ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
balrog: nice
define interested
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well, another +1 to utsource and -1 to Shenzhen Hejinda Trade Ltd.
who wants to decap some remarks
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TD-Linux: i can i guess
ej5: cross section request: floppy drive head
interesting, the ym2203 has some patterns they reuse a lot
i accidentally bought 25 YM2149
in comparison in the 68000 and the wd1772 they're custom almost everywhere
2149? Interest level is... low
yes ;_;
I was wondering, do you have any visibility on when you'll be able to do nice die shots?
i need to figure out something with the scope
which is currently not at here
the problem is that i can't leave the apartment
makes things much harder indeed
i'll arrange something soon
there's no real hurry, I was just wondering
I'm not at all interested in pushing you into panic attacks
don't worry, i'll do that just fine completely on my own
the other thing is that it's not yet clear if i'll be able to do what i want with my existing scope
i might want to buy an old soviet scope
like people in the west do with bh2, it's a somewhat similar one
I have a total of zero competence in that area :-)
whitequark, lol those things are rock hard and i'd need special equipment to cross section
or is that little riff more common than I thought
whitequark, I could send you some... I have 20 ;_;
i'm not sure Second Reality ran on PC-98s though, unless he had an IBM PC
i noticed in the X68000 MDX archives a while ago, a few Amiga MODs got ported so maybe there's a chance that more western demoscene stuff got noticed over there