shenki mentioned that someone tried upstreaming some litex stuff a little while ago. I'll try and coordinate some e-mails etc soon, so we can start upstreaming. I'm planning on working on some of this at the lca 2020 hackfest. Though, I suppose some of you might get this done at 36C3 this weekend.
Title: We need to document LiteX CSRs! · Issue #314 · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at github.com)
and currently have a generic CSR read/write set of methods that should work on all alignments (i.e., cpu word widths) and csr-data-widths (8, 16, 32 bits) here: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/pull/324
I think Linux upstreaming should start with support for the LiteX CSR SoC wishbone bus, and provide register accessors for other modules (e.g. ethernet, uart, etc.) to read/write LiteX CSR registers
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