the longer version of this story is that I have a riscv-fedora root image (currently as ext4, cloned from a qemu vm) that I'm trying to chroot into and run some commands from
so fat is out since I need proper permissions and file name (case, length) support
what about squashfs or jffs2? :p
wrt beign light
or something along those lines
(you didn't need it writable, did you?)
thanks, I'll RTFMing on f2fs, squashfs, and jffs2, see what shakes out!
squashfs is for rom-type stuff, it's compressed and lightweight but not writable
jffs2 and yaffs iirc are common embedded flash filesystems for lightweight stuff
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writable would be nice though, since once I chroot some programs might try and write to "disk"
I guess jffs2 is for devices without a flash translation layer (FTL), and f2fs is for devices with a FTL.
I can access a SD card in SPI mode
somlo: You can combine them with an overlay FS.
I think SD cards have a FTL.
they do
JFFS2 is for when you just have a flash chip, and no dedicated controller.
ok, so f2fs, then -- fingers crossed, I'll see how it goes :)
I wrote an EEPROM emulation layer for flash on a microcontroller before. That was fun.
thanks again to everyone for the clue!
It rotated a old, new, and log page through three pages of flash each time the log filled up, such that all writes were atomic and it performed wear leveling.