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<yillkid> Hi all, I can access the web ui via http://localhost:5001/webui ... but how can I change the localhost to my public IP ? any idea ?
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<thienpow> hi
<thienpow> js-libp2p work with React-Native?
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<omega_> is ipfs diag net removed from the list of commands in 0.4.10?
<Noxarivis[m]> I want an matrix.org implementation on ipfs
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<Noxarivis[m]> Or orbit with chat history on Android, would be neat too
<Noxarivis[m]> Please save our internet
<whyrusleeping> omega_: yes
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: hey
<whyrusleeping> ohey
<Noxarivis[m]> I am annoyed of all this ... Matrix.org and IRC
<Noxarivis[m]> I tried Tox and Ring, both suck
<Noxarivis[m]> I really want an peer to peer chat that really works
<whyrusleeping> what bits are annoying?
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<Noxarivis[m]> Matrix and IRC,
<Noxarivis[m]> And Tox and ring
<whyrusleeping> but like, what about them?
<whyrusleeping> why are they annoying, what changes would make them nice to use?
<Noxarivis[m]> They all have several issues
<Noxarivis[m]> Matrix is still very centralized
<Noxarivis[m]> Ring is buggy
<Noxarivis[m]> IRC is ... Olf
<Noxarivis[m]> *Old
<whyrusleeping> and theres no history
<Noxarivis[m]> Yes
<Noxarivis[m]> Tox is unmaintained and goddamn unorganized
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<whyrusleeping> yeah
<whyrusleeping> tox is painful to use
<Noxarivis[m]> I need a chat that satisfy my needs, and orbit seems to have a something that I like
<Noxarivis[m]> Or any other ipfs based thing
<Noxarivis[m]> Ipfs is the best communication backbone I have ever seen
<Noxarivis[m]> I hope soon for a chat application to rise
<Noxarivis[m]> Based on ipfs pubsub if it is stable
<whyrusleeping> we've been doing *a lot* of work on pubsub lately
<Noxarivis[m]> I am now kinda sticking with matrix.org, but I hope for ipfs pubsub to solve my problems
<whyrusleeping> working on applications on top of it, notably to this conversation is 'rooms': https://github.com/libp2p/research-pubsub/issues/18
<Noxarivis[m]> I used pubsub on my Android already
<Noxarivis[m]> It's working
<whyrusleeping> we're also doing a bunch of research into better routing algorithms for pubsub: https://github.com/libp2p/research-pubsub/pull/17
<Noxarivis[m]> It's Stable
<Noxarivis[m]> Yeah
<whyrusleeping> yeah, it works pretty well already
<Noxarivis[m]> I know
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: the thing is, I only have Android, no PC
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<whyrusleeping> right, so you need an android app
<Noxarivis[m]> using ipfs over Termux is very ... annoying
<whyrusleeping> yeah
<whyrusleeping> what sort of interface would you like?
<whyrusleeping> does https://orbit.chat work well on mobile?
<Noxarivis[m]> It can be very basic if it works
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: kinda yeah
<Noxarivis[m]> It's just slower than ipfs pubsub in Termux
<Noxarivis[m]> Because js-ipfs I think
<whyrusleeping> yeah
<whyrusleeping> we've been putting a lot of work into js-ipfs and pubsub lately, I think orbit may get a mild overhaul in the near future
<Noxarivis[m]> I tested go-ipfs with 3kb per second upload/download it works
<whyrusleeping> mmm, thats nice to hear
<Noxarivis[m]> A native Android app with an orbit like interface would be perfect, opening a browser is kinda meh, if you understand
<whyrusleeping> yeah, i understand
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: the browser orbit chat takes almost an half our
* whyrusleeping using weechat
<deltab> yillkid: you can change the configuration, I think, or run a proxy on the same machine
<Noxarivis[m]> I use IRC over matrix
* Noxarivis[m] uploaded an image: file1499915178189.png (207KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/yKDKDtHutVtGpQnqZoRXKnQT>
* Noxarivis[m] uploaded an image: file1499915306278.png (282KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/fEAuOmXYkERXbLOSXffZHaNl>
<yillkid> @deltab: I think the url is hard code ? https://discuss.ipfs.io/t/how-can-i-enable-remote-connection-to-webui/698
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: go-ipfs connects instant while the browser orbit is loading and loading
<whyrusleeping> Noxarivis[m]: yeah, interesting...
<whyrusleeping> not sure what to say other than "go go-ipfs!"
<whyrusleeping> (though i have a bit of a bias)
<Noxarivis[m]> I only have one terminal window without tab or arrow keys so
<Noxarivis[m]> I also have ipfs- Droid, it's cool but I only can do basic stuff
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<Noxarivis[m]> A mix of that and orbit would be a basic working system
<whyrusleeping> hrm... you can make orbit use a local ipfs daemon
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: how
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<whyrusleeping> i don't quite remember, its been a while
<whyrusleeping> theres also this: https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-textui
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<Noxarivis[m]> Looks good, implementing that in ipfs Droid would be a nice solution
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<whyrusleeping> yeah
<Noxarivis[m]> whyrusleeping: JavaScript is "nice" but not everything should be made using it
<whyrusleeping> we don't disagree there
<Noxarivis[m]> If I had a PC i would like to help
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<Noxarivis[m]> I have some basic programming knowledge
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<ChrisMatthieu> Building an #IoT Supercomputer Mesh Network powered by #IPFS https://blog.computes.io/building-an-iot-supercomputer-918f5b15cec0
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<Bat`O> let say I have a file stored in IPFS, what would be the way to get the size from its hash ? (not the size + overhead)
<Mateon1> Bat`O: For unixfs objects you can do `ipfs object stat <hash>`
<Mateon1> The CumulativeSize works for files and directories
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<Bat`O> Mateon1: that's not what I see
<Mateon1> Bat`O: What do you see?
<Bat`O> CumulativeSize: 10488250 instead of 10485760
<Bat`O> that's the size of the dag, not the size of the file
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<Bat`O> another solution to my problem would be to ba able to create a unixfs directory and add arbitrary unixfs file as child
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<Bat`O> but my test with `ipfs object patch` seems to show that even if you start with a unifs-dir template, when you add links with `ipfs object patch add-link` you end up with something that is not a proper unixfs directory
<Bat`O> or maybe i'm just confused about this one
<Bat`O> ha no, that's ipfs ls that report the cumulative size instead of the file size
<Bat`O> well ...
<Bat`O> i guess I can use the dag size everywhere ..
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<Kubuxu> Bat`O: use `ipfs files`
<Kubuxu> it is a virtual filesystem
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<francis[m]> how can i best read up on how files that i publish to ipfs are then disseminated to other nodes? is that automatic? do i or others have to do something more (do others subscribe?)
<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: as far as I know it's on a request basis. So my node should only pick up your things if I'm browsing something you published.
<francis[m]> ok. so, that would mean nobody is sure that there are other distributed copies out there, right SchrodingersScat?
<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: there is at least one way to make a 'cluster' of ipfs if you want to mirror things and make your files more robust. ipfs-cluster project, or can pin via ssh, etc.
<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: you can check to see if other machines have the hash, so you can be pretty certain if it's out there
<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: for example, ipfs dht findprovs QmVLDAhCY3X9P2uRudKAryuQFPM5zqA3Yij1dY8FpGbL7T
<francis[m]> in this model, why are folks then worried about what others might store on their nodes (black/whitelisting)?
<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: if you act as a gateway then you may have a DMCA responsibility to not serve up certain things. I believe the public ipfs.io gateways blacklist certain hashes that have been reported to them.
<francis[m]> so, if you act as a gateway, others might publish objects on your node?
<SchrodingersScat> not publish, but if someone requests the file through a gateway then it will cache the file based on the garbage collection rules
<SchrodingersScat> and serve it
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<francis[m]> i see, so, if im setup as a gateway, people may request objects that are not on my node, but, im requesting and caching those on their behalf, right?
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<francis[m]> would someone actually ask "my" gateway, or would it ask the "network", and then some overlying logic could pass the request on to my node (as it could to others)?
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<r0kk3rz> francis[m]: only if someone asks your gateway, nodes dont do routing at the moment
<francis[m]> thanks r0kk3rz and SchrodingersScat. i'll keep on experimenting.. :-)
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<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: ideally it would be nodes requesting it. If you publish something on your ipfs node and I request it then mine will negotiate where the hash is and download it from you. Then for the time being someone could simultaneously download it from both of us.
<SchrodingersScat> francis[m]: gateways just seem like the only reason to white/blacklist. Or say if your ISP ran an ipfs node and didn't want to be liable for people downloading movies.
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<francis[m]> can the web ui be accessed from a remote host (but, on the same network)
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<r0kk3rz> francis[m]: not unless you configure it that way, but the general recommendation is dont do that
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<francis[m]> r0kk3rz: i want to manage it from within my network, but, from a different machine than where i have ipfs installed
<francis[m]> the ipfs installation is behind a firewall, so, the outside world has no access to the webui
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<francis[m]> r0kk3rz: portforwarding via ssh is the preferred solution?
<r0kk3rz> to what exactly?
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<jokke> how any ideas why i can't find any peers in the dht?
<jokke> not even myself?
<jokke> hm ok i can find other peers though
<jokke> can someone give me their id?
<jokke> so i can try
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<jokke> are there any built in mechanisms to break free from behind a firewall? (without upnp)
<francis[m]> to access the webui on another machine on my network (where ipfs daemon is running)
<francis[m]> ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/QmPhnvn747LqwPYMJmQVorMaGbMSgA7mRRoyyZYz3DoZRQ/: Failed to get block for QmPhnvn747LqwPYMJmQVorMaGbMSgA7mRRoyyZYz3DoZRQ: context canceled
<francis[m]> what would give rise to that error....
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<francis[m]> Error: failure writing to dagstore: A device attached to the system is not functioning. :-(
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<apiarian_mobile> Anybody at GopherCon this year?
<jokke> anybody at 34C3?
<jokke> :)
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<sarenord> is there a way i can list the files someone has in their node?
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<absullivan[m]> whyrusleeping: I just tried ipfs last night, and it is absolutely nuts!!! I wasn't able to run it a second time, so I'm not sure what went wrong (Ubuntu 16.04, known bugs?). Are there examples of Jekyll or Hugo websites that I can clone and host with ipfs? Could I use Beaker Browser to clone a site? Thanks!!!
<voker57> sarenord: I think you'll have to listen to their announcements
<jokke> voker57: even then it's not possible without fetching the file(s)
<jokke> (i think, correct me if i'm wrong)
<sarenord> darn, i got bored and thought i'd look through whatever miscellaneous files people were hosting
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<jokke> sarenord: well, you can.
<jokke> you'll just have to fetch them all
<jokke> and you'll only see those that get announced by your peers
<voker57> jokke: you can fetch DAG nodes only which are much smaller and give you file names
<jokke> oh true!
* jokke is off coding a listener for "id_rsa"
<jokke> :D
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<sarenord> are there any IPFS crawlers people use?
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<voker57> there is ipfs-search but it's rather cumbersome to deploy and resource-heavy
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<sarenord> voker57 yeah that's the only one i've found so far. is there any other method of crawling ipfs?
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<voker57> sarenord: don't think so
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<sarenord> anyone using The Index?
<voker57> what's that?
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<sarenord> voker57 The Index is a js application someone made to work with ipfs to cleanly index the files you have hashes for, and supposedly it works with everyone else who is running it to build a collective ipfs index
<voker57> link?
<Mateon1> sarenord: I have it linked, but you have to keep it online in a browser to actually share hashes
<Mateon1> voker57: Hold on
<sarenord> Mateon57 does it automatically collect hashes while it's open?
<Mateon1> ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXny7UjYEiFXskWr5Un6p5DMZPU87yzdmC3VEQcCx9xBC/
<Mateon1> sarenord: I think so
<voker57> looks like you need to manually add content to it
<sarenord> nope mine just started working
<sarenord> turns out you need to refresh the page
<Mateon1> sarenord: My node died due to pubsub, weird
<sarenord> i'm really new to this, what's pubsub?
<Mateon1> sarenord: It's what allows The Index to function
<Mateon1> It's a way of passing messages quickly between peers
<voker57> nope does not appear to work for me
<sarenord> oops
<voker57> ah it needs insecure permissions
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<Mateon1> Hm, I can't get it to sync with anybody
<Mateon1> I think we need a direct connection for pubsub to work properly
<Mateon1> voker57: For it to work in a distributed fashion you need to start the IPFS daemon with --enable-pubsub-experiment
<Mateon1> sarenord: ^
<sarenord> yeah i have that. it's working now i just didn't get it before
<voker57> no, I already do that.. it requires to allow every app in browser full access to your ipfs daemon
<Mateon1> voker57: Huh, I don't think so, let me check my config
<voker57> and I think it's not made in secure way either so it's an experiment
<Mateon1> Ah, right, it makes requests to localhost:5001
<sarenord> Mateon1 how many files are you getting?
<Mateon1> sarenord: 8
<sarenord> man that might be all that's on there
<Mateon1> Hm, that's possible
<Mateon1> You can always add more
<sarenord> yeah i'm trying to put some music on my node
<sarenord> i can't upload folders?
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<Mateon1> You can
<Mateon1> `ipfs add -r <folder>` (or `-r -w <folder>` to preserve folder name)
<Mateon1> And then paste the last hash to The Index
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<sarenord> ah it doesn't let you upload folders through the webapp
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<sarenord> too many open files? is there a size limit?
<Mateon1> sarenord: No, that is a bug
<Mateon1> It shouldn't happen now...
<sarenord> ohh another service can't be using the file, that makes sense
<sarenord> wait nvm that's not the issue
<Mateon1> sarenord: Do you now see a ninth file?
<sarenord> now i see 0 file
<Mateon1> sarenord: Press search with empty options, that should show everything
<sarenord> 8 files
<Mateon1> Hm, weird
<Mateon1> I just added one
<sarenord> wait how do i get ipfs update?
<sarenord> why does the updater not come with the program?
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<sarenord> do i need to reboot ipfs for ipfs update to work?
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<Mateon1> Yeah, you need to restart the daemon on every update, but I haven't used ipfs-update, I usually get new binaries manually every time
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<sarenord> lol the open issue on github for "too many files open" is basically a pissing contest about copyright
<sarenord> cool
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<voker57> sarenord: link?
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<voker57> nvm
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<voker57> I wonder what the second name was...
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<whyrusleeping> it was something more offensive than "ipfs-devs-are-mean-people"
<whyrusleeping> .mp4
<sarenord> i'm assuming it was more like RichardLitt_and_JBenet_are_*****.mp4
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<sarenord> Mateon1 do you see the file i just uploaded?
<Mateon1> No, I don't
<sarenord> what's your ID
<Mateon1> sarenord: Can you try connecting with `ipfs connect /ipfs/Qme63idhHJ2awgkdG952iddw5Ta9nrfQB3Bpn83V1Bqgvv`
<Mateon1> I am behind a nat, so there might be some issue
<sarenord> no dice
<Mateon1> sarenord: What's your peer id?
<sarenord> how many peers do you have?
<Mateon1> 440
<Mateon1> 438 now
<sarenord> QmSfcHDypExi3GWSWHs2gfZuWV5Kd4yHyox1wmVDB32cWc
<sarenord> should i port forward?
<Mateon1> sarenord: I managed to connect
<sarenord> do you see it now?
<Mateon1> sarenord: No, can you refresh the index page?
<sarenord> just tried, what's the file name?
<Mateon1> Well, I don't see the file, pubsub is weird, let me try something
<Mateon1> ipfs pubsub peers the.index.production only returns one peer, starting with QmXKd1
<sarenord> try again i'm stupid
<sarenord> also that is not me
<Mateon1> sarenord: It seems that your node is now down, I can't find you through `dht findpeer`
<Mateon1> The QmSf peer id
<sarenord> lol i forgot to enable pubsub so i rebooted my node
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<sarenord> the QmSF is me
<sarenord> i found you
<Mateon1> Doesn't seem like it
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<sarenord> i found you in DHT, can't connect to you though
<Mateon1> sarenord: Yeah, I'm behind a nat
<Mateon1> Actually, 2 nats, which makes the nat punching not work
<sarenord> oh right you said that
<sarenord> so you aren't seeing a file titled "periphery"?
<Mateon1> No, also, I uploaded a file named "Sintel"
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<sarenord> should i try port forwarding?