and changed 'return' to 'return nil' and it works =D
i just pushed some changes that also replace all the 'fatal' calls with a return err