ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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a friend apparently has an original adlib. he didn't realize they were so....heavily nutty
pricy i mean
if he has it, it needs new tants
adlib used... lousy dipped tants on the voltage rails
i guess you could desolder, current limited bring them up so they don't explode and self heal and solder them back
but its probably best to replace them
i'm guessing they did not uprate them to 200% the voltage used
which seems to be a common theme for tants which die early
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cr1901_modern/Nerionaya: Please don't take the vgmrips wiki as a verified trustworthy source. The guy who maintains most of the pages does it just for fun and I don't know where he gets all the information from.
He's probably taking most of it from the MAME source though, so I guess there shouldn't be too much wrong with it.
we shouldn't take it as confirmation of anything we do though then :-)
it's annoying that I don't manage to get different zoom levels for the different layers in leaflet
Sonic Of 8! does the vgmrips wiki since we sort of scared him away from doing VGM packs.
he was fucking them up?
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It got a lot better over time, but the first few packs often had trimming/looping errors, IIRC.
I think most of out complaints fell into the category of "lazily done work".
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Lord_Nightmare: admittedly, tants from that era are pretty much *all* lousily dipped
Lord_Nightmare: fun fact: I've had one explode once, they go off with a force&volume reminiscent of a blasting cap.
(a bit of shrapnel embedded itsself in the wall)
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wonder if the snark barker PCBs will show up today...
everything can do PCM if you can send the commands quickly enough :P
the 2A03 does have dedicated PCM support IIRC
like the drum samples in SMB3 I think?
Ahhh that makes sense
> if you can send the commands quickly enough I don't want to think about this lmao
it's true tho
the apple ii sound was literally "if you write to this memory address the speaker cone will move either in or out", which seems like the logical endpoint of that view
that's how you got PCM on the apple ][ basically
1-bit audio
Wohali: i mean, everyone loves sigma-delta DACs