<azonenberg> So I did a little bit more reading and it looks like I will be switching my hardmask from Cr to Ni
<azonenberg> I'm also going to be using a more classic evaporation setup in which the sample is mounted above the filament instead of below, so i get more of a line of sight
<soul-d> evening azonenberg ,  did you see anything usable for evap on site i gave ?  http://www.labstuff.nl/contents/media/1g.jpg    < supposed to be  one 3" dia  but looks like a normal bottle to me :P (also its just 5 eur )
<azonenberg> I didnt have a chance to look at it
<azonenberg> will check it out in a bit, about ot head up to campus
<soul-d> ok, yeah finishing the day here :)  used my  new hot air gun  from aoyu solderstation to desolder 2x 128mb sdram  and some flash as to get to know it
<soul-d> although i probably would need to assume it was leadfree :)
<azonenberg> nice
<azonenberg> i just got my fpga talking to ddr2 sdram yesterday night
<soul-d> needed 360~ish but worked not to bad for first try
<azonenberg> now i have to get it playing nice with the 16MB NOR flash chip
<soul-d> devkit ?
<azonenberg> Yeah, quite a nice one
<soul-d> yeah ddr2
<soul-d> have  altera's cheapest  set
<soul-d> de1 and just got the  maxII kit and de nano
<soul-d> and went ahead and orderd  a cyclone 1 @ farnell and some randome needed bits
<soul-d> does look nice though diligent stuff  expensive though
<soul-d> should try seeedstudio out for some simple pcb's
<azonenberg> This one wasnt exactly cheap but it's very nice
<soul-d> does have some nice things like eth & usb   good qualitty video out
<azonenberg> Yeah
<soul-d> my de1 only has vga out  with 4bit reistor network :)
<azonenberg> I tried doing VGA with a CPLD but couldnt get the monitor to recognize it
<azonenberg> hopefully i can get HDMI working better
<soul-d> no it was verry picky  to screens here to
<soul-d> vga habbit
<azonenberg> i see
<soul-d> a lcd with  vga input might be handy
<soul-d> i think i saw  it reporting some data on what it fetched
<azonenberg> nice
<soul-d> but if it was crt you tried  they can be picky on signal
<berndj> ooold ones have narrow frequency ranges
<azonenberg> berndj: I tried a recent Asus 24" 1080p LCD
<azonenberg> fed it what should have been 640x480x60 VGA
<azonenberg> timing looked fine on my scope
<berndj> actually, aren't (some) lcd's even pickier?
<berndj> electronics can't really tell the difference between 640 and 1920 or whatever pixels; only the line count and frame rate matter
<berndj> was 480x60 perhaps just too slow?
<azonenberg> i dont think so, it displayed the same spec signal fine from my laptop
<azonenberg> w/e... i dont like analog
<azonenberg> TMDS ftw
<berndj> a crt might tell you more about what's wrong though!
<azonenberg> I agree
<soul-d> anyhow i was quite certain that with osd you could get some data on what it screen thinks it's getting
<berndj> you'd have some clue about what it isn't happy about
<azonenberg> My monitor was so confused the OSD froze
<soul-d> yeah could have been my  crt that told me
<azonenberg> my LCD*
<azonenberg> I couldnt find a CRT to test with
<soul-d> trew it out  cause it was to big
<berndj> soul-d, i've only seen osd tell you what your video mode is when the lcd monitor already recognizes the signal :-/
<azonenberg> in my case it displayed a black screen with no OSD
<azonenberg> i tried two screens
<azonenberg> the Asus froze
<azonenberg> the other one (forget the vendor) displayed a blank black screen
<azonenberg> with slight changes to time they both went "no signal" and shut down
<soul-d> true  my iyama still had bnc's on the back
<soul-d> so maybe it was just  biut more special :P
<berndj> how do you know your laptop outputs 480x60 and not, say, 480x135 (which would be the same line rate as 1080x60)
<azonenberg> berndj: Because the nvidia x server settings said 60 hz
<azonenberg> i didnt actually run timing on it but i doubt it would lie to me
<berndj> ah ok
<azonenberg> On that note... any tips on how to MITM a VGA signal from laptop to LCD?
<azonenberg> i want to get probes in there somehow
<berndj> you did give it blanked lines?
<azonenberg> berndj: Yes, i used the timing from my xorg.conf and converted into 20 MHz clock cycles
<berndj> ok cool
<azonenberg> (20 Mhz = two 640x480x60 pixels)
<azonenberg> or maybe it was 800x600
<azonenberg> in any case the nominal pixel clock was 40 MHz
<azonenberg> i was running at 20 so i had a min addressible size of 1x2 pixels
<azonenberg> But that should be fine
<azonenberg> sync pulse lengths and such measured by my scope all looked OK
<soul-d> 20mhz for vga ?
<berndj> i know there's some semi-undocumented trickery involved concerning whether to blank the lines during the interframe period, or whether to invert the sync pulses during it, etc
<soul-d> i think thats off  im sure on 640 it has some weird one  like 25.175
<azonenberg> soul-d: It's 40
<soul-d> maybe should try again on lcd now
<azonenberg> But i halved all of the delays and halved the clock period
<soul-d> yeah i saw in table
<azonenberg> They were all even so it should hav eworked
<azonenberg> and um, now i have an FPGA
<azonenberg> with onboard PLLs
<azonenberg> i can clock it at 40 or faster
<azonenberg> But why bother with VGA when i can do HDMI?
<azonenberg> I just need to buy myself an HDMI cable lol
<soul-d> yeah i was dumb enough to buy a weird screen with the dev board
<azonenberg> Right now one of my monitors is using VGA and the other DVI
<azonenberg> So both have HDMI in that's unused
<soul-d> do have 14" ready
<azonenberg> mine are 24"
<soul-d> only need  to make a lvds
<soul-d> and it's power supply
<azonenberg> Oh, talking straight to a bare LCD?
<azonenberg> I have an expansion port with 20 LVDS pairs on it
<azonenberg> should try that
<soul-d> still have a  laptop panel around
<azonenberg> I have a few of those but no specs
<soul-d> only need to figure out  if im right that inrush current is fixed  by a big fat cap?      egg devices   avrage   is  350 mA   max 550mA    and inrush is 2A  max  ofcourse i want to fix it with a 800mA  supply
<soul-d> yeah glad mine was easy to find