I need a different number of `Case`s based on a generic
the generic determines the `len(loc.gt_vec)`
seems I screwed up
"1" + ("-" * i)
instead of the `"".join` business
whitequark: Isn't the routing problem for the pll the work of nextpnr or whatever? The verilog for the NES on mister does not include which pll to use, which means nmigen doesn't have to choose either
and I suspect it tends to be selected with "which pll has the dedicated connection to the clock pin"
Sarayan: xilinx 7series for example has two types of PLLs (one called PLL and one called MMCM). Choosing which one of them to use for which clocks is something I would count under the routing problem, and is not something done by the pnr tools usually (atleast that I am aware of)
whitequark: Potentially useful for nmigen-soc? https://github.com/STBoyden/ocean (It's "cargo for C/C++ projects", essentially)
vup: Interesting
so it's more for when you have to choose between multiple types, makes sense
Asu has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #425: Support for PLL primitives - https://git.io/JTUBY
cr1901_modern: well, I'm personally primarily interested in Rust for nmigen-soc
started formally verifying my long divider