doesn't AsyncFIFO already implement the "style #2" from the paper?
(side note: GrayCounter is weird, shouldn't it be GrayEncoder and GrayDecoder and shouldn't they be in coding ?)
IME, gray counters are generally considered a good CDC primitive when you can use them
I am aware
this is purely a code organization concern
feels to me that GrayCounter just introduces more indirection where you probably want to instantiate a regular binary counter on a higher level in the design and encode that
I don't think it's weird to have them under CDC; I've never used them outside of that reason.
whitequark: asyncfifo is based on this paper, yes. i don't remember the details, I wrote this years ago
if style #2 matches the code, that's probably what it is
yeah, I read it thoroughly and it matches style #2, which is probably good
i don't get what's happening with the gth ethernet code on sayma. it's happy to communicate with itself, but not with other devices
could be just some silly hardware issue though. i could try it on the kcu105 i guess...
oh and also send some test pattern and receive it on kasli
if the transceiver clock frequency is fucked for some reason, that would show it clearly when transmitting a square wave
could be simply that greg didn't populate a 200MHz oscillator contrary to what the schematics say
sayma is 99% debugging, as usual
whitequark: GrayCounter is basically a convenient way to have the current and next values both in binary and in gray
that was useful for some things but i'm not sure if that's the case anymore. check what is using it.
only FIFO
and I think it's actually more code
or rather, DRTIO is using it, but not that feature. it just uses i and q.
artiq/gateware/drtio/link_layer.py uses it.
yes. i just said that.
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is np.ceil implemented in artiq python/is there a convenient equivalent?
iirc it isn't
sb0: i did a very quick test yesterday of your ku_1000basex phy on the kcu105, but it was also not working.
sb0: happy to help a bit to debug that next week if it's still not working or do some tests
sb0: but i was generating the 200MHz clock from a PLL and disabling DRC check REQP-1753 (it's working for testing on 7-Series, but haven't tested that before on Ultrascale)
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sb0: ping
hartytp_: yes?
pll works
reliably? at all power cycles? at 600, 1000, 1200, 2400MHz? with deterministic phase?
so far only tested 600MHz, but if that one works the others will
but, yes, seems to work
if that one works the others will? hmm. optimistic...
Don't worry, I'll test other configurations next
but, seriously, there isn't much to go wrong there
important point is that the feedback through the output divider does seem to work
_florent_: what is the si570 frequency on your board?
you can probably use that
_florent_: also the CPLL should run at 2500MHz, and this is controlled by p_CPLL_FBDIV, p_CPLL_FBDIV_45 and p_CPLL_REFCLK_DIV
using other frequencies is doable by changing those parameters, and it doesn't seem there is much that can go wrong there
I would not trust GTGREFCLK on Ultrascale.
GTGREFCLK definitely has a lot of jitter that also depends on fabric activity
_florent_: also for using the si570 you only have to change the pin numbers
even though it is in another transceiver quad, surprisingly, vivado is actually capable of configuring the routing correctly
the GTH is the only I/O feature that is less fucked on Ultrascale compared to 7-series
_florent_: the kcu105 has an auxiliary FPGA that contains a factory design that lets you set the si570 frequency with a simple uart interface
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sigh....there is something odd going on with this pll. The phase seems non-deterministic at the level of well sub 1 VCO clock cycle
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so, the options are:
1. figure out what undocumented features this PLL has and how to bypass them. although, given how small the phase glitches I'm seeing are, it's going to be hard to really convince ourselves that they're truly gone
2. give up on this pll and use the hmc830 (have to decide how we're going to measure the output phase and reset as necessary)
3. use the hmc830 with an external output divider, which we can reset, although that has all the usual issues
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sb0: ok i'll do a test with the si570
bb-m-labs: force build --branch=pull/1176/merge artiq
build forced [ETA 59m04s]
I'll give a shout when the build finishes