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<mithro> acomodi: You around?
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<mithro> @acomodi: I'll leave you to finish off
<tpb> Title: Actually preserve history from symbiflow-arch-defs by mithro · Pull Request #4 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-xc-fasm2bels · GitHub (at
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<sf-slack> <acomodi> mithro: sure, I'll finish that, thanks
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<_whitenotifier-f> [symbiflow-arch-defs] rw1nkler opened issue #1517: Place constraints script ignores ROI -
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<HackerFoo> shapr: I created a Nix expression for symbiflow-arch-defs:
<tpb> Title: GitHub - HackerFoo/nix-symbiflow (at
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<_whitenotifier-f> [symbiflow-website] mithro opened issue #49: IRC / Slack link no longer on front page -
<_whitenotifier-f> [symbiflow-website] mithro opened issue #50: Remove GSoC header on the top of page -
<_whitenotifier-f> [symbiflow-website] mithro opened issue #51: Add header links from to website (when scrolling down?) -
<mithro> @acomodi: I'm a bit confused about your comments on fasm2bels ?
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<sf-slack> <acomodi> mithro: basically fasm2bels requires a small portion of the channels.db. there are a lot of tables in the SQL definition that are not needed to generate this reduced form of the channels.db, hence I have dropped them
<mithro> acomodi: It sounds like fasm2bels shouldn't be generating the channels.db file then?
<sf-slack> <acomodi> exactly, but it takes around 2 minutes to do so, unless the channels.db file is already present
<sf-slack> <acomodi> 2 minutes for the 50T at least
<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> @kgugala and all -- is there an example or a script that's a good starting point for a yosys->vivado flow? For a one-time experiment, can I just feed "top_synth.v" into Vivado, along with an .xdc file containing the appropriate IO assignments?
<sf-slack> <acomodi> mithro: I misread your message actually, fasm2bels needs the channels.db when a top.route file is provided. I thought that the best place to have the creation of the channels.db would be within fasm2bels instead of having it outside and being handled by other tools
<sf-slack> <acomodi> @timo.callahan I think you could make use of fpga-tool-perf. To add a new test, you would need to create a new project description with all the source files and other meta data, and than add the sources in the under the `src` directory as well as the constraints
<sf-slack> <acomodi> You probably will need to add the board definition as well if you plan to use the 100T device
<sf-slack> <acomodi> The yosys-vivado flow is already supported
<sf-slack> <kgugala> @timo.callahan give me a sec - I'll prepare you a simple example
<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> @acomodi @kgugala : Thanks!
<mithro> acomodi: It was more a question about if fasm2bels should just be a consumer of the data or if it should create the data
<sf-slack> <kgugala> @timo.callahan
<tpb> Title: GitHub - kgugala/yosys-vivado-example (at
<sf-slack> <kgugala> simple yosys->vivado example
<sf-slack> <kgugala> using edalize
<sf-slack> <acomodi> mithro: sure, the fact is that I am unsure of who would be the creator of data if we don't let fasm2bels generate the channels.db. for instance, in archdefs, the channels.db is just consumed as it is generated at a previous stage, while in fpgatool perf it needs to be generated. I could add a step in perf tool to generate the channels db and than let fasm2bels just consume it
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<mithro> I wonder if it should be part of the arch def outputs?
<sf-slack> <acomodi> You mean as an artifact, not in the install tarball? Because IMO the channels.db cannot end up in the install tarball, it is not needed in the vpr flow, and the only purpose would be to run fasm2bels. Given that the reduced form of channels.db needed by fasm2bels takes only a few minutes, it would make more sense to regenerate it outside of archdefs
<mithro> How big is the channels.db file?
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<rw1nkler> mithro: Here are the IRC/Slack links for the main webpage
<tpb> Title: Add communication channels to main webpage by rw1nkler · Pull Request #52 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-website · GitHub (at
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<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> @kgugala: I did run the example through your example. I did confirm that you can't use Yosys-0.7, but Yosys-0.9 (or current master) does work. For one of the "pip" commands, I needed to use "pip3" instead.
<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> Some questions: Does it matter what directory I'm in when I execute the "Prepare env" steps? And when I return to the example directory say after a reboot, what do I need to do to re-establish the environment? Just the "source env/bin/activate" ?
<mithro> timo.callahan: You shouldn't need to do anything
<mithro> timo.callahan: You definately want to be using our version of yosys
<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> mithro: Ok, I was using the generic version from YosysHQ.
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<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> mithro: And yeah, it does work using a new shell without doing any extra setup.
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