larsc: what happens if we double the SYSREF frequency (with the DAC in one-shot synchronization mode)?
I want to DDMTD the SYSREF going into the FPGA, but the MMCM needs at least 10MHz
I could double the FPGA SYSREF only, but it makes things a bit more complex
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or maybe a better idea is to DDMTD a 150MHz output, use the DDMTD results to align that to the RTIO clock, and then align SYSREF (with a known number of 7043 slips) to the RTIO counter
then there are no issues with minimum MMCM PFD frequencies, and the MMCM parameters are generally more reasonable
we can even get crazy resolutions easily and then we know exactly how bad ultrascale is
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whitequark: when generating something with nmigen, is there a way to define the name of the top module ?
There are signals that I don't want that end up there, and some signal that I want that are names foo$123 instead of their real name, (they come from Records())
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key2_: yes, you can use rtlil.convert(name="...")
as for signals that end up in ports, there is nothing that can be done right now other than tying them to reset value explicitly
(this is a bug that needs to be fixed)
name="..." being ?
the names of the signals you want ?
ah na
when you do ports=[...]
there is no way to keep only those port and keep their name ?
or rather a dict
would be a good option
something like port={"signame" : foo.bar}
hartytp: what kind of DAC sync issues did you get at 2.4GHz exactly and what was the sync window like?
(sync window == timing range in which you can move SYSREF without affecting sync)
key2_: no, "name" is for calling top module
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yeah, i figured, i was talking about port then
question is how could we have (only) the signals we requested on the port ?
you currently cannot
and how can we have the name we want, especially when there is collision with this name
is it possible to force the name to be deterministic ?