hmm, that's roughly what I expected, but I'm surprised I don't get useful hits from "recycled chips" *sans* xc9500
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whitequark: gimme a sec
whitequark: um, what package is this?
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assumption: in FPGAs, there is typically no way to reset distributed RAM or block RAM to the configured value without reloading the entire configuration (i.o.w the configured data is not stored separately from the live memory array)
for SRAM FPGAs that is; flash-based products need some reset mechanism
whitequark: ping?
tl;dr of the xc9500xl flashing?
sorear: correct
there is not
you write directly to the live memory
for dff's in some parts the reset value is stored separately and you can reset to it (using the global reset)
hmm. not sure what the deal is with ice40's "brams read zero for a few microseconds after global reset, despite being initalized by the bitstream"
weird indeed
# Conjecture (high confidence): 6x4 L-field is expanded into a 32-bit word by padding each
# into 4 8-bit chunks.
# 6-bit field part up to a 8-bit word part by adding zeroes as MSB. All words appear to separate
yes, this is correct
the "6 bits" part controls the PLA
and the rest of the bits control macrocells
anyway, whitequark you seem to be entirely on the right track
just need to help me finish up project14 after that :P
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whitequark/Glasgow#138 (master - 8fecd8d : whitequark): The build has errored.
ok, does nextpnr want an *installed* libtrellis?
or the source tree?
doesn't seem to work with either...
nextpnr needs the source tree which it uses to do the chipdb build
ah, i fucked up shell
you also need it installed to have ecppack to make bitstreams from text config
~ in the path by any chance?
that one caught out clifford too :D
ad Lattice and Trellis - I believe Edmund is demoing it to their CTO soon (and I know edmund mentioned this here before, so it's hopefully not secret)
daveshah: /home/whitequark/Projects/nextpnr/gui/ecp5/mainwindow.h:44:18: warning: 'new_proj' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'
whitequark: create an issue, I'm sure micko will sort that. I'm not so sure about the gui side of things
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no problem! please report any issues you have
Why are FTDI breakout boards so expensive? Shikra is also $50 but with a 2x10 header
yep something like that
the cost could be *way* lower for castellated module
no level translation either
no level translation
possibly no power sequencing even
no onboard 3V3 Vreg
just 1V2
single side assembly of course
daveshah: not sure how many I/O
probably all 16 but then it's fixed on 3V3
or, I could do 8 but it's variable volage
could also do a weird number like 12
software's flexible enough
8 + variable voltage would make a decent logic analyzer module in a small package
what's the advantage of the module over the current rev(B,C) approach?
sorear: cost, size, emebeddability
module could be probably more like $20 than $50
it would be under 5x5 cm i think
probably more like 3x4
at most
and it could be drop-in solderable
i *might* be able to squish it into a wide pdip footprint
fwiw, dip technically goes to 900mils
i mean the dips that are like one thumb width
no idea how many mils is that
old eeproms and such
this form factor is reasonably common
You'll never see a modern IC with 900mil
other than software compat, why should I, a board-maker, use this instead of running the fx2 by itself as a jtag-usb bridge?
just saying it's breadboard-doable :P
sorear: because it's more than jtag
it can do any bus you want within the limits of pin count
my board only has jtag, so i don't care about other interfaces
also, fx2 is extremely slow
well then don't use it?
not cost effective
if you only have jtag just break it out on 2.54
sorear: Depending on your level of masochism, you're prob better off making your own one-off application or making an openocd backend
or maybe jtaghal, idk how stable that is today
daveshah: wow, openocd is sloooooow
8 seconds
and... it ignores adapter_khz?
ah, there was frequency in the svf file
I copied the template from the Lattice tools
ah right
probably should remove that though
2 seconds without it
>adapter_khz 60000
1.3 seconds at 10MHz
works for me
not sure what's the ecp5 maximum
let me check
25MHz is working nicelyt
0.9 seconds
as is 40
guess the limit of the ftdi might be hit first
ftdi is up to 60 MHz iirc
max tck 25MHz
oh serial
whitequark: "ECP5 and ECP5-5G sysCONFIG Usage Guide" §6
ah, datasheet page 88, too
chip-level RE question: what's the actual fastest you can configure a -25 in SPCM? if /BUSY is never asserted by the chip it could be done in about 10ms
sounds like propane and propane accessories
If you play with Diamond enough, you find that the ECP5 was originally going to be the ECP4
daveshah: whats the state of pcie
roommate wants an uhhhhh
xqd card reader
whitequark: the SERDES fuzzing is done
I need to do the nextpnr stuff, but I there are a few things I want to sort out first
improved clock constraint/multiclock
moreover I might refactor the bitstream stuff
so SERDESes work?
i can like... stab the eye?
write a FOSS PHY?
haven't tested as nextpnr isn't done yet
that would only be a day or two's work to get that running now
happy to do that if it starts blocking anyone
would love to have the FOSS PHY though!
well i wanna that
so do it please :P
sure, will do it next week :D
there was a comment here or elsewhere to the effect that you may have to write a lot of PHY code, because the lattice serdes is much raw-er than what litepcie expects
that sounds like fun
yes, I think most of the foss pcie work assumes a hard pcie core (so arguably cheats)
lattice give you little more than 8b10b, alignment and comma detection
oh, i actually get that?
that's easier than i expected
can probably port migen there first
_florent_ already did it for litex
why not upstream?..
Because sb0
what sb0?
that doesnt say anything
it's in litex
so not in misoc
but in migen
Adding Trellis was also on my todo list, but _florent_ beat me to it, I want to test it to make sure I can run it on Windows, then back port to migen, then back back port any changes sb0 wants to litex
to keep parity between the two in some misguided hope they'll become one again at some point
well i don't care about litex
so i am not going to port stuff to it in the first place
The trellis backend in litex is mostly copied from the icestorm stuff
Honestly, it's easier for me if you just let me do it. You seem happy w/ the icestorm backend in migen. That's mostly my work based on what rjo wanted.
I'll do that today.
daveshah: Prepare for a number of PRs if trellis doesn't work on Windoze :)
cr1901_modern: I believe Miodrag has got Trellis on Windows working
(github mmicko)
Will tinyfpga EX (proto) work with Trellis?
it's the only ECP board I have
Err, let me rephrase
"have you ever tested tinyfpga EX?"
cr1901_modern: yes, a while ago
but the tinyfpga programmer has been nothing but pain for me and I managed to brick my Ex board
on the ecp5
daveshah: Join the club... that bug should be fixed now
it won't let you rewrite the bootloader
lol the bootloader
i thought that sounds like a bad idea
I mean it saves parts
but an STM32 is <<1$
daveshah: That's not what I mean. In my case I despise schem capture, so less parts == more likely I won't ragequite :P
why bad idea
sorear: there is no protection in the gateware against bricking it
and the 1mm pitch connector on the Ex for jtag means unbricking is a pita
haven't got round to it yet
i assume the bootloader won't overwrite itself and the only way you can have a problem is if you load a user design that pokes the flash
no, it can be bricked by a bug in the programming software
why is there no gateware protection exactly
not even a bit that needs a magic sequence to be set
that allows programming all flash
the programming software in fact tries to brick the Ex boards by default at the moment - but does at least warn you
the interface is very low level, so afaik the gateware doesn't even know that you are doing a write or what address you writ eto
Simple gatware protection could be as simple as "assert WP if not in range of user gateware"
thats not how WP works
WP prevents changes to SR
but atm it just passes bytes from USB to SPI anyway
SR has WP for certain blocks
also thats kinda dumb
it would take a miniscule amount of logic to snoop the SPI traffic and lock the bus on out of range writes or unknown commands
Shift Register?
sorear: not if you want to cover all the different erase commands an SPI flash might have
and the calculation to work out if they will or won't erase a certain address
daveshah: "or unknown commands"
it would have to be a whitelist
you have a whitelist, and any command unknown to the bootloader = immediate stop
sorear: even simpler
just make it a TLV
this is like 100 lines in mgen
too many TLAs
beats TLPs
type length value
makes sense
I think tinyfpga is rewriting the bootloader in migen
I know he wanted to solve some reliability issues and improve the timing so it works on the up5k
daveshah: In any case, tinyfpga EX is what I have on hand, so that's what I'm testing :). I don't plan to add it to migen just yet (the UCF wasn't finalized. Hell I don't actually remember if I have a UCF at all for my proto)
why isn't that information in the .v file?
ahhh okay, so each backend uses the "native" format of UCF
sorear: because that's how things normally work
info in the .v file was really just a hack that stayed too long
daveshah: i know everyone does it, it still seems idiotic
sorear: It's really not portable code to put that stuff in the v file either
not if you have multiple board revisions to deal with
the ulx3s is particularly bad for that
I think there are already three revisions of that with small changes to the pinouts
anyway, constraints in the verilog are still supported (as with most vendor tools) if you really want to work that way
"frontends/ilang/ilang_lexer.l:33:10: fatal error: ilang_parser.tab.hh: No such file or directory" It's gonna be one of _those_ days, isn't it?
cr1901_modern: just do a clean -fdx
there was some renaming at one point
that just removed my tags files too :P
wow, there is a ton of clocking
(nbd... I just did a backup this morning)
daveshah: dont recommend clean -dxf.
either -df or -dx
i recommend -dnx
whitequark: what do you mean by clocking?
daveshah: reading TN1265 now
this is a massive document and ti doesn't even count SERDESes...
yeah, most of that stuff is still in the "fuzzed but not in nextpnr" category
I'll gradually by chipping away at that as part of my uni project
but the first step of that is improving timing analysis & constraints
thats ok i dont think i actually need any for now
just good to know they're there
analysis of multiple clock domains separately is starting to work now
the ecp5 is certainly a lot more complex clocking-wise than the ice40
daveshah: Please tell me the environment.sh is optional if you're just _running_ trellis
which tool is that? nextpnr? opentimer?
cr1901_modern: only needed for fuzzing
sorear: nextpnr
can I do timing analysis of a bitstream, or is it inherently linked to p&r?
sorear: In theory you could, but reading a bitstream is still WIP
one day we do want nextpnr to read ASC files. istr someone did do a bit of that, but I don't think it's finished
wasn't there at one point a xray/trellis flow where you converted verilog to bitstreams then back to a netlist and did formal equivalence checking?
that was in icestorm
it includes a tool to go from an ice40 bitstream to behavioural verilog
we don't have anything like that for xilinx or ecp5 yet
imo we should eventually
post-synthesis simulation?
more important for that is just to have nextpnr spit out a post-PnR json file
that Yosys can just turn back to Verilog
the problem with bitstream to Verilog is it does need a bit more work
I think yosys can do write_verilog after synth all by itself
yes, but if you want post-packing that doesn't help
daveshah: Is pytrellis _supposed_ to take 3.5GB of cc1plus to compile?
cr1901_modern: that is doubtless the glory of boost python and c++ templates
It's just set as a requirement on SymbiFlow and I don't have permission to change it
Doesn't stop me merging though
mmicko: Ever see this problem? C:/msys64/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/unistd.h:67:10: error: '_chsize' was not declared in this scope
(I'd like to add that io.h indeed declares _chsize)
(Oh right, this is for nextpnr-ecp5)
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daveshah: I'm not certain the best way to fix this, but nextpnr-ecp5 defines a header called "io.h" that appears to be shadowing a system header that's provided by Windows called "io.h"
put it under ecp5/
is the proper way
oh, that's nasty
Trying to read the preprocessed output to figure out where things go wrong
You can just rename it to pio.h
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isn't that why we have both "io.h" and <io.h>
It that's the easiest fix
sorear: That's my question
but "" is impl-defined as to what it does
and the preprocessed output is definitely saying that the system <io.h> isn't being included
it really doesnt have enough visual adi
i've read it like 5 times at this point and i still nfc how the bits areactually laid out
rqou: i am also impressed that you chose YET ANOTHER EOL'd device to reverse-engineer
what's next, s6? :P
whitequark: this is intended explicitly only for mame/mess type projects to do RE
* cr1901_modern
would like s3 RE lol
doing fitting for these CPLDs is kinda a pain in the ass
istr hearing someone was doing spartan3
what about XL?
xl was going to happen too
and yes, it doesn't have any diagrams right now
not even diagrams
take a look at my xl docs
it kinda sorta requires you to be looking at a .jed file and the secret ise internal data files at the same time
so it's not even black box re?
like for my xl bitstream work i didn't even *have* ise
much less lookedat its files
p sure xilinx has nothing on me in this case
wonder how well prjtrellis approach works out with cplds
oh yeah project14 is completely not black box
i mean you could just lie about doing it black box, too
i personally wont care
wtf is programmable ground
it connects that output pin to ground
xc2c has it too
wh... y
allows lowering the impedance to ground for reasons
idk, simultaneous switching outputs? signal integrity? higher fmax?
hm ok
the xl is also different from the non-xl in that the xl does not have the wired-and in the interconnect
also the bitstream layout is different?
it also has the bits arranged in a different pattern
the architecture is similar but they permuted the order in the .jed file
and i assume the internal memory?
do you even know how it's flashed?
there's a doc explaining how to flash with external vpp
and there's an address map file in ISE
just like for xc2c
afaik Lattice recommend this for DDR2/3 interfaces on the ECP5 if possible
no i mean
no idea
i dont care about vpp at all
whitequark: idk how possible it is to do a much more black box cpld RE
my experience so far is that the ISE cpld tools have almost no flexibility whatsoever
you basically can't control anything about where stuff gets placed
afaict the fitter tool doesn't even accept a "technology mapped netlist" the way fpgas do
it seems to do its own logic optimization in the fitter
ahhh ok
i see
unfortunately this makes it really hard to RE the interconnect
this might actually be easier by poking actual hardware
what about using... yes
you have
you can literally feed it test patterns with INTEST
and record response
i didn't have any hardware for project14
anyways, project14 is kinda low priority
fixing up xc2bit is more important
also ooo i forgot about jtag boundary scan
since poking it is annoying af with the tools i have
neither openocd nor jtaghal are convenient
sure, it's trivial in glasgow
i should add some support
no idea what api to use...
what api do you want?
in general, my approach to api design is to have every knob available :P
hence why I'm probably going to replace jtaghal
but idk
well, you can always do tap_iface.exchange_dr() lol
daveshah: Oh God generating 85k.bba is taking _forever_ T_T
* cr1901_modern
says as it just finishes up
it is a downside of the deduplication approach that nextpnr-ecp5 uses for its database, as it requires a full database to be built first
rqou: btw what do you think about "glasgow-rpc"
typed RPC interface using e.g. flatbuffers, that you can poke via rust
that applets can optionally export
I think clifford's plans for an approach that takes more advantage of the tile structure of the device for 7-series will be better
but overall i like properly-designed RPC interfaces
can't you do the deduplication symbolically
rqou: as in
because usually it avoids the incessant FFI fights
jtaghal rewrite wise
it feels fairly pointless to rewrite jtaghal *again*
sorear: I'm sure there are all kinds of clever tricks
but this way was a quick way to get something working and substantially smaller than a non-deduped db
daveshah: Is generating these dbs accidentally O(n^2)?
(or purposely*)
cr1901_modern: no but it is O(n)
and it should in theory be possible to get the "slow bits" to be effectively O(1) by considering the tile structure of the fpga
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whitequark: in general my approach to designing things seems to either be "everything is encoded only in data structures" or "everything is (compatible with being) an rpc call"
* sorear
just wants a single tool that can handle new fpga families without a recompile and is reasonably fast/compact
so i guess doing the latter for a jtag interface sounds good
xc2bit looks like the former
1. can handle new fpga families without a recompile 2. is reasonably fast 3. compact... pick two :)?
i really need to get around to writing some "autoffi" magic
is handle new fpga families without a recompile really a sensible goal?
Idk, I wasn't actually contributing anything useful w/ that remark
rqou: okay
I was more responding to sorear
i'm not sure yet
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it rules out inlining, for a start
it also means arch-specific code either has to be in a DSL or a shared object type arrangement
the small functions that you care about inlining in nextpnr look like they're arch-specific for bad reasons
arch-specific packers, sure
daveshah: why even have DSOs in nextpnr?..
but the basic tile lookups could be handled the same way in 7-series and ecp5
sorear: but we *want* the flexibility to explore
different patterns do suit different arches
ok need to actually head to supercon now
whitequark: we don't?
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well, we do use them for python, qt, etc on the default build
but fully static nextpnr is possible I believe
I was referring the parallel universe where nextpnr wouldn't need to be rebuilt for every arch
But personally I'm happy with how things are atm in that respect
like, the basic idea of convolving with a sinc made sense but a lot of the fine points were tricky
like, what's the time unit for the sinc function?
eventually i figured out it was supposed to be your base (not upsampled) sample interval
but that was far from obvious
then i had some issues where the equations i found for various window functions had 0 to N as the coordinate range, with N/2 as the midpoint
while the sinc equation had 0 as the midpoint
you can imagine multiplying them didn't work as expected... :p
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oh yeah, these are "typical implementation problems"
now that i understand the intended use case is upsample+LPF, it makes a bit more sense
Because the sinc function has zeroes at integer offsets so samples are unmodified
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Before, i was really confused because i was trying to convolve the sinc function with my base sample rate
and couldnt figure out how it was supposed to work because it was always the identity function
and when i scaled it out so that one X unit spanned many samples weird things happened :p
So I thought this entire time that xl was short for Xilinx, until this line: "the xl is also different from the non-xl in that the xl does not have the wired-and in the interconnect". What does xl mean here?
galv[m]: no the suffix has nothing to do with xilinx
xilinx part numbers are roughly structured as follows
Product line code (C=commercial, Q=military, A=automotive)
Generation and family code (7A = artix7, KU = kintex ultrascale, etc)
capacity number (bigger is better within a family, but the unit changes between families sometimes)
then sub-family at the end
so the xc9500 family is the base 5V family, the 9500XL is a die shrink to 3.3V with some other internal changes, 9500XV is a 2.5V shrink that doesnt seem to have been used much
finally after that speed and package info
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So it seems like Trellis now understands all the IOLOGIC and DQS related bits in the Diamond DDR3 example
There are one or two electrical IO settings that still need work
And one or two bits on the edge clock side of things that still need sorting (probably the bridge or sync primitives)
ecp5 or ecp3?
Everything I'm doing is ecp5
i talked to someone who worked at lattice about why they skipped ECP4
originally it was going to be pretty high-end
they had some trobule with the serdes
Interesting to know
I've seen some stuff in Diamond about the ecp4 and always wondered
I think the SERDES has been a bit of a problem throughout. Hence why they run the 5G ECP5s at a higher voltage
meawnhile, you can run cyclone III bitstreamson cyclone 10
3? not only 4?
there's a particular 3/4/10 that all share idcode
somebody on Twitter confirmed
I've seen the prompt in quartus programmer asking to pick what part you actually have before
But 3 and 4 are different process nodes
yeah the timings differ
just like max ii/iiz/v
galv[m]: I guess X means extended, L means low voltage?
not that xilinx is consistent with that...
I'm still surprised, tbh that altera die shrunk from 65nm to 60nm without changing the IDCODE
Given a new mask set et al
Given Lattice and Xilinx have different IDs for the same die even using OTP
21:47 < daveshah> Given Lattice and Xilinx have different IDs for the same die even using OTP
do all fpga vendors participate in incest?!
ecp5 is descended/inspired from a xilinx design
ice40 looks more altera-like
Yes, the Lattice/Xilinx connection goes back to ATT/Lucent
Who istr made some Xilinx compatible devices
Then eventually became part of Lattice through acquisitions and thus their fpga division
They also shared an eda backend of many years as both used NeoCAD
Until Xilinx abandoned NeoCAD and rewrote Vivado
Lattice meanwhile are too sentimental/poor to fully bin NeoCAD so instead wrapped it in more crud and made Radiant
FPGA archeology is fun
Lattice also have the awful primitive library from the early 90s
With really cryptic flip flop names
FD1S3AX is a rising edge flip flop, no SR or CE, GSR for clear
Trellis just abandons that and has one TRELLIS_FF primitive with parameters for the different mode
Heh, this seems to be the official Lattice (ATT at this point) and Xilinx link