ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901_modern> ej5: This quote _really_ stands out:
<cr1901_modern> It's probably not even all that profound, but it does make me think
<ej5> yeah that's an old EE trick. "can you make the problem worse?"
<cr1901_modern> Certainly one way of looking at it. I prefer "thinking exclusively outside the box. Like NOT(box)."
<cr1901_modern> "Thank you for playing Wing Commander"
<cr1901_modern> that has a hilarious backstory where the quote applies
<whitequark> 01:20 < ej5> yeah that's an old EE trick. "can you make the problem worse?"
<whitequark> ooh i've seen that in context of TRIS
<whitequark> wait, not the right english acronym
<whitequark> TRIZ
<ej5> ?
<whitequark> a systematic, partially algorithmic way to produce inventions
<whitequark> wtf, i haven't realized how widespread it is in west
<ej5> interesting
<ej5> reminds me of those lateral thinking card decks
<whitequark> i've read a book on it in russian as a teen
<whitequark> it has really impressed me but i think i didn't have enough background to fully appreciate it
<whitequark> but if i can make a comparison
<ej5> whoa
<ej5> how'd you learn russian?
<whitequark> TRIZ : inventions :: retrosynthesis : chemistry
<whitequark> um, i was born in moscow, might have had something to do with it
<ej5> ah that's cheating then
<ej5> ;)
<whitequark> lmao rude
<ej5> i'm just surprised i've never heard of the method before until you brought it up.
<whitequark> it seems very obscure outside russia, but wiki says it's widely practiced by car manufacturers and such
<whitequark> to the extent that there's a pan-european standards body on TRIZ
<whitequark> i don't know
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<Ultrasauce> do you happen to have preferred literature on the topic? i seem to have developed a wq reading recommendation to amazon cart pipeline
<Ultrasauce> first ive heard of it too but it definitely belongs in my processes
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<whitequark> i might be able to locate the book in russian
<whitequark> no idea if it's translated
<whitequark> it's pretty much one author, Genrich Altshuller
<Ultrasauce> ok yeah i guess he started the association too
<whitequark> ah yes
<whitequark> that's the one i've read
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<cr1901_modern> In the context of the interview, the problem is that the r/w head in their hard drive design tipped over a bit on the surface and the designer was trying to prevent that from happening, to no avail. Instead, what they ultimately decided to do is _let_ the head tip over and add electronics to sufficiently correct for the resting tipped position.
<cr1901_modern> "2That the most powerful solutions are the ones that successfully eliminate the compromises and trade-offs conventionally viewed as inherent in systems."
<cr1901_modern> I would say "_letting_ the problem exist and that's okay" eliminates a contradiction :P?
<cr1901_modern> (From I'm skimming)
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<cr1901_modern> Foone_: I can't really explain why, but I think you've outdone yourself w/ this:
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<Foone_> I'm kinda amazed how popular that got
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<ej5> put in lots of time in a series of tweets, lots of original research, interesting pics, time it perfectly...but no, it's some random shitpost that everyone RTs
<Lord_Nightmare> inside every person is a spooky skeleton, trying to get out
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cr1901_modern has joined ##yamahasynths
<cr1901_modern> I want to have the Doug generator say this quote: "Remember, every corpse on Everest was once an extremely dedicated person."
<cr1901_modern> (Also apparently there was a recent tour disaster where too many ppl were on the mountain at once and someone died during the descent :/)
glowcoil has joined ##yamahasynths
<whitequark> people die on everest all the time, that's what they sign up for
<cr1901_modern> uhhh wow, just checked... 11 people died this year already (more than the last two years combined)
<whitequark> like, climbing everest is mostly "middle manager has a mid life crisis and wants to feel good about himself by doing something dangerous"
<whitequark> they get exactly what they want, i'm not gonna feel bad for one of these people