ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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ej5: How much is the BOM approx for the sound bluster? What if I include headers for all the parts (though I have a set of headers I got for Christmas)?
safe to ignore the CMS chips for now, I don't plan on populating them
i don't know, it depends a lot on where you buy the parts
guess I will shop around then. I'm sure to have time.
Also semi related... Idk when it's gonna be safe to solder really for a while now :/.
So, I may just put the boards aside for a few months (but thank you for your work all the same- it was a wonderful thing you did)
At the very least, I'll look into the relevant 8051 support if open-tl866 doesn't support that exact chip yet (cc: cnomad)
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I did a quick estimate a little while ago and figured about 50-75$ for the full BOM including the opl2s
Awesome... thank you for the numbers
still a bargain lmao
for an original 1.0 soundblaster, yeah. if you just need a compatible for an old computer, no. you can get a vibra 16 for like 20$ shipped, as they made about 2 billion of them and plenty are still hanging around
I meant an 8-bit card specifically
yah. although I think most (all?) of the 16-bit ISA soundblasters can be used in an 8-bit system if you have room (or take a hacksaw to them), they just use the 16bit part for extra IRQs
... that's horrifying
that was surprisingly common back in the day, from what I've seen
like there's a bunch of video cards that do wire up the non-IRQ pins but will happily drop back to 8-bit mode if you don't hook them up
so you can stick a full 16-bit VGA card in an original 5150, you just only get 8-bit access
Yes, and I've historically not been so lucky w/ this
I also have a Kingston ISA Ethernet card that's _supposed_ to work in an 8-bit slot, but in recent years it decided to just give up
Was REing the packet driver to see what was wrong but that went by the wayside for now
Foone_: how do you distinguish 8-bit and 16-bit transactions?
* cr1901_modern
wants to say "there's a pin for that", but doesn't actually remember
Oh right, I should throw the packet driver until ghidra or binja and see what I/O ports it pokes. The only reason I wanted to do that is b/c there's f*** all information about the chip itself
oh, SBHE pin
and MEMCS16 and IOCS16
Remind me what SBHE pin does... Sound Blaster Hi-Enable :P?
I'm not actually sure, but that seems to make sense
it might just be that the card's firmware tries to do a 16bit read and sees if it completely fails and if so, falls back to 8bit
the ISA cards I've tried either automatically detect being run in 8-bit mode or don't work at all, I don't recall any that made me set jumpers
actually, no, that's not right: there is one VGA card I have which has a "8bit mode" jumper, but if you run it in 8bit mode without setting the jumper, it still autodetects 8bit mode
so it's just there so you can make it run in 8bit mode in a 16bit system because reasons.
It's possible that jumper is for the IBM XT (sic's) miswired 7th slot
For some reason the last ISA slot on the IBM XT has a direct connection to the CPU rather than being buffered (or something like that), and this tends to break ISA cards without a jumper for that behavior
Nobody knows anymore why IBM did that lol