idk people say that but i've never written properties, no matter how much "just reiterating the code" they are, and not found like four bugs
awygle: i think basically every bug i found writing the boneless spec was in the spec itself
and like a third of them was just "verilog sucks and also migen can't do formal" which well
you know the rest
the same with FIFOs currently in nmigen
i found a few bugs in the spec, and then one quirk of how nmigen formal works
whitequark: FWIW, when you're ready to tackle multiclk, I already have an nmigen design to test it on that should be "simple enough" to start with
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(Windows will just give up talking to the device completely if you don't make Windows happy)
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cr1901_modern: on USB3 it's a little worse, because instead of just taking down the device, Windows decides the problem is with the root hub
so, for example, on Surface Pro 3, the USB port stops working and also the keyboard and mouse, since the keyboard/mouse cover for it is connected via USB
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<edbordin> usb3 device: meets the spec, windows: confused screaming
<Darius> in fairness, how many devices really meet the spec anyway - it's probbaly an extreme novelty 😄
<edbordin> I'm sure someone at microsoft decided it was probably good enough, knowing that the rest of the world would have to work with it
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ktemkin: what happens if you use thunderbolt<>usb_host adapter or something like that ? you think it could save you from rebooting ?
so I've got a problem where yosys is getting a parser error
oh, wait
I see
figured it out
key2: on windows?
you can just disable and re-enable the driver for the root hub
ahh ok
well, assuming you still have input left to do that with =P
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anyone know how to use a `past_valid` signal properly?
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awygle: poke (though you may not be awake)
whitequark: so I have a question about figuring out the ports of a DUT
I want to automate it via `bus.__dict__`
how do I check, for example, if a `Signal` is has the `unsigned` shape?
oh wait
I'm guessing I don't need that
probably just need all the `Signal` and `Record` types within a bus
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ktemkin: ahhahaha yeah so how do you handle that ?
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what can I do to do a for loop in my formal verification code?
I need to do a variable number of verifications
i.e. a variable number of `Assert`s where the number is determined based on the value of a `Signal`
in SV, this would be easy
but nMigen doesn't make it easy for some reason
though in this case, it's easy to define a hard limit
FL4SHK: how would you do it in SV?
because it's not directly expressible in RTL
it's a simulation-side for loop
oh, sure
then write the asserts in an nmigen simulation process
does the exact same thing
how do I use an nMigen simulation process in formal?
you can't, but neither can you do that in SV
(not with symbiyosys, at least)
it's literally just a regular `for` loop in SV
I've done it in yosys's Verilog formal verification
do you have an example?
int i; for (i=0; i<signal; i=i+1)
Maybe I'm remembering wrongly?
I could have sworn I'd used regular for loops in yosys before
i'm pretty sure this wouldn't work in yosys as you described it, for the same reason you are having a hard time writing it in nmigen
you can use for loops that are fully expanded in the frontend
the nmigen equivalent of those is, well, a python for loop
I see
but yosys has no way to express a for loop in RTLIL
so I must be remembering wronly, then
sounds so, yeah
so I can just build an `Array` in this case
then iterate through it
using an if statement to determine whether or not I care about the current element
doesn't even need to be an array
but yeah
yeah, could be a Python list
though I'm not completely sure I *need* to do this kind of verification
I'm trying to verify that the quotient digit is correct
but the quotient digit is computed on the current cycle
finally got the division formal verification going slowly!
this is more like it
weird that I'm interested in it going *slowly*
the answers I got ranged from "just dont do it" to "I wouldnt hire somebody who writes recursive hardware"
how did that go?
FFT is neatly expressed in its recursive form
"do one full stage, then two half-width FFTs"
yeah love it
(though there are faster versions for this)
so lines 423 and 425 are just about the only nmigen in that entire file...
i love the idea of using recursion to do an FFT (but not in VHDL!)
why not though
it should work
i mean, it's the *python* that would be recursive, not the HDL
its the VHDL functions that would be recursive
you can write recursive HDL too just fine
e.g. recursive verilog modules, not sure about VHDL
it just generates a tree thing
but yeah python is superior and its better expressed in python
so is this intended? whitequark
I mean, calling `m.Case` in a function
feel free to do it; the purpose behind making `m` implicit (instead of maintaining something like a thread-local "current module" thing) was to make this sort of abstraction possible
however, beware that it might not be perfectly convenient yet
the code gets a bit unwieldy and hard to understand this way, similar to the problem with syntactic macros in other languages