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<qu1j0t3> that url already gave me hives
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<jn__> why doesn't SF build skyscrapers for housing?
<jn__> (also: oh, this is ##openfpga, so i guess san francisco's housing problems are slightly off-topic)
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<qu1j0t3> jn__: ...they... don't? this city sure does
<qu1j0t3> fwiw
<jn__> i'm not so sure, but there seem to be huge parts of it covered with two-storey buildings
<jn__> (ok, i don't actually have much of a clue about this)
<qu1j0t3> :)
<qu1j0t3> nah you're right, SF is "special"
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<SolraBizna> when I was growing up in California and asked my parents why there weren't many skyscrapers around, they said something about the water table being too high
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<sorear> whitequark: it seems deliberate and relevant here that the ordered sets are multiples of 4 symbols in length
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<whitequark> hmm
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<whitequark> daveshah: so I'm thinking
<whitequark> if I do FSM pipelining, I might need to retire a lot of TLP symbols per clock
<whitequark> it might make more sense to start with a FIFO-based design and expand it later
<sorear> i wonder how much it complicates that TLPs/DLLPs are striped across lanes while ordered sets are replicated for each lane
<whitequark> not very
<whitequark> but PCIe is a huge spec and I need to start small
<daveshah> Yeah, the pipelined design could get pretty large
<daveshah> FIFO seems like a good place to start
<gruetzkopf> what are you doing between the DLLP layer and the TLP layer? 32bit wide fifos?
<whitequark> I don't know yet
<whitequark> right now I'm trying to get TSn FSMs to work after gearbox
<whitequark> I mean, I'm writing gateware for it.
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<whitequark> sweet, symbol aligner works
<daveshah> nice
<whitequark> now i think i'm going to abstract over width-N *aligned* parsing
<whitequark> this doesn't need a pipelined FSM
<whitequark> this needs just a *generalized* FSM
<whitequark> variable width
<whitequark> migen is so powerful
<daveshah> That makes sense
<whitequark> I cannot conceive writing this in verilog
<daveshah> I really want to do more with migen at some point
<whitequark> like, it takes me minutes to write bug-free code *and* tests that would have probably taken days in bare verilog
<whitequark> if possible at all
<whitequark> it's absurd
<whitequark> and migen isn't even a very good abstraction
<zkms> i want to learn migen now
<whitequark> :3
<whitequark> feel free to ask me anything
* zkms nod
<GuzTech> I want to try Litex/Migen/Misoc, but I've never managed to install them :'(
<GuzTech> I'm on Arch so my packages were too new when I tried it like a year ago.
<GuzTech> Let's see if it works now.
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<GuzTech> Hmm, I tried it with Conda, but when I try to build something for let's say the Arty board, I get a python error: name 'synth_mode' is not defined
<whitequark> sounds like you're using litex
<GuzTech> I'd *like* to use litex
<GuzTech> If I could get it working that is
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<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark fd7e9b4 - Switch SERDES to 1:2 gearing. This breaks the PHY (for now).
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark 8afe8ea - Implement symbol slip based comma aligner, post-SERDES.
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<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark c0b6169 - gateware.phy.PCIeRXPHY: simplify, for parser conversion.
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark 7e0cf33 - gateware.phy.PCIeRXPHY: skip SKP ordered sets.
<daveshah> constraints are just Python
<daveshah> ctx.addClock("cam.csi_rx_i.dphy_clk", 40)
<daveshah> ctx.addClock("spram1.clk", 12)
<daveshah> ctx.addClock("cam.video_clk", 10)
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<_florent_> GuzTech: sorry, it's fixed, i broke that while merging between migen <--> litex earlier today
<GuzTech> _florent_: Ah, cool! I'll check it out
<daveshah> _florent_: well done on your litedram work!
<_florent_> daveshah: thanks, but i'm just using your toolchain as a traditional toolchain and it works :)
<daveshah> :D
<_florent_> daveshah: it's still without the PLL, i'll test with the PLL soon
<daveshah> that should be working now
<daveshah> please do report if you have trouble with it
<GuzTech> _florent_: It works!
<GuzTech> Can I also specify on the command line where Vivado is located? Since I haven't installed it in the default location.
<_florent_> ok i'll do that. i'll also probably do some testing with just the PLL and a scope
<_florent_> GuzTech: yes, --gateware-toolchain-path should do what you want
<sorear> litedram on ecp5?
<daveshah> SDRAM only, atm, of course
<daveshah> DDR3 next year :P
<GuzTech> Hmm, it still cannot find vivado
<GuzTech> Ah nevermind, I had to point it to the directory where 2017.4 was installed.
<sorear> oh right, litedram is the controller
<GuzTech> But how would I select which version of Vivado I want if I have more than one version?
<_florent_> daveshah: i started creating the ddr3phy, i'll try to get that working before the end of the month (with diamond at least)
<daveshah> awesome
<sorear> that would work using e.g. DQSDLL primitives?
<_florent_> sorear: for now i'm using the same approach we used on 7-series and we don't need it
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<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark a206581 - gateware.phy.PCIeRXPHY: rewrite to use a parser.
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<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark c2ab023 - gateware.phy.PCIeRXPHY: add support for parsing at 1:n gearing.
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<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark 7c0df16 - gateware.serdes.PCIeSERDESAligner: implement based on SymbolSlip. Also update PHY testbench to use geared PCIeRXPHY. Unfortunately the PCIeTXPHY doesn't do gearing yet.
<_whitenotifier> [Yumewatari] tdaede starred Yumewatari -
<whitequark> ok that's overkill
<TD-Linux> wow that's a notification?
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<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> well not anymore
<TD-Linux> feels almost as invasive as going through someone's twitter likes
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<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-1/±4]
<_whitenotifier> [whitequark/Yumewatari] whitequark df22333 - gateware.phy.PCIeTXPHY: add support for emitting at 1:n gearing.
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