ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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cr1901_modern: well it's out now so you can try to fit that in there. the text box is kinda tiny though
I should probably make it inaccurate and just dynamically extend the box downward
[15:31:35] <cr1901_modern>I want to have the Doug generator say this quote: "Remember, every corpse on Everest was once an extremely dedicated person."
*skeeter honk honk here*
Foone_: lmao
update: I have now implemented that dynamic sizing thing I mentioned
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The deed is done Foone_. Thank you.
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Foone_: My second most RT'd tweet ever, and it barely made a blip in impressions :D Moral for next time- don't think shitposts generate anything more than a passing glance :D
i wonder what's my most rt'd tweet
You've had a couple 4-figure ones, but I don't remember offhand
really? i don't recall any
* cr1901_modern
looks for the Chrome crashing url tweet
Something like about://pleaseactuallycrashIknowwhatImdoingkthxbai
My most RT'd tweet is this, mainly because I think you and jessfraz RT'd it: (I need to find more manuals from this era for my collection, prob on bitsavers)
tbh i've never felt like something good when a tweet went viral
good happened*
mostly having to listen to the same tedious reply caused by a bad wording for 115th time
perfectly fair... and I'd most likely feel the same way in your position. Just feels nice sometimes if when you yell into the void, the void acknowledges.
well it seems like a sort of accmoplishment to me, yes. number go up
>number go up
Big mood. I def liked grinding in JRPGs to watch those stupid numbers go up when I played games.
oh, i hate grinding in games so much
i just think of how it's a single word in memory
... ... ... ouch, that hurts XD
i mean sure there's puzzle games like factorio
i just think of how i could spend that time on nmigen instead, they're about equal parts work
but at least one of them isn't artificially hard
Tbf, I can't play Zachtronics games for the same reason
(Not to mention, I stopped playing games basically after PS2 reached end of life, and the gaming landscape has changed SO much since then. Online was just not a thing back then except for Halo 2/3.)
i end up reducing all single player games to luck and strategy and strategy is studying hard to outsmart a computer specifically designed to challenge you trying to outsmart it and nothing else
and like why bother? it's just work
What games do you play nowadays w/ friends? Team Fortress IIRC
i basically don't
it's -really- easy to end up in a situation where i feel like i Must succeed at the game
and i don't mean succeed as in gain status. i mean succeed as ... well i just start treating it sort of like a job
mmm. I can still use them as an escape, but limiting it significantly was very good for me in the long run.
And well not to mention... none of the games I want to play w/ others _have_ online multiplayer lmao
SNES had the xband adapter, which required RE and hot-patching cartridges from the era. And emulators _without_ said hotpatching can't really do the latency required for old games w/o stupid complex shit like predicting the future state of the console and rolling back if there's a mistake.
Virtual Boy never got a link cable officially, but ppl have learned to 3d print their own ones... there's enough homebrew for it that I suspect someone will try to make online games w/ the console feasible w/ a "game-link-to-USB/Ethernet" adapter.
b/c why the hell not
whitequark: I know how that is. I tend not to play a lot of games because I get too involved and also if I'm just having fun, my brain gets into AnxietyMode because obviously I should be doing something more important
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