<sacarlson> the only estimated specs of transactions I've seen is about 1000 tx/sec but I think that was speeds measured on the older system stellard as seen here https://stellartalk.org/topic/5988-last-weeks-outage-recap-by-jed/ my guess is it is as fast or faster than that now
<sacarlson> from my experience I can tell you that it takes only 4 - 6 sec to get a validated transaction into the system and that there is a maximum of 3600 tx per hour per user limit on usage of the horizon system
<sacarlson> "Dave estimated 1k tx/s ~2y ago at test."
<fredolafritte> OpenLedger claims 100,000 tx/sec, it's a claim ....
<fredolafritte> they are claiming so much that it becomes almost ridiculous
<fredolafritte> OpenLedger is mostly vaporware
<dzham> And now, for something completely different... If it wasn't for the obvious trademark infringement, Lumens ought to have been called "star bucks".
<raymens> :)
<raymens> I don't think Stellar would like to be referenced with that bad coffee (read: sugar) abominations they serve
<dzham> But that’s the thing, it doesn’t make any sense at all to name a coffee chain after a type of intergalactic money, whereas for Lumens it totally makes sense.
<raymens> Agreed
<sacarlson> from a quick look at openledger it looks they have may similar features to Stellar. A quick look at the website looks like they are a stake based consensus algorithum. there chain tick looks to be a bit faster at about 2 - 3 seconds instead of 4 - 6 but not really sure. one thing I like is there federated unique user account names that. where Stellar has a domain location it is not fixed on being unique s
<sacarlson> thanks dzham I'm checking it out
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<jesse> is there a reason Stellar is asking for cash donations rather than selling XLM?
<sacarlson> my guess is that cash donations prevent Stellar from selling as many XLM that would bring down the price of XLM
<lab> the market is too inactive to support expenses.
<lab> Quarter expense is about 0.7M according to last year finance data. now initial cash (3M) should be exhausted in that rate. will sdf open new finance data?
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