ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
ym2414B OPZ doesn't have a public manual
i'm going to hook up opl3 to glasgow i think
i was wondering what i should do and this came up
what came up?
i asked tef to tell me whether i should implement ymf262 support or finish 1wire
he flipped a coin and said ymf262
ahhh, as good as any decision making method
although 1-wire ymf262 would be amusing
the most recent designs are SPI, but Yamaha only makes them in limited edition quantities
* cr1901_modern
doesn't remember the part name
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LPC bus ym when
yamaha still makes them?
whitequark: They made a small run of a spiritual successor to the FM synths (have no idea whether it's OPL, OPN, OPBBQ, whatever). It's Arduino compatible, uses SPI, and the basic hallmarks of a Yamaha synth are there.
Idk if they are still made, nor how to get one- I missed the window :/
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cr1901_modern: can I get a part number on that thing?
the werid yamaha spi FM chip which is hard to get?
if you find some place which has the arduino module/shield for it in stock let me know, i've been hunting for one myself
heh, after all my SP0256 experiments, 8bitguy releases a video on speech synthesis
Lord_Nightmare: ah, I think I found a datasheet for that thing a while back
Last I looked at this, it was sold out
>Dual Power Supply(5 V/3.3 V) Configuration
Why would you use both power supplies when there's a 5v-only config?
cc: whitequark if you want to decap a YMF825... available at the link fseidel and I posted. Looks like according to the datasheet it was released in 2011...
(Of course the datasheet describes jack shit about registers)
cr1901_modern: ok...
why the elipses?
just being not fully awake
is there an OPL3 application manual?
yes, and it's easier to find
well IMO
btw, did you read the backscroll? Found out where that opl2 manual came from. It was Stilett0's... he got it from someone who had a paper copy