wasmer is just a company that writes a webassembly runtime. They don't have any particular sway in the progression of wasm.
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whitequark: query database for a 625 MB file ends up being about 260 MBs.
not bad, I think
yep, reasonable
*625 MB vcd file
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Searching through the db is going to be complex than I thought.
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So I'm trying to convert a project module by module to using nMigen. Is there a way to integrate existing HDL into like wrapper classes or something?
How might I do that?
the instantiation is done with Instance
lemme grab a log with an explanation in it
Where's Instance?
I can't figure out which source file it's in lol
okay sounds good
oh found the file
you can also use platform.add_file to add a verilog file to the build
Do I have to do that?
if you're using nmigen's build system you'll have to do that to get your external .v files included
Right now I have a bit of a problem as it doesn't support the platform I'm using (polarfire) I'm planning on implementing that support though
oh hi modwizcode!
if you're using nmigen to generate verilog of your new code, you could just use that nmigen-generated verilog in your old build system
hi whitequark
what agg just recommended sounds reasonable to me
Generating the verilog and pulling it into Libero?
pretty much
it should get you started quickly
Yeah seems about right
I noticed that it seems like migen had like built in stuff for wishbone but nmigen doesn't right?
there's some stuff in `nmigen-soc` paralleling the old misoc stuff that'll get you a bit of the way there
Also is there an example somewhere of how to properly use the build system and generate code, all the examples I can find seem... slightly dated or don't actually cover the build system.
Ah right okay. Forgot about nmigen-soc
better docs are something that was happening until 2020 interfered
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Ah. I'm pedantic for "correctness" when I start new projects so a recommendation down the right path would help.
if you just want to get some verilog, then it's: `from nmigen.back import verilog; verilog.convert(top, ports=[...])`
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where `top` is an Elaboratable and `ports` is a collection of signals you want to become toplevel ports
Is it going to be frustrating if I don't convert it with an actual top layer module? I think when I was playing with fifo stuff I noticed it literally instantiates with top, but I was using that "main" thing so I could run simulation too
*instantiates it as a module called top
you can pass a `name="foo"` argument to `convert()`
ah thanks
the main thing is currently not well thought out so don't get stuck on it too much
it was a quick PoC that never got fleshed out the way it deserved to be
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that's what i figured. it gets kinda weird if you forget arguments lol
I should submit a patch for that
I actually have a more theoretical question too about how resets are handled. So say I want to expose a reset for my module (polarfire FPGAs need a reset since they can't do initial values afaik), so in my module I assign variable to a ResetSignal for that clock domain, and then all those will refer to the same signal, so driving any of them will reset the whole design?
more or less
Do I actually want to expose that signal out of my modules? Signals can have a "reset" value, should I just ignore the "ResetSignal" and specify reset values on my Signals? I think I'm a bit confused here.
so ResetSignal(domain) is a way to late bind to the reset input of the FFs in that domain (or "sync" if not specified)
the Signal(reset=) parameter is the actual reset value, or the initial value if the device supports it
(polarfire FPGAs need a reset since they can't do initial values afaik) <-- they can!
I was just parroting what my boss told me, I've not worked with them enough to know the issue.
I assume there's some issue though.
So for the reset I really don't want to be doing something like "with m.If(ResetSignal()): ...".
nmigen does that for you on its own
with m.If(ResetSignal()): m.d.sync += sig.eq(sig.reset)`
except it happens for every signal in every domain with reset
Right, so I should just set initial values using the reset parameter of the Signal itself.
Will it expose a reset signal when I generate the module or do I have to create one and put it in the ports parameter?
this depends on whether you create a clock domain yourself
if you do not, it will automatically add a clock and a reset and expose them
(since otherwise you do not have a way to add them to ports)
What happens when FFs only have async clear and no async set, signal is stored inverted?
Sarayan: yep
assuming the toolchain actually handles that case, anyway
yosys/nextpnr ftw
I'm sure some of them silently miscompile instead
hey Sarayan did you see my reply to your question in #yosys the other day? Did you work that issue out?
maybe not, what was my question already?
Idk if it was so much a question but you had an issue with cxxrtl generating really long lines
well, it's more the >256 levels of parenthesis, but there's a clang flag for that
Yeah but I was more interested in why the line was so long
Did you run it through an opt pass by any chance?
That you'd have to ask wq, I can put the verilog code somewhere, it's a sv2v of fx68k
-O6 -g3
I was just wondering if it was run through a yosys opt pass.
I think write_cxxrtl -O6 -g3 runs thourgh a lot of yosys passes
If it went through sv2v it's going to be a bit messy
Yeah it shouldn't go through a yosys opt pass by default though
but if you didn't run it through one then what I was thinking probably isn't relevant
Dunno, just did read, hierarchy and write
But write does a lot of stuff
Yeah probably not the thing I notice then.
including things like memory_collect and flatten, so why not opt?
It doesn't I've looked at the code
ok :-)
and opt is bad for cxxrtl me and wq talked about it the other day
Which can cause cxxrtl to generate weird stuff (although in this case it actually is able to figure stuff out generally)
nice sign extension
It's not a sign extension
it's the enable signal to a memory block
It actually generates that assignment twice (both times the same signal I think although I didn't care enough to verify proper)
b[30:0] = 31 copies of b[31] looks furiously like a sign extension, amusing that it happens with enables
IIRC I fixed that one
there is a repeat detector
Yeah it looks like CXXRTL figures something out
But it still sees a feedback arc
what seems even more strange is that those EN signals in the c++ generated don't seem to get assigned to anything.
you should run `clean` after `opt` to avoid that
except... `clean` is kind of broken in yosys at the momen
it does several different things and none of them well
(there's an issue about it)
I forgot clean even existed
"it does several different things and none of them well" -- I love and hate that sentence at the same time
Huhhhh this generated code is totally screwy this doesn't make sense at all
"always @(negedge 1'hx) begin" is nonsense right?
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"never begin" :-)
I've seen this before but I can't remember why
That's the product of the opt pass written back to verilog on that design with the weird repeat enable
it runs all the assign logic for the fifo in that block... which... I don't understand
https://paste.debian.net/1179905/ This is the file. This is the SyncFIFO from nMigen written out as verilog combined with a verilog testbench driver that I made to test with cxxrtl
written back to verilog.
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Is "x" "undefined" or "don't care"? "always @(negedge 1'hx) begin" _feels_ like it should "run whenever it feels like, I don't care"
I'm pretty sure it's a combination but I think "undefined" is closer
The problem is, unless that syntax is some special quirk I'm not recognizing, that code doesn't function the same as the input source, since I can't see it every actually running the process to update the memory.
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cr1901_modern: the answer is "yes", but in this context it means "never"
modwizcode: it is possible you are encountering some corner case due to the way opt and write_verilog interact
Oh goodie
I seem to be good at this
Is that worth reporting? What I'm doing seems kind of insane and iirc isn't write_verilog like not specified to work or something?
wtf do you mean by "not specified to work"? it's an integral part of nmigen among other things
I might be confusing it with the read_verilog pass
I'm confusing myself. That note is what I was thinking of but I do run the proc pass and the generated rtlil doesn't seem to have processes.
so it's a bug then right?
i don't know
i haven't looked at the code
have a lot more important things to do
i'm just saying that you can report it
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