<B0101> hi azonenberg
<azonenberg> hi
<azonenberg> how's the quantum computing going?
<azonenberg> i'm just writing up a lab manual for my lab that describes some of the more common processes
<B0101> the SQUID problem is not fixed yet
<B0101> I might try QDs soon but not untill SQUIDS are done
<azonenberg> i see
<B0101> omg...
<azonenberg> B0101: ?
<azonenberg> swkhan: if you are still interested in SiO2 stuff i can mail you a 4" <100> single-side-polish wafer this weekend
<azonenberg> PM me the address
<azonenberg> Do what you want with it, all i ask is that i get at least half of it back
<azonenberg> preferably with thermal oxide on it
<B0101> azonenberg: i found that my silicon is being destroyed slowly by an unknown substance
<azonenberg> Destroyed slowly
<azonenberg> as in, you have a contaminant on it?
<azonenberg> I cant say i'm surprised
<azonenberg> There are only really two ways for a semiconductor device to fail
<azonenberg> either something that belongs is in the wrong place (design error, electromigration, etc)
<azonenberg> or something that doesnt belong is there
<azonenberg> Have you made any progress in isolating the contamination?
<B0101> hmm, not yet i believe is something from the fab process
<B0101> *its
<B0101> ok it looks like the silicon can no longer conduct, at all
<B0101> i don't know if you know what may cause that to happen
<azonenberg> Oxide growth?
<azonenberg> surface contamination?
<azonenberg> Post details of your fab process and i can take a look at it
<azonenberg> stick it in your wiki page
<B0101> ok
<B0101> i will do it asap
<azonenberg> if you are not already, you should be keeping lab notes
<azonenberg> makes it much easier to go back and look at what processing was applied to a given sample
<B0101> i do keep lab notes, all of them are in my notebook
<azonenberg> i see
<azonenberg> Well, if you dont mind sharing please do
<azonenberg> i understand if you dont want to publish everything just yet
<B0101> not everything but just important stuff
<azonenberg> i see
<azonenberg> Well again, post what you have on the process and i'll take a look
<azonenberg> i dont know much about SQUIDs though
<B0101> out of topic: have you ever thought of silicon based nuclear reactors?
<azonenberg> radioactive silicon?
<B0101> idk, but i have heard that the US is researching solid state nuclear reactor s
<B0101> idk if that may happen but heard that details are confidential
<swkhan> azonenberg: i asked my professor just in case and CC'd the relevant people who could do it for you in our lab (i don't actually own / use the machine that could grow it for you)
<swkhan> azonenberg: i can PM you by the end of tonight =)
<swkhan> azonenberg: any special precautions you would advocate?
<azonenberg> swkhan: back
<swkhan> yay
<azonenberg> and from what i understand, dry oxidation is pretty simple
<azonenberg> Stick in furnace, heat
<azonenberg> The hotter it is, the faster it grows
<swkhan> there's a guy in my lab who built an ozone generator
<azonenberg> 800-1200C is the usual range
<azonenberg> The thicker the oxide is, the slower it grows
<swkhan> and he has compressed oxygen go through a filter
<azonenberg> because you get diffusion limited
<swkhan> er compressed air go through an oxygen filter
<swkhan> mm
<azonenberg> i see
<azonenberg> You dont want to use that
<swkhan> what would you want to use?
<azonenberg> Either air or steam
<swkhan> o_O air?!
<swkhan> why wouldn't you use pure oxygen?
<azonenberg> Too uncontrollable i think
<swkhan> hmm
<azonenberg> If you want it to grow faster add water vapor
<azonenberg> http://www.cleanroom.byu.edu/OxideTimeCalc.phtml will calculate the time required to grow oxide of a given thickness
<azonenberg> based on the native oxide thickness, the temp, crystal orientation, and wet or dry conditions
<azonenberg> dry=air, wet=water vapor
<azonenberg> I havent used the process myself but i understand the theory
<B0101> brb
<swkhan> i wish the temperature could have been lower. i think the furnace can go up to 1100 C
<azonenberg> well, do the math for whatever thickness you want to grow
<azonenberg> i suggest trying for 100-200nm
<swkhan> whatever thickness _you_ want me to grow for you =)
<azonenberg> Lol, i assume you want to use it for something too
<azonenberg> let's see, dry oxidation at 1000C on <100>
<swkhan> well maybe. i haven't figured out why you would want a very thick layer of silicon dioxide if you aren't making transistors or MOS capacitors, etc.
<azonenberg> will take just over three hours
<azonenberg> for 100nm
<azonenberg> and 8 hours for 200nm
<azonenberg> 100nm is a dark red-violet and 200 is a pale yellowish
<swkhan> there's a really sweet guy in my lab who cleaned a quartz tube for you just in case =)
<azonenberg> lol
<swkhan> oooh thin film interference
<swkhan> you know everything =\
<azonenberg> i tried using it for Ta2O5 but it was hard to guess because i didnt have the refractive index of the film too accurately
<azonenberg> 1250A would be first order blue
<azonenberg> nice and easy to see when i test HF etch rates on it
<azonenberg> just over four hours by dry oxidation at 1000C
<azonenberg> oh, wow
<azonenberg> at 1100 its waaay faster
<azonenberg> only an hour and a half for 1250A
<azonenberg> four hours would get up to 2750
<azonenberg> tbh i am not currently to the point that i need any specific thickness that accurately
<swkhan> we have a 3k tube furnace hooked up to a wet pump
<azonenberg> i just want >100nm
<swkhan> okay =)
<azonenberg> wet pump, meaning you can do steam?
<swkhan> i just want you to be happy =0
<swkhan> not steam, a wet pump meaning it uses oil
<azonenberg> oh
<azonenberg> you mean a vacuum furnace?
<swkhan> yes
<azonenberg> Can it run at atmospheric pressure?
<swkhan> yes
<azonenberg> ok, well trying to oxidize something by heat in vacuum doesnt usually go well :p
<swkhan> we have leaks =\
<azonenberg> Oh, i see
<swkhan> so might as well be atmosphere
<swkhan> i'll keep the vacuum pump off though
<swkhan> it works so-so though no research coming from it anyway
<azonenberg> I see lol
<swkhan> my professor gave the go ahead =D
<swkhan> i'll send you the address
<azonenberg> Well, anywhere over two hours at >1000C should be thick enough for my work, i just want a) a nonconductive surface i can use for experiments in metal patterning, and b) to test patterning of SiO2 for future MOS fab
<azonenberg> the wafer is a 4-inch so you'll have to scribe it up
<azonenberg> if you cant fit all of the pieces in the tube at once, and have time for more than one run
<azonenberg> two or three thicknesses might be nice
<swkhan> sure
<swkhan> omg
<swkhan> it's costing you $40?!
<azonenberg> MTI is my current wafer supplier of choice as most others wont touch you unless you want to buy by the boat
<azonenberg> The prices are a bit higher per unit but i dont have to buy 25
<swkhan> we have extra wafers lying around
<swkhan> i can do that for free for you
<swkhan> i wasn't sure what you had
<swkhan> (i just checked with my professor, i didn't want to offer until i knew i could)
<azonenberg> If you have extras you can afford to get rid of, i'm not gonna turn down free silicon :)
<azonenberg> i just dont want to be a drain on anyone's resources if they're helping me for free
<swkhan> well i was basically asking you to pay me $20!
<swkhan> you've helped me so much. i've been a drain on your resources =p
<azonenberg> Lol, i would never pay anyone $20! - i cant afford that much
<azonenberg> 2.4E18 dollars?
<swkhan> well if i kept half of that wafer that's like $20
<azonenberg> thats more than even bill gates could afford
<azonenberg> by a couple orders of magnitude :p
<swkhan> what?
<swkhan> oh lol!
<azonenberg> 20 factorial dollars lol
<swkhan> i seriously initially thought you were that poor
<swkhan> poor guy... can't afford a few pizzas
<azonenberg> Well, i am indeed running this lab on a grad student's salary
<azonenberg> But its one of my few expenses other than food and rent
<azonenberg> and i use such tiny amounts of supplies that stuff lasts me a long time
<azonenberg> i buy one or two wafers, do a film deposition on campus
<azonenberg> and use the result of that for several months of work
<azonenberg> right now i have wafers (or parts thereof) that are bare Si, Si with evaporated Cu, Si with sol-gel Ta2O5, Si with evaporated Cu over Cr, and Si with Cu over Cr over Ta2O5
<azonenberg> The one thing i dont have is oxide
<azonenberg> And to be perfectly honest you're welcome to that half of a wafer - i dont need it
<swkhan> o_O
<azonenberg> my entire work to date has been using four 2-inch wafers, most of which are no more than half consumed
<azonenberg> i have no clue what i'd ever do with a whole 4-incher lol
<azonenberg> buying it was a mistake, since then i've been getting 2s
<swkhan> well it's a different resistivity than what we use (we use very highly doped wafers)
<azonenberg> Higher than this?
<swkhan> so maybe stealing a bit of yours could be worthwhile =)
<swkhan> yes like 0.0005 ohm * cm
<azonenberg> holy cow lol
<azonenberg> do they even sell those?
<swkhan> maybe it's 0.005 ohm * cm
<azonenberg> i thought this was about the highest doping you could get without doing implantation yourself
<swkhan> but still very small
<azonenberg> MTI offers the following ranges
<swkhan> i don't actually get these myself
<swkhan> my professor just gets them from some industry connections he has
<azonenberg> 0.01 - 0.02, 0.1 - 1, 1-10, 10-20, 0.3-0.6, 1-5
<azonenberg> actually, they do have one thats extreme
<swkhan> he worked at practically every big place you can imagine
<azonenberg> 0.004 - 0.006
<azonenberg> and i see
<swkhan> i don't know if he pays for them
<swkhan> i don't know much =(
<azonenberg> Well, if you have a use for it you're welcome to half of mine
<azonenberg> like i said, i could never use a whole 4-inch at the rate i'm consuming silicon
<swkhan> well all right then. i'll try my best
<swkhan> i'll grow and see if i can sneak in some time on our fancy SEM too
<azonenberg> what woudl you do wit hthe sem - cross section?
<swkhan> it costs us $55 / hour, but if i put a few down that i'll be using then it could be worth it
<swkhan> yes
<swkhan> i just got the cross sectional stage today
<azonenberg> Ooh, nice
<swkhan> it's a hitachi S4800 i think
<azonenberg> dont know the exact model
<azonenberg> only ever used zeiss and jeol
<swkhan> ah
<azonenberg> supra 55 and jsm-840
<azonenberg> the 840 is a tungsten filament, the supra is a field emitter
<azonenberg> they have a jeol fesem as well, never used it (plan to at some point)
<azonenberg> as well as an afm and a couple of tems
<azonenberg> and a dual beam sem/fib
<swkhan> wow
<azonenberg> the supra, fib, and afm are in the cleanroom
<swkhan> i just got trained on the TEM... it's so coooool
<swkhan> no cleanrooms here =(
<azonenberg> both jeols and the TEMs are in the mat sci department's non-clean microscopy lab
<swkhan> just one for photolithography
<azonenberg> i linked you to rpi's cleanroom, right?
<swkhan> FIB and DRIE soon
<azonenberg> ooh, nice
<swkhan> i think a while ago
<azonenberg> wants to play on a fib
<azonenberg> too bad they're so expensive lol
<swkhan> i have a very good relationship with the lab manager here
<swkhan> he lets me use my samples when he's calibrating a new machine
<azonenberg> me too (mat sci at least, the cleanroom guys are a little less flexible)
<azonenberg> and nice lol
<swkhan> typically the machines are totally configured so i don't pay anything =)
<swkhan> and get a professional to give me nice pictures
<swkhan> plus i get to learn some physics and stuff
<azonenberg> lol
<swkhan> you know, you should seriously apply for an NSF fellowship if you haven't already won that
<swkhan> you are so overqualified for it
<swkhan> i know i would give you one if i could
<swkhan> i would give you mine if i won one
<swkhan> or at least half ;)
<azonenberg> Right now i'm on a teaching assistantship but my advisor is asking me to work with him on a proposal for an NSF project for the coming year
<azonenberg> i may be interning at lincoln labs this summer as well
<swkhan> you know about NSF fellowships right?
<swkhan> whoa lincoln =)
<azonenberg> the recruiter is an alum who i know well and actually had as a student while TAing once
<azonenberg> we played together in a wargame earlier today
<swkhan> wargame?
<azonenberg> he was visiting campus for the career fair and dropped in to pwn for a few minuts
<azonenberg> hacker club
<swkhan> pwn?
<azonenberg> remember, i'm technically comp sci lol
<swkhan> hacker club lol
<azonenberg> throw a bunch of teams of hackers on a network
<azonenberg> give them some servers
<azonenberg> and watch the fun
<swkhan> whoa
<azonenberg> basically
<azonenberg> sometimes its evry team vs the judges running the servers
<azonenberg> someteims its a free-for-all, keep your boxes up while hitting the opposing teams
<azonenberg> and, rarely, defense only
<azonenberg> In any case, the guy wants me to work for him and apparently convinced my advisor to let him have me and my officemate for the summer lol
<azonenberg> thats the thing about my situation - i'm interested in so many skills that i could work almost anywhere
<azonenberg> mems/ic stuff is just one of my few dozen interests
<azonenberg> swkhan: also - on the topic of silicon usage
<swkhan> wow. you're inspirational =)
<azonenberg> is the sum total of my entire fab research to date lol
<swkhan> omg pretty
<azonenberg> F8-G1 are on a SEM pin mount kept elsewhere
<azonenberg> J4-10 are open
<azonenberg> this is box number 5 (1-4 are used for other stuff not related to fab work)
<azonenberg> so once i make chip 5J10 i'll have to start using 3-part numbers
<azonenberg> box, row, column
<azonenberg> and go on to 6A1
<swkhan> i've done way more than that because each run had a cross configuration with one in the center. so 5 pieces a run. not to mention i'm a bad researcher. i do a lot more runs than i probably need to =(
<azonenberg> i see
<azonenberg> In my case its partly due to lack of time - i can only get in a run every couple of evenings since i'm busy with class
<azonenberg> i have to do lithography after dark since i dont have a darkroom
<swkhan> lol
<azonenberg> (though i can do etching and depositions in daylight)
<swkhan> that's so adorable
<azonenberg> So basically all of my litho is done on evenings when i don't have homework due the next day
<azonenberg> and the number of dies i do depends on how early my first class the next day is :p
<azonenberg> adorable? what is lol
<swkhan> that you do lithography at night
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> what else am i going to do?
<azonenberg> go out drinking with girls?
<azonenberg> i'm about as interested in drinking ethanol as methanol or acetone
<azonenberg> and i go to an engineering school
<swkhan> lol!
<azonenberg> You saw my 21st birthday pic, right?
<swkhan> no
<azonenberg> omg lol *finds link*
<azonenberg> i wanted to make fun of people who get trashed the second they're old enough to walk into a bar
<swkhan> lol
<azonenberg> but still celebrate my birthday with a bottle of alcohol
<azonenberg> lol
<swkhan> omg lol!
<azonenberg> Just not in the way "normal" people do lol
<azonenberg> i think it served its purpose well lol
<azonenberg> one of the best spoofs i've ever done
<swkhan> i don't drink either. why don't you drink?
<azonenberg> i like my brain cells the way they are tyvm
<azonenberg> and see no reason to alter their behavior
<swkhan> i'm going to the wrong school =\
<azonenberg> lol why do you say that?
<azonenberg> there are plenty of frat/drinking types here
<swkhan> i think a lot of schools people all think like "normal" people
<swkhan> oh nvm then
<azonenberg> But the thing is, they arent everyone
<azonenberg> even at MIT you find party animals if you look hard enough
<azonenberg> the distinguishing factor is the percentage
<swkhan> i knew one girl who went to MIT who was a big party animal
<swkhan> and seemingly every other girl from her robotics team went to MIT
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> But i just seem to break the mold in general
<azonenberg> i graduated college before i was old enough to celebrate the occasion with a beer (even if i had any interest in doing so)
<azonenberg> i was a PhD student for a week before getting my bachelor's degree
<swkhan> lol
<azonenberg> that last was a funny store
<azonenberg> story*
<azonenberg> to get RA funding for the summer i had to be considered enrolled in the grad program effective summer
<azonenberg> summer semester started two weeks after finals week for the spring
<azonenberg> but a week before commencement
<azonenberg> the registrar didnt officialyl approve my undergrad degree application until thursday of that week
<azonenberg> from monday to thursday i was in the system as a phd student but did not have a BS
<swkhan> lol i see
<swkhan> i had something similar happen to me actually but it didn't involve the registrar being nice to me (when have they ever been nice =\ )
<swkhan> my professor had to work extra hard to push paperwork to make me be considered a student
<swkhan> i wasn't registered in the summer
<azonenberg> ah fun
<bart416> azonenberg, that's not that bad :P
<bart416> Cause of their efficiency *cough* they managed to forget to sign up all PhD students
<bart416> So they decided to just push all the paper to one of the colleges in the assocation and get them signed up there for the meanwhile
<bart416> And then afterwards have them fill out a large stack of paper to get them transfered
<bart416> azonenberg, I'm going to do something sort of insane
<bart416> See query xD