[nmigen] jfng opened issue #335: Records with zero-width fields used as module ports break Yosys - https://git.io/JvPOv
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What does assert defs[sig] is self in ir.py line 396 mean? The stack trace doesn't reference any line in my program besides the one where build is called.
probably that you've assigned to the output of an Instance, iirc
Why do I get a "YosysError: ERROR: Multiple edge sensitive events found for this signal!" when I rename the clock domain of a module (which exclusively uses m.d.sync internally)?
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Degi: that's generally caused by clock domain conflicts
Like when I try to write a signal from multiple domains?
Multiple *writes* causes a different error
But this might be multiple reads from different clock domains
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Hm isn't it okay to read a signal from a different domain?
Right, so I talked to some people in #yosys
Essentially it means you've generated an incredibly wacky Yosys process
Hm yeah I'll maybe look into the rtlil
look for a process with multiple edge triggers
(hi mwk)
It's the .il file, right? How do I recognize a process with multiple triggers there?
also if you have asynchronous reset, there's a chance it's causing the problem (it shouldn't, but something could be botched)
Hm I don't think that I have any resets yet
look for a process with multiple "sync posedge ..." or "sync negedge ..." lines
It would be nice if more detail was given...
(or send me the .il file, I could take a look)
At line 180/182 there's a cell with multiple syncs
no, sync init doesn't count
I think that's an outdated IL, when nmigen throws that error, it doesn't make any il
yep, yosys -p proc accepts this file just fine
that's... bad
Yes nmigen doesn't make any build directory
Degi: Are you using nmigen.back.verilog?
What's that
How are you writing your files?
Hm I have the python script which at the end calls FPGA.ECP55GEVNPlatform().build(DDRTest(), do_program=True, nextpnr_opts="--timing-allow-fail") where the platform is from nmigen-boards
Well, first off, nmigen *does* create a build directory
It usually does, but not this time
But anyway
Can you add this snippet for me
if verilog conversion fails the build directory won't get created
so Degi is right
from nmigen.back import rtlil; with open("foo.il", "w") as f: f.write(rtlil.convert(DDRTest()))
(I think that's correct?)
Hm I think I'll make a MCVE first
yep, that should show the problem here
the MCVE in this case will be mostly for yourself
this is a known issue & unfortunately rather challenging to fix
Hm okay
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Oh yes now the IL has a sync posedge on clk and rx_ck