_florent_ changed the topic of #litex to: LiteX FPGA SoC builder and Cores / Github : https://github.com/enjoy-digital, https://github.com/litex-hub / Logs: https://freenode.irclog.whitequark.org/litex
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<john_k[m]> _florent_: I've got my CLE-215 setup and ready to flash but I'm trying to figure out the correct pinout for my FTDI 232 cable - can you point me in the right direction?
<john_k[m]> ah, I had it right the first time - it just read garbage for the ID code in that one instance
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<_florent_> somlo: thanks the the PR, strange this was not happening on my side, probably related to a different GCC.
<_florent_> benh: somlo made a batch of Trellisboards and i got mine from him, maybe he has an unused one to sell
<_florent_> benh: otherwise, the Versa ECP5 5G is also a nice board, the FPGA is smaller (45F), but you have DDR3/Ethernet which is nice for Microwatt/Linux dev
<benh> ah Treillis doesn't have DDR3 & Etherner ? ok
<benh> Versa is about $500 AUD... I'll wait a bit. Not much more expensive than an Arty 100T mind you.. maybe I can get sponsored by IBM (my former employer :)
<_florent_> Trellisboard has 32-bit/1GB DDR3 and 1GBps ethernet, but it's not possible to purchase it
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<john_k[m]> _florent_: after you flash the CLE-215 with --load, how did you reset the device to get it to re-enumerate over PCIe?
<_florent_> john_k[m]: you just need to reboot the Host
<john_k[m]> ah ok
<john_k[m]> also, which kernel version were you compiling against for the module? I'm having issues with 5.6.11
<_florent_> john_k[m]: but i had a strange behaviour with Acorn + Nest that was reloading the bitstream from flash on reboot that i haven't investigated yet
<_florent_> to workaround that, i was flashing the board with --flash
<john_k[m]> hrm ok, thanks
<_florent_> i'm compiling it on Ubuntu 18.04, i would have to check for the exact kernel version
<john_k[m]> I can look it up
<john_k[m]> --flash isn't working for me, says "Error: Unknown flash device (ID 0x00ffffff)"
<john_k[m]> did you run into anything like that?
<john_k[m]> 18.04 uses kernel 5.3
<_florent_> no, flash was working
<_florent_> you can still use --load
<_florent_> there is a led chaser on the 4 leds
<john_k[m]> that is running
<john_k[m]> lspci still shows "03:00.0 Processing accelerators: Squirrels Research Labs Acorn CLE-215+"
<_florent_> if it's there after rebooting, then you are using the right bitstream
<_florent_> when you are doing the --load, do you see the led chaser?
<john_k[m]> before I reboot, you mean?
<_florent_> yes
<_florent_> just to be sure the bistream is loaded correctly
<john_k[m]> hrm, any good way to go back to design in the flash without powering the machine off?
<john_k[m]> yes chaser starts right after I use --load
<john_k[m]> rebooting causes default bitstream to load, as you observed
<john_k[m]> will try a different CLE-215 in the morning to check on the flash thing
<john_k[m]> my goal is to make a dedicated CLE-215 sample project
<john_k[m]> since there seems to be additional interest in this board now
<awordnot> i wasn't aware of the CLE-215. other than these potential flashing issues are there any known pitfalls compared to something like a NiteFury?
<john_k[m]> it is a commercial application of NiteFury
<_florent_> john_k[m]: ok, so you will need to get the flash working
<john_k[m]> I'm not aware of any other pitfalls, but I'm just getting started
<awordnot> cool
<john_k[m]> I'm also trying with an Acorn Nest, maybe I'll try it in a native mPCIe slot, to see if that has something to do with the bitstream reloading
<_florent_> john_k[m]: i'll also probably create a project with this board to demonstrate how to create PCIe processing accelerators
<john_k[m]> ah, nice
<john_k[m]> I need to go to bed now, but if there is any other gotchas or tricks you can think of, please let me know
<_florent_> john_k[m]: good idea to test without the Nest, i was also suspecting it to cause this behaviour but haven't tested
<john_k[m]> and I'll look into it more in the morning
<awordnot> is it possible the CLE-215 has some additional circuitry to reset the FPGA bitstream on PCIe reset or initial poweron? not really sure how that works
<_florent_> john_k[m]: ok sure, i'll try to do some tests today
<john_k[m]> it's likely how the Nest has it's PCIe bridges and embedded controller configured
<john_k[m]> it's possible they wanted the devices to reset on reboot to make cryptocurrency mining support easier?
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<zyp> _florent_, I don't presume you've used the edge clock bridge in ecp5 to split a ddr3 memory across both left and right side banks?
<zyp> I think this is supposed to be possible, but I wonder if it has any chance to work in practice :) https://bin.jvnv.net/file/Rx3uI.png
<daveshah> I think the OrangeCrab does this
<daveshah> but I'm not sure if it is in exactly the same way
<daveshah> I know it uses an edge clock bridge though
<zyp> ah, I should check the schematics
<zyp> yes, it got the address bus on right side and data bus on left side
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<Skip> Has anyone run LiteX on a rev C pano logic device? The BIOS Memtest fails here. It works fine on a Rev B. Unfortunately I only have one Rev C and I've never used SDRAM on it before so it could be an hardware issue.
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<john_k[m]> I have a rev C but have not tried since they got DDR working on rev B - I was never able to make it work on rev C
<Skip> I would think it would "just work" as far as I know it's exactly the same design with just different FPGA and SPI chips stuffed, but that's just an assumption.
<Skip> Thanks for the response!
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<CarlFK> bunnie: https://github.com/AlphamaxMedia/openocd/blob/master/src/target/arm_disassembler.c#L1499 error: bitwise comparison always evaluates to false [-Werror=tautological-compare]
<tpb> Title: openocd/arm_disassembler.c at master · AlphamaxMedia/openocd · GitHub (at github.com)
<CarlFK> bunnie: im trying to get it working on a pi. I patched debian's version, it built, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jzkJm2562D/ Error: no device found
<tpb> Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)
<bunnie> what's in the openocd/openocd.cfg file? It looks like it's trying to talk on ftdi not the bcm2385 native gpios
<bunnie> *bcm2835
<bunnie> you can try using it with the config files in this repo: https://github.com/AlphamaxMedia/netv2mvp-scripts
<tpb> Title: GitHub - AlphamaxMedia/netv2mvp-scripts: Various scripts for NeTV2MVP (at github.com)
<bunnie> so if you clone that and then switch to the directory and do `sudo openocd -f idcode.cfg` it should return to you the idcode of the FPGA
<bunnie> if you built from scratch, you need to make sure you specified the bcm2835 config option for openocd
<tpb> Title: netv2/openocd.cfg at master · antmicro/netv2 · GitHub (at github.com)
<bunnie> I don't know what method antmicro is using to connect to the netv2, but it's not the rpi.
<bunnie> if you want to use their config script i think you'll need to check with them as to what their configuration is.
<tpb> Title: netv2mvp-scripts/idcode.cfg at master · AlphamaxMedia/netv2mvp-scripts · GitHub (at github.com)
<CarlFK> there is no interface dir, alphamax-rpi.cfg is in the same dir
<tpb> Title: netv2mvp-scripts/alphamax-rpi.cfg at master · AlphamaxMedia/netv2mvp-scripts · GitHub (at github.com)
<CarlFK> idcode.cfg:5: Error: Can't find interface/alphamax-rpi.cfg
<bunnie> ah right i installed alphamax-rpi.cfg into the openocd system config files for the production system
<bunnie> change `source [find interface/alphamax-rpi.cfg]` to `source alphamax-rpi.cfg`
<bunnie> that probably would have been a more portable way to do it in the end.
<tpb> Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)
<bunnie> yep looks like you're talking to the FPGA now
<CarlFK> yay
<bunnie> so this file https://github.com/AlphamaxMedia/netv2mvp-scripts/blob/master/fpga-jtag.cfg will load a file called `top.bit` into the fpga, but you also need to make that mod on the config file as well
<tpb> Title: netv2mvp-scripts/fpga-jtag.cfg at master · AlphamaxMedia/netv2mvp-scripts · GitHub (at github.com)
<CarlFK> woot! loaded file top.bit to pld device 0 in 2s 340176us
<CarlFK> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bjDfJ7KpJp/ does this confirm your patch was applied successfully?
<tpb> Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)
<CarlFK> tumbleweed had to make a few changes as the source drifted
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<bunnie> usually it doesn't report the odd jtag errors in the beginning but if the FPGA seems to be alive it could be some other weirdness in openocd...
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<john_k[m]> anyone seen where the the ID code for a Xilinx Artix-7 sometimes has a higher bit set? ie I see 0x13636093 instead of 0x03636093
<john_k[m]> hrm I guess per UG470, that's the version
<john_k[m]> _florent_: how many CLE-215+ have you tested? 2 of the 3 I've tried so far have ID CODE 0x13636093
<_florent_> john_k[m]: i only tested one
<john_k[m]> ah, ok
<_florent_> john_k[m]: you could try to lower the clock frequency in the openocd config file
<john_k[m]> looks like I'll have some small PRs incoming
<_florent_> you could also try to use VivadoProgrammer to load the bistream
<john_k[m]> the bitstreams load fine in the end, it's just not in the list of supported chips
<john_k[m]> and I have to look into the flash side of things as well, got a flash device with ID 0x00918d0d which isn't supported yet
<john_k[m]> hrm, I think something is being wonky in my environment, --load just worked fine with no complaints on a fresh terminal :\
<CarlFK> bunnie: what sort of diagnostics are ther for netv2, like generate a test pattern
<bunnie> the simplest thing to do is to pass through a video
<john_k[m]> _florent_: a diagnostic when you have a chance - does your CLE-215+ sticker on the bottom have a QR code or a printed serial number?
<bunnie> if that works a lot of things are correct
<bunnie> also talking to the firmware over the serial port is a good sign that many things are working
<_florent_> john_k[m]: i could look tomorrow, but i remember seeing a QR code yes
<CarlFK> is there a .. what is top.bit called? bitstream? anyway, where can I get a known working one?
<john_k[m]> my 'working' unit is the same, the other two I've tried have white serial # stickers near the non-PCIe end with printed serial numbers
<john_k[m]> * my 'working' unit is the same (QR code), the other two I've tried have white serial # stickers near the non-PCIe end with printed serial numbers
<john_k[m]> lowering jtag freq to 5MHz seems to be an improvement
<john_k[m]> * lowering jtag freq to 5MHz seems to be an improvement stability-wise